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Watching The Ship In Spacedock

Posted on Sat Jul 29th, 2023 @ 4:53pm by Captain Aaron Larson
Edited on Sat Jul 29th, 2023 @ 4:55pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

It was 0300 hours.

The guest quarters that were assigned to Larson were comfortable. The bedroom was large. The living/dining room was acceptable.

Larson exited the bedroom, wearing only pajama bottoms. He had an excellent fit body. His posture was perfect.

He made himself a scotch from the bar.

He walked over to the large viewscreen that was on one wall. "Computer. Activate view screen. Tie into spacedock 5 and give me a visual."

"Please confirm identification."

"Captain Aaron Larson. Authorization Alpha 117 Zulu Enable."

The monitor was activated. On the screen was his new command, the USS Deliverance. "Status of work." He asked the computer.

"The ship is 94% completed. The outer and inner hull is completed. Warp and impulse engines undergoing final checks. Weapons systems offline, Full complement of torpedoes completed. Estimated finish time, 96 hours."

The door to the bedroom opened. Out walked Kate, wearing the pajama top. "Catching up on work again?" She walked over, took the drink of his hand, took a sip and handed it back.

"4 days will she's ready."

Kate looked at him. "I know you're eager to get on board, but right now, we have unfinished business to take care of." She moved behind. and wrapped her arms around his chest. She moved one hand down his chest to his pajamas.

Aaron took her by the hand and led her back to the bedroom.


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