
Inspection Trip

Posted on Sat Jul 29th, 2023 @ 7:52pm by Captain Aaron Larson & Lieutenant Dr. Katherine Peck PhD

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: On Deliverance
Timeline: 24 hours after the previous post

Captain Aaron Larson received notice that he was now allowed to officially take command of the ship. He and Kate walked to the Starfleet Command shuttle bay and a shuttle was prepped and waiting for them.

Aaron helped Kate board the shuttle, then he followed. The pilot, a Lieutenant, invited him to sit in the co-pilots chair. Aaron accepted, and the pilot lifted off.

The shuttle left Command and passed through the atmosphere, finally arriving at the spacedock where the Deliverance was undergoing final checks and prepping for departure.

The pilot, a Lieutenant Samuel Patterson, took his guests on a slow guided tour of the exterior of the ship. They were able to see everything; the bridge, the phasers strips, the nacelles and ending with the hanger bay.

After the tour, the pilot opened the hatch, stepped out, offering a hand to the counselor. The captain exited the shuttle, shook hands with pilot, "Good flying lieutenant"

Patterson held the captain's hand a little longer. "Sir. I'm between assignments, if your looking for a good fighter pilot."

"I'll keep that in mind, lieutenant." The lieutenant finally the captain's hand.

A very young girl approached them. "Petty Officer 1st Class Blair Stevens, sir. I've been assigned as your Yeoman."

Kate smiled at the girl and smiled.

"Pleasure to meet you, yeoman. This is the ship's counselor Doctor Katherine Peck."

Stevens looked at the woman. "Pleasure to meet you, ma'am."

"Very happy to meet you, yeoman. My door will always be open to you, if you feel the need to talk to me."

Stevens blushed. "Thank you, ma'am." Then she turned to the captain. "I'm to escort you to the bridge, sir."

"Lead the way, yeoman." They headed towards the turbolift and when they entered, Stevens said, "Bridge." With that, the lift started upwards.

When they reached the bridge, Stevens stepped out. "Captain on the deck!" Larson and Peck exited the lift and saw that everyone was standing.

Standing by the captain's chair was Admiral Ingrid Svetlana, Starfleet Command Chief Of Operations. Larson walked over, shook her hand. The admiral held up a parchment. It's an old Starfleet tradition that a new captain be given the parchment when they take over a new command. "It is ordered, that Captain Aaron Larson now take command of USS Deliverance, by order of Starfleet Command. Do you accept command, captain.?"

"Yes I do."

"Then it is now ordered, that Captain Larson, on this date and place has now accepted command. Computer. Transfer all command codes to Captain Aaron Larson."

"Command codes now transferred to Captain Larson."

The admiral handed the parchment to Larson. "I stand relieved."

"I relieve you, sir." They shook hands.

"Good luck, captain." The admiral headed to the turbolift, with the computer playing flourishes.

Kate leaned over. "All that's left is for you to sit, sir."

Larson sat.

~~The Adventure Starts.~~



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