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Review, Review, Review

Posted on Tue Aug 1st, 2023 @ 9:38pm by

244 words; about a 1 minute read

Gemi was in Eir quarters, along with the others of eir family unit, Gahi, of the Usskik tribe, who have yet to receive their assignments, which are generalized as follows:
Usskik'Banaii Gahi'Virtrempi: Engineer
Usskik'B'Sata Gahi'Hermoncipi: Medic
Usskik'Koshu Gahi'Inestado: Guard

Each family member, including Gemi, had received formal training at Star Fleet Academy. Gemi had decided to use Eir avocation as a scientist in a rather unique way: as a chef for the crew of the Deliverance. E had studied every facet of the food replicator system, as well custom programming of the replicator so E could replicate any food stuff for all known species.

Banaii communicated telepathically to Gemi Vis need to have a meal, for Verself, and the other members of the family unit. Ve then went to the community terminal to check on Vis assignment, as well as the assignments of B'Sata and Koshu. Their assignments were still in a pending state, so Ve sighed telepathically, and B'Sata and Koshu both nodded in agreement at their frustration.

Gemi returned from the replicator with the meals, and placed them on the table in proper order: Banaii's meal at the head of the table, then, in clockwise fashion, B'Sata's meal, Koshu's meal, then Vis own meal. The fifth position at the table had the customary miniature place setting, representing their ancestors.

After the customary statement of being, followed by the ritual recital, they each took turns eating their meals in their normal rotating manner.


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Tags: .chix'alk, Usskik,Gemi,Gahi,Posento, chef

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