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Medical Meetup

Posted on Sat Aug 19th, 2023 @ 8:15pm by Captain Aaron Larson & Lieutenant Dr. Katherine Peck PhD & Captain Dr. Nairut Noxi & Petty Officer 1st Class Blair Stevens

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: DS9 war room
Timeline: Day Before Launch?


Noxi was wandering the corridors of DS9. It was "home" to her-in a way. The Bajoran had been part of the captives that had built the station when it belonged to the Cardassians. Later, it was her second posting, and where she'd met her ex-husband. It held memories-some good and some bad. At any rate, tomorrow, she'd disembark with the Deliverance, but today? It was her last day of shore leave, and she intended to make the most of it. She'd taken a shuttle the day she'd arrived to Bajor to visit her mother and brother and his wife. That had been lovely. Then, she'd mostly shopped, drank, ate, and saw old friends, some of whom were still employed by the Militia to work here.

She passed the Command office, and stopped for a minute. She decided that now was as good of a time as any to meet her new CO. She rang the chime, and was shown into an anteroom by the Yeoman. She introduced herself "Dr. Nairut Noxi, USS Deliverance. Is Captain Larson here?" She asked. She looked down for a moment-she wasn't in a uniform. Instead, she was wearing a white sundress, flats, and her brown hair hung down in rippling waves. The only sign she wasn't human was the traditional earring in her right ear, and a series of five ridge from the middle of her nose to her forehead. She wore just a little makeup, but otherwise, she looked fine. She was finally allowed to ring the chime to the office where Larson was supposed to be. "Dr. Nairut Noxi, Chief Medical Officer," she said.

In the War Room, being used as an office for Larsen, he looked up at the new doctor. Larsen aid, Stevens, handed him a padd. Larsen got up, walked over and extended a hand. "Dr. Nairut, welcome aboard."

Noxi didn't immediately take his hand. Instead, she looked at him for a moment. A human. Why her?! Still, she sighed, but shook his hand. "Thank you," she said, reservedly. "I apologize for being out of uniform, but I don't have duty today," she said. "I was doing a bit of shopping on the Promenade."

"Quite all right, doctor." Larson indicated a seat.

The doors open and Kat entered. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." She took a look at Nairut.

"Doctor Nairut, this is Doctor Katherine Peck, the ship's counselor." Larson made the introductions.

Vila smiled tightly. Why was the Counselor here? That was usually never a good sign. "Nice to meet you. I can come back later," she said, stepping towards the door. "They said you were available, though. Might want to let your yeoman know she double-booked you."

Larsen held up a hand. "Doctor. I asked the Counselor here because the two of you will be working closely together. I'm sorry if it looked like an ambush, it wasn't meant to be."

Noxi nodded. "I see," she said. "That makes sense, I guess." She sat back. She wasn't fond of counselors. Or humans. "Nice to meet you, as I said."

Larson smiled at her. "Have you had the chance to inspect sickbay, Dr?"

Noxi nodded. "Yes, sir, I have. It is satisfactory," she said. She wasn't one to say a lot at first-not only did she need to build up trust, she also was measuring her words so she didn't say the wrong thing right now. "I am looking forward to getting her up and running." She had settled into a chair, but kept her legs tightly crossed. She was actually kind of neurotic and kinetic, preferring to be constantly moving.

Peck sat next to Noxi. "Doctor. Your body language suggests you are feeling......tense. Are you alright?" Peck smiled at her.

Noxi gave the woman a stare. She hated Counselors. "I am fine," she said, through gritted teeth. "I just...will be glad when it's time to sail," she said. Truth was, she felt like there was more to this meeting than a simple meet and greet, contrary to what the Captain said.

Captain Larson poured himself a glass of water. "Unless you have more questions, doctor........."

"I have nothing. YOU invited me here today, Captain," she said.

"Yeoman." Larson called out but didn't turn his head. "Did the doctor make an appointment to see me today?"

Stevens checked her padd. "No sir. She was a walk in."

"So, doctor, turns out that you didn't have an appointment but just decided to come and report in for duty. That's fine, I admire that in my officers, but don't, don't, at any time confuse whether you walked in or not. And it would be best for you to curb that temper of yours." He never took his eyes off her. "Dismissed, doctor."

She just shrugged, and walked out, saying nothing. She was pretty sure that his yeoman was the one in the wrong here-she was a doctor, she didn't exactly have the free time to just drop in on command for no reason. Curious. She made her way to the Promenade. He could figure it out later.

OOC Larsen: Done?


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