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Surprise Delivery!

Posted on Sun Aug 13th, 2023 @ 1:43pm by Lieutenant Alula Beru

632 words; about a 3 minute read

Personal Log SD202308.13

Alula strolled along the upper level of the Promenade. People watching was one of her favorite past times. And here on DS9, it was a delight. There were so many visitors and so many races, so much drama. It was a feast for the eyes & senses.

She had been out w/ a few of her crew mates the previous evening and it had been fun meeting and getting to know them. This afternoon, she was looking to do some shopping before the arrival of the USS Deliverance in a few days. She loved the exotic shops here and decided to buy some gifts for her parents and brother. Just before she was about to step into a fragrance store, she heard her name being shouted.

“Lieutenant Beru!! Lieutenant BERU!!”

Alula spun around and thought, ‘What in the world…?!’

Quark came running up upon her and frantically pleaded with her, “You’ve got to come right away! They delivered it to my bar! It’s causing havoc! I can’t have it, I tell you! I’m losing business!” He grabbed her elbow and proceeded to drag her past the colonnade.

Trying not to trip, she jogged along side him completely confused by his urgency, “What’s here?? What are you talking about?!”

Quark dragged her into his bar and towards his back counter where she could hear a screeching ruckus coming from a medium-sized cargo box. “There!” he said, pointing to the box. “Do something w/ those horrible creatures! It was delivered to my bar by mistake. It was supposed to go to your quarters!”

Alula pulled her elbow from Quark’s grasp and, wide-eyed, moved closer to the shaking box. The sounds coming from inside it was nothing like she’d ever heard before. She noticed it had small holes adorning the sides of the box. Clearly something was alive and unhappy in there.

As she lifted the top off the box, Quark warned, “I would not do that if I was you!” He ducked behind his bar and held a large drinking horn in front of him. “Whatever comes out of there, I’m ready!!” He brandished the make-shift weapon in front of him.

Alula rolled her eyes at him and then peered inside the box. She squealed in delight when two familiar pairs of eyes met hers!! “Babies!!”


Quark scowled and leaned over the bar toward the box, slightly curious, slightly terrified, “Babies??! They are more like monsters!”

Alula reached in and pulled out her two young cats. Hugging them close, she murmured to them, “What happened my, baby boys? You were supposed to be sent to the Deliverance, not here!” She looked at Quark, “There must have been some mix up.”

He put down the horn and huffed indignantly, “Mix up?? I’ll say!! Those belong to you? Good! Take them out of here! They are scaring my customers!”

Alula kissed their warm fuzzy heads and held them close to her, feeling them settle down and purr against her chest. “They were just scared. They are harmless. Sweetest kitties ever.”

He eyed the felines, unconvinced, “Yea, right!”

She started walking towards the door with the cats tucked safe in her arms and called over her shoulder, “Would you be so kind as to send some flaked Edosian suckerfish to my quarters. I’m sure these two are starved.”

Quark called after her, “It will cost you double! And extra for the room service!”

“Yea, yea!” Alula replied leaving the bar not caring what it cost her just as long as her kitties were fed.

Quark typed in her order and then began wiping the bar top, all the while mumbling at how his patrons are always taking advantage of his kind-hearted generosity.


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