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Permission to Come Aboard

Posted on Sun Aug 27th, 2023 @ 7:21pm by Lieutenant Alula Beru & Ensign Donovan Sharp

672 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: DS9 & USS Deliverance Transporter Room
Timeline: USS Deliverance’s arrival at DS9

Alula had just snapped the last case shut when the chime to her quarters on DS 9 rang out. She called out cheerfully, "Enter!"

The door slid open revealing a young Bajorian station steward w/ a small hover skid. "Excuse me, Miss. I'm Ranor. Picking up for Lieutenant Beru," he said, then glanced down at his PADD and added, "Personal belongings and two Terran felines going to the USS Deliverance."

Alula lifted the small case off her bed and walked over to where the rest of her belongings were waiting by the door. "Yes, thank you," she said smiling. "Everything is right here, w/ the exception of the felines."

She pointed to the carrier on her desk where her purebred Snowshoe, Fuzz Aldrin, and Domestic Orange Short Hair, Purrito, were sitting inside looking out at them curiously. "That's them over there. Please take extra special care of them."

The Bajorian walked over to the carrier and scratched the young kitties through the wide mesh front. Immediately both boys began purring and rubbing up against his fingers.

"They like you!" Alula exclaimed surprised. "I feel better now leaving them w/ you to transport. They didn't care for Quark."

Ranor looked over his shoulder at her and quipped w/ a hearty chuckle, "Not many do!"

Alula laughed in agreement and helped him pack up the hover-skid. Within moments he was gone, leaving her all alone in the temporary quarters she inhabited these past many days. Walking over to the mirror, she put her long blond hair into a single thick Dutch braid and then tucked the tail into a quick knot bun. She smoothed her hair down and straightened her uniform sharply. Taking one last look around to be sure she wasn't leaving anything, she then picked up her Star Fleet mini travel duffel, slung it over her shoulder and headed towards the station's transporter room.

A little while later Alula rematerialized in the transporter room on board the USS Deliverance. She paused one moment to take in her new ship before addressing the officer at the console in front of her. The transporter room was small or at least smaller than she was used to using. But it suited the small ship perfectly. The ship was designed to only have what was necessary on its 8 decks, plus a few extras. It was compact, efficient and powerful. A lethal combination and easier for an Engineer to keep in space than those diplomatic 32 deck ships!

She stepped off the small pad and walked to the officer, saying with a smile, "Chief of Engineering, Lieutenant Alula Beru, reporting for duty. Permission to come aboard?"

Alula knew it wasn't necessary anymore to report in as such, but she liked the old way of doing things. Protocol and formality were nice sometimes.

The engineering officer smiled in return and help out a PADD to her, "Permission granted. Welcome aboard, Chief! Your quarters are located on Deck 3, stateroom 05. Dr Nairut Noxi requested your presence in her Sickbay for your physical as soon as you are settled."

She took the proffered device, "Thank you...?" She trailed off raising her eyebrow quizzically.

He straightened up slightly and replied, "Ensign Donovan Sharp, Ma'am."

"Well, nicely done w/ the transport, Mr Sharp. I didn't even feel a tingle," she said laughing.

He laughed, slightly embarrassed, in reply, and feeling somewhat relaxed by her amicable demeanor, "Thank you, Ma'am."

Alula headed towards the exit and called out casually, "Chief is fine, Donovan. No, 'Ma'am'. I know I can live well past 100, but I'm not there yet!" She paused and winked at him before passing through the doorway in search of her quarters.

Donovan let out a huge sigh of relief as the doors closed behind his new Chief of Engineering and he was left alone in the transporter room. He rubbed the back of his neck chuckling. She was so much different than their interim Chief. She was cheerful!

'Man!' he thought to himself. 'They are going to blend like oil and water!'


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