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Sat Oct 12th, 2024 @ 6:47pm

Lieutenant JG Elysian "Elly" Clarke

Name Elysian "Elly" Marie Clarke

Position Astrometrics Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 109 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Elly is a tall, blonde woman of Caucasian descent. She has blue eyes, and some scarring on her torso from previous battle experience. Professional, she is clean and neat, but out of work, she is often sloppy and disorganized.


Spouse None
Children None yet
Father Edward Clark
Mother Monica Clark
Brother(s) Eddie, Jr.-Age 28 (Starfleet Engineer)
Andrew, Age 26, Elly's Twin. (Starfleet Botanist)
Thomas (Tommy), age 22 (Teacher)
Sister(s) Katlyn Clark, age 24 (Government employee)
Samantha Clark, age 19 (Cadet, Starfleet Academy)
Other Family Rebecca Clark, age 27, married to Jr.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Elly is the kind of woman who will NEVER SHUT UP. She talks all day. Most of this is to hide a self-esteem problem, but some of it is her overall personality-she's very outgoing and "up". She is quite friendly, and seeks people out.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

-Easily distracted (esp by shiny things)
-can sometimes be "too much" and needs gentle but firm reminders.
Ambitions To one day run her own Starfleet science labs
have a family
Hobbies & Interests Reading

Personal History Born on Copernicus colony, Sol's Moon, her father is a former Starfleet Operations officer and her mother was just a housewife. The Clark children were raised on Starships and bases, traveling the known universe with their father's work responsibilities.

She joined the Academy at 18, with her twin brother. They both chose Science, but different fields-her brother chose Botany, while Elly has always been interested in Astrometrics-the location, classifications, and other factors of the various worlds in the Federation have always fascinated her.

At the academy, she was only an "ok" student, earning mostly B marks, due, in large part, to an as of yet undiagnosed learning disability (ADD). Still, she persevered through sheer gumption, and managed to graduate. She took her first assignment on the USS Bonne Homme Richard, where she moved from Ensign to LTJG.
Service Record 2372-75: Starfleet Academy
2375-79: USS Bonne Homme Richard, Ensign, Staff Astrometrics Officer.
Present: USS Deliverance, Astrometrics, Lt.JG.