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Sat Oct 12th, 2024 @ 8:08pm

Commander Damian Morgan

Name Damian Morgan

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 45

Physical Appearance

Height 6-0
Weight 200
Hair Color light brown
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Slim and athletic, and slightly muscular build.

Likes to keep hair short, almost with a buzzcut look to it. Doesn't like facial hair, like to keep clean shaven.


Spouse n/a
Children n/a
Father Nicholas aka "Nick"
Mother Celia
Sister(s) Katherine "Kate" and Sydney "Syd"
Other Family n/a

Personality & Traits

General Overview Damian is a "by the book" Starfleet Officer who always had high hopes and ambitions from the time he was a child. His presence among peers and superior officers commands deep respect. Damian has a deep sense of service and devotion to Starfleet and holds the chain of command in high regard.

He is friendly, jovial, and because of an almost photgraphic memory, he remembers almost everything he sees and hears.
Damian was able to recite every name in his Academy graduating class.
Strengths & Weaknesses Leads by example and gets the best out of those under his command. Mentorship is important to Damian. As a young pilot, the Second Officer under which he served took Morgan under his wing and helpled him along the way.

Morgan also tends to be a bit overprotective of his friends and close comrades. He has been known to take risks a little too easily.
Ambitions Damian always wanted to fly, especially from a young age. He studied aviation as a hobby and even got his pilot's license when he was a teenager.

His early career put him on several bases and outposts and mastered flying shuttles and pods. Damian's ultimate goal is to command a starship. No matter the class, designation, crew complement, Morgan just wanted to navigate the stars as master and commander.
Hobbies & Interests Aviation, reading, 20th century history, 20th century automobiles, and baseball.

Personal History Damian is the youngest of three children, born to Nicholas and Celia Morgan. He grew up in San Francisco. As a child, Damian was an avid reader, even in elementary school. It was through books that satisfied his thirst for knowledge. He learned all he could about planes, flying, aviation, space, and exploration.

Damian also earned a third degree black belt in taekwondo in high school. Later in his early 20s, he had the opportunity to train in the Vulcan martial arts suus mahna. Damian became adept at navorkot, an evasion and defensive technique.
Service Record 2353: Began study at Starfleet Academy

2357: Graduated from the Academy, top 10% of his class.