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The Romulan

Posted on Tue Sep 26th, 2023 @ 8:32pm by Captain Aaron Larson & Lieutenant Commander Mira Napier & Lieutenant Alula Beru & Lieutenant Sehila

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Transporter Room

The Deliverance received a communications that a new, temporary Engineering Officer was requesting permission to beam aboard.

The Transporter Operator called Security and requested permisson to activate the transporter and if an officer would be available to oversee the arrivals credentials.

Mira arrived as she glanced at the Transporter Officer, "You should already be able to use the transporter." She sighed a moment as she fixed the issue and activated the transporter. "There you go. Now, I'll wait over here..." She stepped from behind the console to being next to it and near the door, "And see their credentials." She gave the officer a smile as she looked to the transport area it's self. "Energize, when ready."

The transporter operator activated the transporter. Seconds later, a Romulan female officer was beamed aboard. She saw the security officer. "Lieutenant Sehila. Engineering Specialist, Romulan Cloaking Devices. Your captain requested a specialist to assist your chief engineer regarding the installed cloaking device." She stepped down and offered her orders.

Napier accepted the orders and she glanced them over, "Looks good to me." She looked back at Sehila, handing the orders back to her. "You may report to Lieutenant Alula Beru in Engineering."

"Very well." Romulans weren't noted for their niceties. She walked out of the transporter room and headed to main engineering.

When she got there, she approached an ensign. "Where is the chief?"

The ensign, stunned by seeing a Romulan muttered, "I don't know."

Sehila walked over to what she assumed was the chief, "Are you the chief?"

Alula recognized the voice the moment she heard it ask for the Chief. With half of her body laying under a console and clad in duty cover-alls, it was no wonder the Romulan guest didn’t recognize her. She had been working on the cloak conduits all morning to ensure the installation was performed correctly. She called out from under the console, trying to sound as stern as possible and not laugh in the process for she and Sehila knew each other well.

“Yea? Wad’ya want??! I’m kinda busy right now. Go away and come back tomorrow!”

Sehila cocked an eyebrow and before she could respond with what Alula knew would be an insult, the Chief pushed out from under the console and grinned up at her.

“How’s it going, ‘Hila?” Alula asked trying to suppress a laugh.

Sehila actually showed emotion and gave a slight gasp, exclaiming, “Beru?!”

Alula pushed up from the floor and finally let out her laugh and teased the woman she knew through friends of her family on her mothers side, “What gave it away? Was it my Trill spots or my adorable dainty Romulan ears?”

Sehila shook her head and rolled her eyes, “No, it was more that you are up to those pointy ears inside the workings of the ship as usual.” She put a hand on her hip and added sarcastically, but teasing as well, “Did we get it right? Or do we need to reinstall the entire system to satisfy you?”

Alula gave the woman a light respectful embrace, “No, it looks great!” And then added a proper Romulan greeting, saying, “Jolan Tru.”

“Jolan Tru,” Sehila responded in kind, then continued, “If I had known you were the Chief, I would have suggested my visit was not necessary. I know of your particular attention to detail and knowledge.” That was about as close to a compliment as she could ever get from the specialist, but Alula knew it was heartfelt.

“Thank you, but I’m glad you are here. I enjoy seeing the expressions on the crew’s faces when they see a full blooded Romulan.” Alula said with a chuckle.

Meanwhile, Mira left to head back to the bridge to monitor the security and tactical station.

Captain Larson entered main engineering as part of his inspection of the ship before getting underway. He approached the Romulan. "You're here to repair the cloaking device?"

Sehila responded, "Yes sir. But I haven't had the opportunity to start repairs."

"Start your repairs, and when you are done, your station will be on the bridge." Larsen responded.

"But captain, I was sent here just to repair the device, not transfer here."

"Since you'll be the only person who understands how to operate the device, you'll be needed. I will contact the base and tell them you are staying, unless you don't want to stay." Larson looked at her.

Shelia thought. "I'll stay, captain."

"Excellent. Get to work." Larson took a walk around main engineering, then headed to the doors.

Alula and Sehila looked at each other in confusion after Larson walked away. Sehila was the first to speak as they turned in unison towards the Chief’s office, “Why does your Captain think you not capable of operating the cloaking system? You were flying Romulan scout ships w/ cloaking devices before you came of age.”

Alula just smiled, saying, “I’m just the mechanic. I’m not here to figure out why command does what they do.”

Sehila nodded. "Guess I better get to work, the captain is serious about getting the cloaking device operational. Maybe you should apply some make-up to hide your spots, so your captain remembers you are Romulan.”

Alula chuckled, “ I don’t think the crew lets him forget.”

Sehila opened up the case she brought and pulled out her engineering tricorder. Securing it into the cloaking console, she began downloading schematics. While the transfer was taking place, she turned to Alula, “Are you having trouble w/ your crew? The Romulan consulate would want to know. It’s something they were afraid of…”

Alula shook her head half- heartedly, but managed a smile, “It’s nothing I can’t handle. The former chief doesn’t trust me.” She closed up the panel on the cloak console she had been working under. “He’s made it quite clear he thinks I’m a potential risk to the ship and our missions. He’s always lurking in the shadows watching me.”

Sehila’s eyes widened in shock, then narrowed menacingly as she swore in a low voice, “Hhakh kllhe!” (stupid shit-eater) The computer beeped indicating the download was complete. Sehila ripped the tricorder out of the console in frustration and began forcefully punching in codes on the panel. After a moment she looked around to see if anyone was near them, then said angrily, but quietly, “Things can be done. Accidents happens despite safety protocols….”

Leaning against the console Alula raised an arched brow and looked pointedly at the specialist.

Sehila continued w/ a sudden casualty as if she was discussing the ingredients of a good stiff Tarka, “Forcefields fail all the time on ships like these.” She absently pulled up the schematics to the cloaking device and then furtively glanced at the Chief.

Alula slowly shook her head and in a dead-set matter of fact voice, said, “They don’t on this ship.”

Sehila looked up to met her steely gaze and the women faced off for several heartbeats. Fire danced in Sehila’s eyes. The full blooded Romulan hated being disrespected, and especially despised blatant ignorant racism against anyone of her race. Alula’s hardened expression brooked no argument though and through gritted teeth, Alula repeated, “I can handle it.”

With a sigh Sehila finally acquiesced, “Fine! You handle it!”

Alula pushed away from the console and moved to join her at the cloak situations panel. She said softly, “Thank you.”

Then after a moment of thought, added to ease the tension, “If he becomes a problem, I’ll just play w/ the temperature controls in his quarters or program his replicator to produce only bacon.”

Sehila managed a small laugh, “I can live with that. I guess it’s good to be the Engineer.”

Alula agreed laughing, “Indeed it is!”


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