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Shopping Spree

Posted on Sun Aug 20th, 2023 @ 10:32am by Lieutenant Alula Beru & Lieutenant JG Jenny Goldstein

2,460 words; about a 12 minute read

Location: DS9 Promenade
Timeline: Prior to Deliverance arrival

Alula lay on her bed watching her two kitties play-wrestle a few feet away. They settled in within a day and seemed completely over their ordeal at Quarks Bar. These two boys were only 8 months old and full of energy! Fuzz Aldrin was a Snowshoe with beautiful blue eyes and Purrito was a fluffy domestic short hair orange tiger with stunning amber eyes. They were best buds.

She got off the bed and walked over to the replicator, “Feline supplement 279, 2 portions.” Instantly two flat ceramic bowls appeared with a ground pate-looking substance in them. Alula had gone through 4 different flavors until she found one they liked. Once on board the Deliverance, she’d program the replicator with their usual wet fare and kibble. But for now, this would do.

Smelling the food, they both scampered off the bed and almost tripped her as she walked towards their water bowl and placemats on the floor near the bathroom. They both dove into their bowls with gusto. Being a kitten is hungry work!

She had gotten notice earlier this morning that the Deliverance had left space dock and was expected to arrive at DS9 by Friday. That left her just a few more days to enjoy the station before it was “back to work”. Her shopping excursion had gotten cut short at the arrival of Fuzz and Rito, so that was first on her list. She wanted to buy gifts for her parents and brother and also see what kind of clothes the shops sold.

Alula changed into a simple linen light blue check tank dress that came a few inches above her knee and then pushed her feet into comfortable white leather sneakers. Out of the closet she grabbed a sheer tan and white swirl scarf for her shoulders and secured it with her comm badge. Pulling up her blond hair into a high pony tail, she then popped out the door.

As she walked towards the Promenade, she thought she really should have called Jenny earlier to see if she was up for a little shopping trip. But oh well, carpe diem!

She tapped her badge, “Alula Beru to Jenny Goldstein”

Jenny’s bubbly voice replied back after a pregnant pause, “What the? Hold on... let me just, hello, yeah? Jenny, er, Lieutenant Goldstein, who... oh is that you Alula? Aloha Alula!”

Alula smiled hearing the enthusiasm in her new friend’s voice. “Hey Jenny! Listen I know this is last minute but I’m on my way to the Promenade for a little shopping trip and if you are free, I’d love to have a partner in crime!”

"What, we're shoplifting already?" crackled the voice.

Alula burst out laughing, “No! No! It’s just a figure of speech! I only meant I’d like to have someone to shop with. I promise not to steal anything!”

"Aw, kinda takes the fun out of it, but what the heck - I need to find something for my big date: don't ask, I'll tell you all about it when I see you. I'll meet you at the Lower Prom: I'll be the girl who's obviously down to her last clean outfit." Jenny informed her.

Alula stepped threw the airlock from the habitat ring and onto the Lower Promenade. It was bustling with activity and alight with shops lining both left and right of the walkway. While she waited for Jenny to get there she stopped into a store called Richarz Accessories. She purchased a DS9 Niners jersey and ball cap for her Dad and for her brother, a Chateau Picard Vineyard Tote bag and a bottle of their Cabernet. After paying and giving the salesman her information, he promised to wrap the gifts and have them delivered to her quarters . There wasn’t anything in there she felt was right for her Mother. She wanted to get her a Bajorian scarf of maybe a piece of jewelry.

She exited the store and looked around for Jenny. There was a Klingon eatery nearby with a walk-up window, so she decided to order a raktajino and wait for her on a bench.

When Jenny appeared, she was dressed as 'advertised' in a pair of rather snug dungarees and a somewhat unappealing checked shirt. And what the hell was happening with the shoes: they didn't really go with what she was wearing. They looked like they wouldn't go with anything! Were they made of... straw?!!

"Hey!" she waved and then frowned at the other woman's drink.

"Klingon coffee?! Jeez Alula, you'll be up all night!"

Alula stood up laughing and started walking towards Jenny. “I could drink this all day and night. Don’t worry, I sleep like a log! Romulan constitution.”

She motioned them forward and as they walked, said to Jenny, “Thanks for meeting me so last minute. I was hoping to pick up some clothes. I don’t own a lot of fancy outfits and want to buy something exotic before we leave the station.”

She paused looking at the boutique coming up on their right, “Oooh! How about this store?” she asked excitedly. The front had a large window display of silky shimmering sheer tops and beaded dresses. Stopping in front of the display she peered in the window, grinning like a little kid looking in a candy store. “Wow! These are gorgeous outfits!! Let’s go inside!”

The inside of the clothing boutique was like nothing they had ever before seen. The floor was made of a shimmering pink & silver marble-like material. The only lights were small dome shaped, lace scarf-covered lamps set on top of the clothing racks. They pulsed slowly and changed pastel hues, giving off a warm soothing glow. It was a nice change from the usual harsh bright white lights that usually studded the ceiling in such a store. But what was especially eye catching were the reflective walls. Studded w/ tiny crystals, they cast dancing lights everywhere. The tops and dresses w/ crystal beading reflected their own prisms back and forth It was mesmerizing. It made her want to buy everything she saw!

Alula looked at Jenny and said in amazement, “Have you ever seen anything like this?”

An elegant Betazoid woman w/ long dark brown shiny hair and dark eyes greeted them warmly, “Welcome to Opal Haven. Please feel free to look around and if there is anything I can help you with, I am Dona and at your service.”

Alula smiled warmly at her and moved off to look at the display of shimmering silk dresses with handkerchief hems. She flipped through the rack until she found a pearly white off the shoulder dress with a Betazoid Flanarian bird taking flight across the skirt. The silky material was flecked in silver and the large cobalt blue bird created a striking design. She found her size and pulled it from the rack, then continued on to the next display. A deep emerald green long sleeve tunic length blouse caught her eye. Lifting it off the rack, the tiny crystals embroidered into the top caught the light and sent out a dazzling display. Smiling, she took that one, too.

The next rack held an assortment of fancy tank top-style shirts and Alula selected an adorable pink one w/ ruffle trim and another in a shimmery coral & lemon ombré. She saw a wrap-style mini skirt that would go great with both tops, so she picked that up as well. Draped nearby was a dazzling display of beaded scarves and she made a bee-line to them. She loved anything beaded and knew her Mother did, too! She picked out a lavender and silver scarf w/ tiny pearlescent sage green & pink beads adorning the hem. It would look beautiful against her Mother’s beautiful Romulan complexion. Alula picked out a cream scarf w/ tiny seed pearls in shades of peach & lavender for herself and another bolder print for Jenny as a surprise gift. Surrounded by all the beautiful beadwork reminded her of wanting to try on one of those skimpy beaded dresses she saw in the window, but first she wanted to see what Jenny was interested in across the boutique.

Jenny meanwhile was picking up any old thing that looked like it might fit, squinting at the tiny label inside to see what the measurements were. Everything seemed to be SM or XSM. She shuffled across to where Alula was now actually getting a bit weighed down by items she wanted to try on.

"You actually like shopping for clothes, don't you?" she asked, shaking her head "Come on, let me hold all that stuff for you and you can try it on." she offered.

Alula shrugged guiltily, “I do! When you spend the majority of your days in uniform and crawling through access tunnels in the depths of the ship, a day out like this is a rare heaven!”

"Huh! Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks, I guess" Jenny shrugged: she actually liked the fact that wearing a uniform meant she didn't have to chose what to wear every morning.

At that moment Dona appeared and gently took the clothes out of Alula’s arms, “Shall I put these in a dressing room for you?”

Alula smiled remembering the woman was Betazoid and knew exactly when she was needed and when she was not. They were the perfect race to be in sales, she thought. Dona smiled, obviously catching her thought.

“Yes, please, but only those,” Alula answered, while pulling several items out of the lineup. “These I won’t need to try on. You can bring them to the counter, please. Oh, and might you have that beaded dress dress in the window with the thin straps in teal in my size?” Alula asked sheepishly because she really wanted to try it on. Heck, she wanted it, period! She knew she didn’t have any place to wear something that fancy, but she couldn’t resist it. It was stunning.

Dona winked at her and said knowingly, “I’ll put it in the room for you.”

Alula looked at Jenny noticing her lack of garments, “Haven't found anything that you liked?”

"Mehhh." the dark-haired girl shrugged.

She lifted a pretty fit and flair knee length dress from the rack and held it up for Jenny. It had a lightly beaded bodice, three quarter sleeves and the skirt’s silky cotton material hung softly. “I think this would look amazing on you! The deep purple really compliments your dark hair. You can dress this up with some jewelry and strappy sandals or keep it casual with a jean jacket. What do you think?” She waggled it in front of Jenny grinning. “Perfect for a date night…”

"I'm not going on a date!" Jenny replied quickly, shooting Alula an arch look. She took the smock and turned her head sideways, like that would help imagine herself in it. "That thing with And... Commander Chandler's just a work thing. I'm going going in uniform. If I turned up in this, looking like a gypsy queen, he'll think that I think that it's a 'date' date. I mean, come on, the poor guy just lost his wife five years ago, he doesn't want some chick hitting on him. And sisters and daughters of a man like that, so protective they get!" she frowned, holding the dress against herself. "I wonder if they do this in a bigger size?"

Alula pressed the dress against Jenny and smiled at her reassuringly. “I think this size is perfect. It’s fitted in the torso, which will show off your attributes nicely, but it flairs out at the waist, which can hide your caboose, if that’s what you are worried about? Plus the sleeves are three quarter, so your arms are covered. But seriously, Jenny, you have a really nice curvy shape. You should show it off!”

"You think?" Jenny sounded unconvinced.

She leaned in and lowered her voice, “I don’t mean to sound unfeeling, so please don’t get me wrong, but you said his wife died five years ago? Five years, Jenny. That’s a long time. It’s a long time to grieve. And I’m not saying he should ever forget her or not feel love for her. But perhaps he needs a reminder that life does go on, maybe not exactly like before, but it still does. Did you ever consider that maybe you are exactly what “he” needs to help him learn to live again?”

"Who, like, me? Jeez, that's quite a responsibility: I mean if I do it wrong, that might be his one big chance to live again, up in smoke like a burned brisket!... hey, what'cha doin'?!"

Alula had suddenly stepped back and started ushering Jenny towards the changing room like a Mother Hen. No more excuses! She needed her to try on that dress so Jenny would see how good she could look in it. Following behind her, Alula said with a grin, “Don't sell yourself short, chickadee. You have many great assets! I think you should work them!”


Laughing Alula gently pushed Jenny into a changing cubicle and shut her in, then went to try on her own outfits. As she changed she wondered what in the world was a “burnt brisket”? She rolled her eyes giggling at Jen’s crazy ability to turn a phrase. Satisfied her choices fit, she quickly put her own clothes back on and stepped out, excited to see Jenny in her dress.

A few minutes later, Jenny came out in the dress and gave a little twirl. "OK, OK already, it's nice!" she had to concede "It makes me look like an alluring woman of passion. Gee, don't want him to sue me for false advertising!" she quipped, as per usual hiding her fear of failure under a joke.

Alula’s eyes lit up when she saw Jenny walk out and exclaimed, “I love it! You look great! You ARE alluring, Jen! You are working it!! Shoulders back! Stick your girls out! That’s it! Walk like you own the place!!” She wanted Jenny to see the pretty girl she saw and help her gain a little much needed confidence. Sometimes you just had to step out of your comfort zone to see what’s possible.

Laughing, Jenny did as she was told, doing an exaggerated version of a model's strut up and down in front of her sophisticated, exotic looking colleague and now, new friend.

“Now let’s go pay for these and find a pair of stilettos for you!!” Alula said giggling.

"Stil...?!!" Jenny looked down at her feet "... I was hoping I could get away with sneakers!"

The End


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