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Meet, Greet, Eat

Posted on Fri Aug 25th, 2023 @ 8:05pm by Captain Aaron Larson

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Deliverance

Gemi Gahi left Eir quarters, leaving behind the remainder of the family unit, and made Eir way to the room where the Command Team was located. As E spoke, the implanted Universal Translator activated and translated the .Chix'alk language into Terran.

Stewart was the first to notice the person enter the room. He had studied this peculiarly unique species, but was not quite prepared for the stark uniqueness of the person standing in front of them. He politely waited for ... he paused for a minute, trying to recall the proper pronoun to use ... ahh, yes, Em to introduce Emself.

"Chief Petty Officer Mm Usskik'Gemi Gahi'Inestado, Scientist Chef, reporting as required."

Gemi paused, wondering how E would be received. E was rather anxious to go to Eir assigned location, where ever that might be, and start prepping whatever sustenance may be required for this group of beings.

Stewart watched as the poly-chromatic eyes changed colors, in sync with the poly-chromatic horns, and marveled at the engineering that must have gone into adapting a UT to be physically implanted into a species. Realizing that he had been staring longer than he was accustomed to, he shook his head slightly, and, replied, "Welcome, Mm Gahi. Send greetings to your unit."

Stewart realized he had never spoken such a long sentence in quite a while, not even when giving his dissertations and speeches.

He then turned to the Captain and nodded.

"Petty officer, I greet you. Please sit." Larson responded.

CPO Gahi nodded to the Captain, and took the chair across from him. Not sure if E should use Eir Terran-style first name, last name, or tribe, E decided that EIr last name would be the traditional manner to respond. "Gahi greets you, Captain Larson."

Larson nodded. "I thank you, Gahi."

Gahi nodded in the customarily Terran style, then simply stated, "If there are no interrogative statements, Gahi is ready for duty as Chief Chef."

Stewart looked at Gahi for a moment, studying Em for a moment, then replied, "No questions." He then turned and looked at Captain Larson and said, "Captain?"


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