
  • 7 Mission Posts

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Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 12:09am

Lieutenant Byron Baker

Name Byron Roger Baker

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 195 lbs
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tall and slender but has a muscular build.


Father Dr Paul Baker, Chief Of Residency NYU Medical
Mother Dr Ingrid Baker, Chief Surgeon NYU Medical.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Easy going personality.
Usually has a very positive outlook on life.
Is very intense when it comes to his patients.
Excellent surgeon.
The Deliverance is his first assignment.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Always goes above and beyond where his patients are concerned.
+ Will put his own life to protect his patients.
+ Studied alien physiology at Starfleet Medical.
- Afraid of the unknown
Ambitions To be the best chief medical officer he can be,
Hobbies & Interests Practices martial arts.
Reads a lot of medical journals.

Personal History Born to Paul and Ingrid Baker on December 15th, their only child.
At about 3, displayed an interest in medicine. By the time he entered primary school, his interests increased.
A bright pupil skipped grades because the work was too easy for him.
At 7, his IQ was measured at 140.
Entered junior high at 10, he was the youngest student, and the brightest, in the school's history.
Entered high school by the age of 12. Graduated at 15.

Entered college, majoring in medicine, at 15. His GPA never dropped below 3.9.
Graduated college at 17. Entered Harvard Medical School, majoring in surgery.
Took advanced classes at Harvard.
Graduated from Harvard Medical at the age of 26, with Batchlor of Science Degrees in: Respiratory Therapy; Surgery; Exercise Therapy; Nutrition and Diet and Biology.

Service Record After graduating from Harvard Medical, entered Starfleet Medical.
With his knowledge and degrees from Harvard, quickly went through Starfleet Medical in 3 years.
On his 30th birthday, graduated from Starfleet Medical, commissioned a Lieutenant and Assigned to the USS Deliverance as Chief Medical Officer.