
The rules here are pretty basic:
We're all adults here. Let's behave as such. I will not be policing your writing, insofar as if you keep it PG, we're fine. An occasional slip up is understandable, but a consistent pattern of behavior is not.

It's Trek, keep it PGish most of the time. We're also adults, so. See the Discord for more detailed info/a further in-depth discussion from SFUK re their views on "ratings." I find them limiting and draconian, but again. This isn't an ERP, so don't do that. Ask your writing partner what they're OK with and go from there.

Keep IC stuff IC, and OOC stuff OOC.

Don't GodMod/power play. Redshirting a character is SOLELY at that player's discretion only.

But yeah. See rule 1. Just act right.