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Sat Oct 28th, 2023 @ 1:09am

Sergeant Koshu Gahi

Name Koshu Usskik Gahi Inestado

Position Marine

Rank Sergeant

Character Information

Gender Agendered/Non-Binary
Species .Chix'alk
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 167
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Red
Physical Description Gender: The .Chix'alk have 4 genders:
Virtrempi: Analogous to a Human Male
Hermoncipi: Analogous to a Human Hermaphrodite
Inestado: Analogous to a Human Female
Posento : Analogous to a Humanoid marsupial
Koshu, which is Tem Given name, is an Inestado.


Spouse Usskik'Banaii Gahi'Virtrempi, Usskik'B'Sata Gahi'Hermoncipi, Usskik'Koshu Gahi'Inestado
Brother(s) Usskik'Banaii Gahi'Virtrempi
Usskik'B'Sata Gahi'Hermoncipi
Usskik'Koshu Gahi'Inestado
Sister(s) Usskik'Banaii Gahi'Virtrempi
Usskik'B'Sata Gahi'Hermoncipi
Usskik'Koshu Gahi'Inestado
Other Family Usskik'Banaii Gahi'Virtrempi, Usskik'B'Sata Gahi'Hermoncipi, Usskik'Koshu Gahi'Inestado

Personality & Traits

General Overview Usskik'Gemi Gahi'Posento, informally known as Gemi Gahi, is a member of the .Chix'alk species. .Chix'alk are depicted as being somewhat similar in appearance to humans, except as follows: The .Chix'alk consists of four sexes/genders:

Virtrempi: Analogous to a Human Male, with the following differences: A Virtrempi produces two type of sperm: X and Y, which, along with the Hermoncipi ovum, determine the sex of the resulting embryo. The Virtrempi impregnates the Hermoncipi to produce the embryo.

Hermoncipi: Analogous to a Human Hermaphrodite, with the following differences: A Hermoncipi produces two types of ovum: W and Z, which, along with the sperm from the Virtrempi, determine the sex of the resulting embryo. Once the embryo reaches a certain stage of growth (around 10 days), it is passed along to the Inestado.

Inestado: Analogous to a Human Female, with the following differences: An Inestado receives the embryo from the Hermoncipi, and carries it for around 60 days, then passes it to the posento.

Posento : Analogous to a Humanoid marsupial, with the following differences: The posento carries the infant for around 6 months in a pouch-like environment, where it is nourished until such time that it is large enough to emerge from the pouch.

.Chix'alk Pronouns
Posento: Salutation: Mm; He/She: E; Him/Her: Em; His/Her: Eir; His/Hers: Eirs; Himself/Herself: Emself