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Sat Oct 12th, 2024 @ 8:08pm

Lieutenant Commander Andrew "Drew" Chandler

Name Andrew "Drew" James Chandler

Position Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 183cm
Weight 80kg
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Blue with a hint of green
Physical Description Drew has a strong athletic build. He has a neatly trimmed full beard and full head of hair


Spouse Kelly Chandler (deceased)
Children Ashley Chandler
Father Michael Chandler
Mother ReneƩ Chandler
Sister(s) Rachel Chandler, School Teacher

Personality & Traits

General Overview Drew is a professional Starfleet officer and devoted father. He always treats everyone with respect and professionalism.
Strengths & Weaknesses STRENGTHS
Master of several unarmed combat styles
Expert in small arms
Master tactician and strategist
Good father

Emotionally closed with non family at times
Mourns his late wife still
Doesn't open up to others easily
Ambitions Drew's greatest ambition is too be a good father.
Hobbies & Interests Mixed martial arts
Track and field
Spending time with his family

Personal History Andrew "Drew" Chandler was born to Michael and Renee Chandler on June 21st, 2343 in the city of Saint Louis, Missouri. He grew up in the neighboring city of Webster Groves attending public school throughout his childhood and adolescenceI. He lettered in track and field, as well as, gymnastics.

Drew was subject to bullying in grade school and his parents enrolled him in Tae Kron Do in middle school. He continued to study the martial arts discipline until his graduation from Webster Groves High School.

Drew applied for admission to Starfleet Academy during his senior. He was overjoyed at his acceptance and started his first year in the fall of 2361. It was during his freshman year he met Kelly Grayson, a fellow cadet, and the two fell in love. The couple were married four years later by the Academy Commandant immediately following the graduation ceremony for the Class of 2365.

The Chandlers were both assigned to the USS Venture with Drew serving in security and Kelly as a junior science officer. Their daughter, Ashley, was born almost a year later on the 1st of April in 2366.

The Chandler family returned to Earth in June of 2368. Drew to work as an threat analyst at Starfleet Command and Kelly as an assistant professor at the Academy. Both were happy to have a planetary assignment that afforded them more time and stability in raising their daughter. However, it wasn't long until the threat of the Dominion grew.

Drew was a man of action and principle. He applied for special warfare training to combat the growing threat the Dominion was to the Federation. He was accepted to the Special Warfare School in January of 2371 following the destruction of the USS Odyssey. He spent the next year and a half attending various training centers (Basic Special Warfare training in San Diego, Advanced training on Andoria and Skill Qualifications testing as a probationary officer with the Rapid Tactical Response Teams) to obtain his qualifications.

Drew was assigned as platoon commander for Second Platoon, Alpha Troop, Team Seven in July of 2372. Team Seven was performing workup for deployment due to increasing tensions with the Dominion. Drew deployed six months later to Starbase 375 as hostilities with the Dominion began heating up.

Drew and his platoon were sent on seventeen combat missions during a nearly two year period. He was granted a hardship leave following the death of Kelly during the Breen attack on Earth in the final month of 2374.

Drew and Ashley were devastated by the loss. Both attended mandatory counseling sessions during the final months of the War. Drew's condition was compounded when he recieved word his former platoon was annihilated during a mission to extract prisoners of war from an asteroid prison in Cardassian Space.

Drew was fortunate to have the support of his parents and sister. He was finally brought back to active following the end of the Dominion War. He was assigned to Deep Space Nine as Strategic Operations Officer following Lieutenant Commander Worf's appointment as Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire.

Drew brought Ashley to the distant Space station to live. His sister, Rachel Chandler, accompanied them and took up a job as a teacher and administrator for the station's learning center. He has spent the last five years performing assessments and liaison duties with the Bajoran and Cardassian governments and coordinating joint operations with the Klingon Defense Forces.

Drew has developed a strong professional relationship with his fellow officers, but has been somewhat standoffish when it comes to personal interactions with people. He still mourns privately for his late wife and has been focused on raising his daughter with the help of Rachel.

Drew has been given new orders attaching him to the USS Deliverance as Mission Advisor.
Service Record JUL 2361 - JUN 2365: Starfleet Academy, Midshipman (Security/Tactical track)

JUL 2365 - JUN 2368: USS Venture, Security/Tactical Officer. Promotion to Lieutenant (j. g.) in JAN 2367.

JUL 2368 - JUN 2371: Starfleet Command, Office of Strategic Operation, Cardassian/Dominion Threat Assessment Division. Promotion to Lieutenant in JUL 2369.

JAN 2371 - JUN 2372: Rapid Response Training Center in San Diego, Special Warfare Officer Trainee

JUL 2372 - DEC 2374: Rapid Tactical Response Team Seven, Platoon Commander. Promotion to Lieutenant Commander in NOV 2374.

DEC 2374 - JUN 2375: Hardship Leave

JUL 2375 - JUN 2380: Starbase Deep Space Nine, Chief Strategic Operations Officer

JUN 2380 - JUL 2380: USS Deliverance, Mission Advisor
JUL 2380 - PRESENT: USS Deliverance, Chief Strategic Operations Officer