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Mon Oct 14th, 2024 @ 5:31pm

Lieutenant JG Rose Andrake

Name Rose Liann Andrake

Position Stellar Cartographer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human?
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10 (175.26 cm)
Weight 180 lb (81.6 kg)
Hair Color Auburn
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Caucasian or Baltic human female standing at 175.26 cm and weighing 81.6 kg, with red hair cut short. Her features are sharp, angular, and stereotypically Baltic, with brown eyes, and a stocky, surprisingly strong musculature. Her back is as muscular and defined as the rest of her, alongside a well-developed core and wider hips than her genetics would normally dictate. Figure measurements of 36C, 26, 40, (80D, 66, 100 international/metric) give her a curvaceous and gracefully slim figure, and leggy, as her inseam measures 90.5 centimeters.

Normally wears her uniform properly, and takes good care of herself. Her hair, depending on the time of year, will either be slicked and tied back, or clipped to one side with two copper barrettes. She does not normally wear makeup in uniform, except in dress uniform.

She does have one tattoo, a large, intricate circuit board of runes and sigils, apparently three spells interwoven around each other.

This tattoo runs from the wrist of the left arm to the shoulder and down her back, crossing to the right hip and down to the right knee. Offshoot traces curl under the left breast and across the neck.


Spouse James Micheal Bujold (DECEASED)
Children None
Father John Micheal Andrake
Mother Michelle Elizabeth Andrake
Brother(s) Adam Andrake - Indefinitely imprisoned for attempted fratricide, espionage, treason, piracy, murder
Sister(s) None
Other Family Unknown - possible relatives on several other vessels.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rose Andrake is a survivor through and through. Logical, intelligent, and quick witted. Far smarter than she gives herself credit for, and tends towards nervousness at the mention of her brother and former ship. She is strong willed and resilient, but deeply traumatized and insecure.

*Religious exemption to starship sound dampening in quarters
* Worship service self led by weekly galley duty as secondary duty
* Religious access accomodations for accessing known error zones in artificial gravity or non gravity equipped areas at leisure.
Strengths & Weaknesses Rose Andrake is a talented astronavigator, able to read starmaps of nearly any make and determine her position in them with a cursory glance out the window. She can also change reference equations to make a starmap nearly illegible to even the most talented navigators.

However, she has major insecurities about her ability and talents that leave her constantly seeking approval and validation, despite her ability to take charge and command in emergencies.

Moeover, she is a recovered combat stimulant addict, and in her previous posting was court marshalled and demoted for her actions repelling boarders using these stimulants and a phase shotgun, though claims she was not the one to administer those drugs.
Ambitions Rose would like to command her own vessel one day, based on the choice of the crew and the ship's computer, rather than traditional assignment and her own selection.
Hobbies & Interests Rose enjoys music in her downtime, sitting on the outer hull and singing into empty comm channels as though calling to something.

She also enjoys finding and napping in the "sweet spot" of starships, claiming that the lack of gravity is soothing to her.

She enjoys crafting intricate jewelry, weaving, cooking, and sewing, claiming the process as "meditative"

Personal History Rose was born and raised on a twenty five man crew postage freighter running the core worlds route between the various frontier colonies in the Federation core.

It was a quiet, good life, one that she would never know how her route could make or break the Federation's expansion efforts. Eventually, she gained her own ship, an 80 man high speed long range freighter, and even married.

When her brother joined a band of pirates, it didn't take long for her ship to be targeted. In the attack is where she suffered three failures that shook her to the very core.

First. She couldn't get the ship moving fast enough to escape, being too deep in a gravity well, with an asteroid field between them and the system's edge, and pirates herding the freighter towards the star.

Second. Even her maneuvers could not stop the pirates from severing the ship's engines, using phasers to tear off her nacelles, and shatter her impulsors.

Third, when the pirates boarded, she could not act fast enough, jettison enough hatches to save her crew. When the pirates breached the bridge, the nearest StarFleet vessel was six hours away. Rose got her first taste of combat stims when her husband stepped between her and the pirate about to shoot her, and was killed by her brother.

Video footage beyond this point was corrupted. Adam Andrake was found and arrested by the crew of the USS Jorgenson twenty two hours after the attack on the remains of the ISS Starbreaker. Rose herself it took six months to track down, where she was found on a derelict Klingon bird of prey in interstellar space and treated for dehydration, malnutrition, and combat stimulant addiction.
Service Record *USS Lexington: Rescue, recruitement, onsite training.
10 months

*StarFleet Academy of Astrophysics and Astronavigation, Mars: Final training
6 months

*USS Jorgenson: First assignment. Promoted from Ensign to Lieutennant, Junior Grade
13 months

*VSV Caerea: Promoted from LTJr to Lieutennant
12 months

*USS San Clemente: Promoted from Lt. to LT. Commander
18 months
-Demoted to the rank of Lt.JG for reckless endangerment of self and others during a hostile boarding action. By use of close range weaponry and Klingon combat stimulants endangered herself, her crew, and her ship to repel boarders, and for severely injuring six members of security and medical when she was located and sedated for medical treatment. Demotion will come with immediate reassignment on fleet needs and bar from promotion for a period of one year.

*USS Deliverance
Awaiting return to duty authorization

* Can taste difference between replicated and fresh food
* Transporter sickness (Will vomit, likely psychosomatic)
* Synthehol allergy (Hives, nausea, exaggerated intoxicant response)
* Confirmed psychic parasite, treated, non-infectious.