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Goodnight, But Not Goodbye

Posted on Sat Sep 2nd, 2023 @ 11:47am by Lieutenant Commander Andrew "Drew" Chandler & Lieutenant JG Jenny Goldstein

2,130 words; about a 11 minute read

Location: DS9
Timeline: Before the arrival of the USS Deliverance at DS9
Tags: Drew

It had been a great night and, well, maybe she'd had a little too much to drink - or maybe she'd had just the right amount to drink - but as Andrew walked Jenny back to her Quarters the fun they'd shared and the attraction she felt toward the man ameliorated the trepidation she felt about the possibility of entering into any kind of a relationship with a man with a still raw burden of grief and mourning upon his shoulders and a daughter who, in her mind, could not but feel some form of resentment at another woman coming into her late mother's place.

No these qualms were quite forgotten as the two walked back to Jenny's temporary quarters aboard the enormous space station and her hand accidentally brushed against his. "Oh sorry!" she laughed. But she wasn't.

"Oh God, what was I just saying? I've completely forgotten! I guess I shouldn't have mixed the wine with that amaretto, I think I'm a little bit tipsy!" she blinked.

Drew also felt the effects of the alcohol he had consumed. He felt comfortable being alone with Jenny. Something he hadn't felt when alone with another woman in over five years. He mistook the slight brush as a momentary loss of balance so he instinctively wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Oh boy!" murmured Jenny to herself.

"Steady there. You were telling me about Niagara Falls." He felt a warmth rise up within him. He realized he had an arm around her waist, but he didn't let go as they walked despite only being a few doors down from her quarters.

"I was? Oh yeah! I was! Er... so anyway, once you see the real thing you can go to a holosuite and get in a barrel and re-live going over the falls, just like Annie Edson Taylor in 1901..." why the heck was she telling him all this? she wondered. And why did he still have his hand around her waist? And who cared? It felt nice!!

"And afterwards, I said 'I'm never doing that again! Next time I'm in a holosuite, it'll be to visit some swanky New York nightclub from the 1950s... something like that, tame but relaxing, y'know what I mean, Andrew?" she slurred only ever so slightly.

Drew smiled as he glanced sidelong at Jenny. "Well, it just so happens that there is a Las Vegas circa 1962 holo suite program that runs continuously at Quark's. I would love to show it to you sometime if you like." They reached Jenny's door.

"Oh that'd be great!" exclaimed Jenny, perhaps a little too loudly for the corridor at that time of the faux night that was kept on that part of the station "Hey, if I bring my bouzouki, they might let me sit in with the band. Oh, here we are!" she realised that they were at her door. She turned to him to wish him goodnight or ask him in for a coffee or...

Drew inhaled and caught Jenny's scent as she turned to face him. Her natural pheromones must have been in overdrive as he felt intoxicated by her, more so than the drinks he had at dinner. His other arm came up and he embraced her. He leaned in and kissed her for a good five seconds. He broke the that was probably as much a surprise to her as it was to him. "I'm sorry. I...I have been wanting to do that since before dessert."

"Oh Jeez Andrew" she panted breathlessly "That kiss was a full five seconds! I know: I counted! I think you'd better come in for a coffee or something, I mean, I haven't got any coffee but I've got the something!" she babbled and then kissed him right back. Catch as catch can. They she just held him for a second, her head on his chest before looking up with those big brown eyes.

"You coming in?"

Drew wanted to...desperately wanted to. It was only with a Herculean exertion of willpower that he took a step back. He was breathless from her return kiss. "I want to, more than I have wanted anything in a very long time. I...if I came in. I wouldn't want to leave."

"Then... don't leave" she heard herself say.

Drew kept his hands at his side, but he leaned in to kiss Jenny one more time. This time, when he kissed her he poured his passion and desire into said kiss. He knew that if she asked again, he wouldn't be able to say no.

"So... you coming in?" she asked again.

Drew stepped inside Jenny's quarters. He felt short of breath and his heart was racing as the door closed. He stood there looking at her. "You said you were out of coffee so...what is this other something?"

She just kissed him again... and it was something.

Drew pulled her into a close embrace as their kiss deepened. Passion and desire welled up inside him and it became readily apparent after several minutes of kissing. He wanted her like a thirsty man in the most arid desert wanted water. He was just not sure how much she wanted him. He decided that she would set the pace.

She instinctively new that he was waiting: he was not just the gentleman he had proven himself to be on their date, he was also a strong but gentle man. He would never force himself upon a woman, she would have to set the pace. She caressed him in such a way as would leave no doubt as to her longing for him, but just in case, she tugged him gently toward the bed space in the room and softly intoned " Andrew... I... I want you to make love to me..."

Drew pulled Jenny into a deep kiss as they crossed the living space to the bedroom. Garments were removed and discarded between the entrance and the bedroom so that by the time they reached the bed there was a trail of clothes.


Drew cuddled with Jenny as they rested from what had been long and satisfying time in her bed together. He had not felt like this in years and he wanted to enjoy the slight respite. "That...was...intense."

"Mmmmm" she purred contentedly as she snuggled up to him, her face resting on his hairy chest. She didn't want to speak, she didn't want to break the spell: she just wanted to live in this moment forever. To say that he had brought her to fulfilment was an understatement: it wasn't just that the sex was so physically great - he had made her feel like the most attractive and beautiful and desirable woman in the world. And for all that magical time, there had been no other people in the universe: just him, just her: no problems, no dead wives, no awkward daughters, no family situations. Just the two of them.

She didn't want the world to move on, she didn't want the moment to end. And yet she heard herself say "You wanna coffee?"

Andrew gave the question a moment's thought before shaking his head and pulling her fully onto his chest and giving her a long and gentle kiss. Endorphins still flooded through him and he felt euphoric in that moment. "Everything I want or could need is here right now. How about you?"

"Really? That's the sweetest thing anybody's ever said to me!" she smiled, cuddling up even closer to him. "... and I wish I could stay here forever, too but, well... I kinda need to go somewhere and 'powder my nose'." Ugh, how embarrassing: but it would be even less romantic if she lay there and wet the bed.

Andrew chuckled. He nodded with a smile as he pulled back the covers for her to exit the bed. "Hurry back."

Jenny had really wanted to cover herself in something: although they were naked during their frantic lovemaking, the walk to the bathroom made her feel like she was naked on a catwalk in one of her worst nightmares. Still, she braved it out and hoped her butt wasn't as big as it always looked when she twisted round looked at it in the mirror.

Andrew watched her from the bed as she made the short walk to the fresher. She had ignited a fire within him he thought had been permanently extinguished years ago. It a part of him that had been dead was alive again.

Jeez, thought Jenny as she walked back in, something really was alive! For Heavens sake, she was a Lieutenant and he was a commander, yet here he was saluting her.

Andrew lay uncovered on the bed as the fresher door opened back up. It was obvious that the short respite had revitalized him. "I hope you still have energy my dear. Though I may need that coffee come morning."

"Well, I guess it can wait, Andy, I mean you certainly aren't having any trouble staying up at the moment." she observed as she got back into bed next to him and pressed her naked flesh against his.

Andy laughed at her play on words. He shifted to a sitting up position with his back against the headboard and with his hands on her hips brought her up to straddle his lap. "Pretty sure I an going to be up for a while still. I hope that suits you."

"Oh brother, I got four years worth of enforced celibacy stored up here, buster, that more than suits me!" she assured him as she lowered herself onto him with an earthy, satisfied grunt of pure animal pleasure.


Andy stepped out of her fresher. Luckily he had been able to replicate a uniform and toothbrush. He entered the living area spaces to see Jenny in a robe at the table with two cups of coffee. "Good morning. Were you able to get any sleep?"

"Ughhh, are kidding me! Talk about a restless night! Look at these bags under my eyes. I gotta meeting with the Station Science chief in about two hours and I look like I've been up all night making mad passionate love to gorgeous man who... hey, who looks prefect... how the heck do you do that?!" He looked as fresh as a daisy!

She took a sip of the horrible replicator coffee. It was hot and wet, but that was about all you could say about it.

"There's a lousy cup of coffee here, or brown water at least." she joked. She usually kidded when she was unsure about what to say about more serious stuff. But she had to ask, she had to know if this had been a one night stand or...

"Hey, were you kidding about going to the holosuite to see this... what was it?, Vic Fontaine feller?" Well, that was a pretty sneaky way of asking 'do you want to see me again?' It also told him that she wanted to see him.

Andy took a sip of coffee before answering. "No, I wasn't kidding. I do want to take you to meet Vic. He is a very say the least." He reached across the table and took hold of Jenny’s hand. "I do want to continue this, but you will need to meet my daughter if that is to happen."

"Jeez, you make it sound like you have to keep her locked up in an attic! Sure, I'd love to meet your daughter." she smiled breezily, but inside she was full of trepidation: that was like a boy taking you home to meet his parents! Except if a boy's parents didn't like you, that just led to exciting clandestine meetings behind the gym, if a widower's daughter didn't like you, well, time to find a new boyfriend. It was as simple as that.

" I would never do that." Andy grinned at Jenny. "Besides her name is Ashley, not Rapunzel."

"Right: Ashley. Rachel mentioned her name." she remembered.

Andy gave her a nod. "How about tonight, 1900 hours, my quarters."

"Tonight? .... oh, OK, sure! No, that'd be great: before the ship arrives, because once that happens, oh brother, my life won't be my own, y'know?" she thought ahead "And I've got a nice dress I can wear: really look the part." she beamed.

Andy smiled as he finished his coffee and took the mug to the replicator for recycling. He walked back to the table and leaned down to give Jenny a long, gentle kiss. "See you tonight then. I will message you when I get to my office with my quarters assignment."


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