
  • 2 Mission Posts

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Tue Oct 8th, 2024 @ 7:18pm

Lieutenant Alex Dalton

Name Alex Keith Dalton

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 200
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tall, cropped blonde hair with board shoulders, powerful shoulders Alex is quite a looker according to the ladies


Father Captain (Retired) Johnathon Dalton
Mother Captain Carrie-Ann Dalton, USS Icarus
Brother(s) Darren, 25, Shane, 23
Sister(s) Hannah, 22, Jenny, 16
Other Family Nephew, Joseph, 1

Personality & Traits

General Overview Spearing the head of the large family Alex learnt from a young age to lead from the front had become equally aware how important his actions influence those around him. Thus in turn had made him a confident person, yet he still remains humbled and still hungry to learn to improve himself.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Naturally curious
+ Compassionate

- Shy
- Poor at setting boundaries
Ambitions To have a discovery or technique named after himself. Also to satisfy his nagging mother by finding himself a partner
Hobbies & Interests Extreme actives including: Caving, Base jumping and free diving

Personal History The eldest of five children and born into a active fleet family Alex's childhood was never going to be 'normal'. Their mother would spark their enthusiasm with small repair projects and problem solving games, while their father would home in their tactical thinking and compassion but most of the children education and primary carer was their minder, Susan.

The civilian became their travelling companion as demands forced the family to relocate following new postings, her ability to multi task even in in the heat of much screaming and pleading was astonishing as the Dalton family grew in size. It was a trait Alex learned to recognise and develop as he began to understand his unique position in the family.

Naturally being the eldest he was encouraged to join the Starfleet Academy to follow in the wake of his parents success, though the decision was ultimately down to him, he is one of two siblings who answered the call.
Service Record Starfleet Academy
USS Leeds, Operations Officer
USS Wellington, Assistant Chief Operations Officer
USS Deliverance, Chief Operations Officer