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Not Getting Out of It That Easily

Posted on Sat Aug 19th, 2023 @ 12:12pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrew "Drew" Chandler & Captain Dr. Nairut Noxi
Edited on on Sat Aug 19th, 2023 @ 12:28pm

635 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: USS Deliverance, Sickbay
Timeline: TBD

Drew entered the Deliverance Sickbay with a PADD in hand. He had thought to simply upload his medical records directly to the Sickbay database, but felt it more prudent to actually bring them in person. He wanted to clear the air so to speak after his sudden departure from Quark's the other day.

Noxi looked up at Drew's entrance. "Hello. I told you to be careful, didn't I?" She smiled. "I'll start fluids," she said. She moved from behind the desk. "Follow me," she said. She led him to a BioBed. "Also... I wanted to apologize for what I said yesterday. I didn't know. I am sorry-I understand loss like that, but still, it wasn't good." She patted the mattress for him.

Drew chuckled at Noxi’s reference to overindulgence in libations and shook his head. "First thing, you have nothing to apologize for. Second, I am not here due to a hangover as I only had the one ale and I made sure to drink a glass of water when I got to quarters last night." He handed her the PADD. "I thought it prudent to bring you a copy of my medical records since I will be aboard ship for the next month or two as a Mission Advisor for Captain Larson."

Noxi chuckled. "I meant the comment about your late wife," she said. "I didn't mean to be rude, I just tend to operate very bluntly so there's no mixed signals and sometimes I hurt people unintentionally," she said. She looked at the PADD. "Thank you, I appreciate it," she said. She tapped a few buttons to transfer the data to her computers. "Before we begin, is there anything I should know upfront?"

Drew looked astonished for a moment. "Oh! I had a complete physical four months ago. I thought that would be sufficient for you. I wasn't aware you would need another for someone on a temporary duty assignment."

Noxi shrugged. "It can be. Let me look at what they sent over," she said. She paused a moment, scanning. "Yeah, I think it's enough information, provided nothing has happened in the four months since. No major accidents or off-ship missions? No strange planets? No chance of exposure to bacterias or viruses?" She asked. "I do prefer to do my looksee but you and Lt. Stewart seem a bit reticent about Medical."

"I am not...a bit reticent...about Medical." Drew took back his PADD. "To answer your questions though. No accidents. Two patrols aboard the Defiant, one to bring relief supplies to Cardassia Prime and one into the Gamma Quadrant. I did lead an away team on a three day planetary survey mission that concluded two weeks ago. I will of course get a physical exam now if you feel it prudent."

Noxi shook her head. "Let me just scan you. If it comes back as fine, you're free to go," she said, with a deep sigh. She ran the Tricorder up and down the length of the man's body. After a few moments, the handheld device beeped. "Looks good," she said. "I'll review your last exam results more closely and recall you if necessary." She said. "You're free to go."

Drew gave Noxi a nod. "Just let me know if you need anything else or if you need me to come by again." He turned to leave, but paused for a moment at the door. "Doctor Nairut, don't sweat what happened at Quark's the other night. You had no way of knowing. Have a pleasant day." He was out the door before she could reply.

Noxi just shook her head. "You too," she said, and then made a face before turning back to her computer to update his file. At least the crew were all healthy and ready for action.


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