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Tue Oct 8th, 2024 @ 7:18pm

Lieutenant Commander Joran Maz

Name Joran Maz

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Trill (Joined)
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 170
Hair Color Medium Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Joran is of average height for a male Trill, and not exceptionally well-built. His face is handsome, but with almost no distinguishing features that make it remarkable or particularly memorable. Like the vast majority of his species, Joran has brownish spots that frame his face. He has bright, inquisitive blue eyes and tends to wear his hair in a short and easily-managed style.


Spouse Matthew Bell (Divorced)
Children n/a
Father Jerys Durghan
Mother Lirisse Zhod
Brother(s) Zell Durghan
Sister(s) Teeka Durghan
Other Family Joran's maternal Aunt Jella Droshall serves as mayor of Kentarra Dev, the fourth-largest city on Trill and a major hub of interstellar commerce in the home system.

Personality & Traits

General Overview With a very long-lived symbiont the has spent literally centuries in the physical sciences, Joran has an extremely sharp mind. Even when given off the cuff, his scientific analyses are typically spot on. Since he is able to draw upon a wealth of life experiences, Joran deals with others very well, almost in a rehearsed manner. He has a thirst for discovery that borders on the obsessive.
Strengths & Weaknesses By far the strongest asset that Joran possesses is the depth of experience that Maz brings to the table. These experiences, combined with Joran's own innate intellect, make Joran an excellent theoretical and practical scientist.

On the opposite side of that coin, Joran is also quite stubborn and hates to be proven wrong. Sometimes, he will spend more time proving he is correct than on the actual research.
Ambitions Since it has been widely accepted on Trill that Joran will be Maz's final host, Joran simply wants to continue making worthwhile contributions to society and the pool of scientific knowledge. He wants Maz's final years to be as productive and enriching as possible.
Hobbies & Interests Joran loves mathematics, and wants to fulfill his goal of numerically quantifying as many phenomena as possible. He also loves music, the more atonal and experimental the better.

Personal History Joran Durghan was born in 2338 to a family that had a long and storied history in the sciences. His father Jerys was a theoretical propulsion researcher, while his (joined) mother was a noted subspace theoretician. Together, Joran's parents worked on multiple advanced propulsion designs including refining the quantum slipstream drive brought home by USS Voyager.

Early testing on Joran notes a high predisposition toward mathematics and science, not surprising given his parents' fields of study. The Trill Government recognized his aptitude as well, immediately placing the boy in one of their best programs geared toward the sciences. Joran breezed through the advanced program in near record time, graduating when he was just sixteen year old. The young man entered an advanced study program sponsored by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which of course required relocation to Earth. When he left for the MIT program in 2354, it was the last time he would see Trill for nearly two decades.

Under the tutelage of several professors, Joran Durghan thrived. In addition to the advanced degree work, Joran was also preparing to become an Initiate. Shortly after completing his Master's Degree in 2357, Joran was offered the opportunity to host the storied Maz symbiont. Maz's host Veena had been critically injured in a shuttle accident, and the symbiont needed to be implanted in a host immediately. Joran was already a finalist to receive Maz, but the implantation took place several years earlier than was originally planned. In June of 2357, Joran Durghan became the new person Joran Maz.

The new entity Joran Maz was still very young for a joined individual, made even more apparent with the symbiont's advanced age. Although Joran was only 19, Maz had seen nearly eight centuries of life...most of it spent in the sciences. Feeling that his potential was not being best used in a Lab, Joran applied to Starfleet and was accepted. His advanced degree gave Joran a slot in an accelerated Officer Training program; in summer of 2361, Ensign Joran Maz was commissioned and began service on the USS Roanoke.

Knowing that he would have to pay his dues to advance in position and rank, Joran kept his head down and worked hard. His research assignments were exceptionally well executed, so much that the Captain of the Roanoke appointed Joran to a Bridge Science Officer's position after only a year. Joran world the Beta Shift Science Officer's position until 2365 when he was promoted to Lieutenant JG and was asked to head several research projects. Success on these projects earned Joran more accolades, eventually garnering a promotion to Assistant Chief Science Officer in 2369. When Roanoke's senior science officer retired in 2373, Joran was named as his replacement. He served in that position until 2380, when he was transferred to the USS Deliverance .