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Regulation Physical

Posted on Tue Sep 5th, 2023 @ 12:51am by Lieutenant Alula Beru & Captain Dr. Nairut Noxi

1,324 words; about a 7 minute read

Location: USS Deliverance Sickbay
Timeline: First day on the Deliverance

Alula stepped out of the TL and strode down the corridor towards Sickbay. She glanced at the chrono on her wrist and saw that she was a few minutes early, so she slowed her pace. This allowed her to look around the corridor and notice things like bulkhead numbers, access hatches and conduit panels, which she committed to her eidetic memory.

She passed a pair of junior science officers, who stopped talking to stare at her as she went past them. Alula smiled to herself because she liked science officers. They didn’t react to her somewhat odd physical traits the way others did. Most others, when they see her, are a little bewildered and cautiously stare at her slight cranial ridge and her little pointed ears, subconsciously judging her, before their eyes go wide seeing her green eyes and Trill spots. But science officers… they take it all in at once and are instantly curious about her genetic make-up. They ask questions and grill her on her parents, where I was born, did I have any siblings, what was it like growing up…and on and on. Alula always enjoyed talking with them.

A right turn, a few more paces and she arrived at her destination. Alula walked into the Medical Suite and immediately looked around for the Chief Medical Officer. She spotted the doctor across the small, but brightly-lit, medical bay and headed her way.

Clad in her white coat, Dr Nairut Noxi stood in front of a large interactive medical display panel inputting data she was reading from the PADD in her hand.

Alula stopped just a few steps behind her and softly cleared her throat before asking, "Dr. Nairut?"

Noxi startled when she heard her name, jumping a bit before regaining her composure. She turned around at the voice. "Ah, Miss Beru. Good to see you. Let's get started, shall we?" She placed the PADD she was currently holding on the desk nearby, and then led the young woman to a Biobed. "We'll use this one today. Hop on up," she said. "Just your onboarding physical today, or is there some other reason you've come?" She asked.

Alula smiled brightly and followed her to the bio bed. Hopping up on it, she shook her head and replied cheerfully, “No issues, just reporting in for my regulation onboarding physical. I’m feeling fine.”

"Let me just take a quick look at your file. Seems like you're in good health. Do you have any questions for me before we begin?" Noxi was aware of the woman's mixed heritage. Medically, it didn't spell much, problem wise, unless Alula wanted to become a parent soon-she'd need to do a bit of research about that. Not that it wasn't do-able, she just wanted to be able to provide customized care to the crew to the best of her ability.

"How are you finding things? I know we've only just onboarded, but it's already exciting, isn't it?! Jenny seems nice, as well," she said, beginning to process the data as the biobed spit it out at her.

Alula lay still as the medical bed scanned her and provided the necessary information to the Doctor. “The ship is impressive! She’s a lot of everything in a smaller package. I have my work cut out for me here and I’m looking forward to it!” she replied enthusiastically. Nodding her head in agreement, she said, “Yes, Jenny is sweet!” She lowered her voice a little and asked, “I wonder what’s the news w/ her and Drew. Have you heard anything?” Alula wasn’t the gossip-type, but since she was present for their meeting, she was interested to know what happened.

Noxi smiled. "I have not. Drew was in here earlier, but he said nothing, and I didn't ask," she said. "And yes! The EMH is top notch! I am impressed. Tell me a bit about your medical history. Are you currently taking any medications? Birth control, vitamins, Ketracel?" Vila asked. "I don't judge, I just need to know. Anything you tell me will remain confidential," she said. "And do you NEED birth control or anything like that? Man repellent?" She joked. She was young once, she remembered being on in close quarters with people and the things that went on behind closed doors.

Alula laughed at what Noxi said. She really liked her bedside manner; concerned and compassionate, but honest and no-nonsense. And she had a wicked sense of humor, which Alula appreciated most of all.

"I don't need any birth control. I can't have children. At least that's what I've been told for years..." she shrugged and admitted, "...combination of my genetic make up.”

“ And also important to note,” she continued, “ I do not have a pouch. My father is Trill and a marsupial, however, my physical makeup favors my Romulan mother. She gave me my increased lung size & capacity and put my heart on the right side of my chest cavity. She's a force to be reckoned with that's for sure! If she wanted a Romulan baby, regardless if her husband was Trill, the gods dare not disagree." Alula said laughing.

Noxi laughed, completely understanding Romulan raw determination and a mother's ferocity. "But the spots are pretty cool," she mentioned smirking and motioning to them.

Alula nodded in agreement, "So true! And the increased Romulan bone density and muscle strength is a really great perk!" Alula said laughing as she play-flexed her bicep muscle.

Turning a little more serious, Alula revealed, "The only other thing I think you should know is I have always had a low level of isoboramine, so I need to take Benzocyatizine. It’s there in my file."

Noxi pursed her lips and thought for a moment before saying, "If I'm not mistaken, isoboramine is a neurotransmitter in Trill physiology which regulates the connection between a host and symbiont."

Alula nodded in agreement pleased the doctor knew that fact.

"Well, that makes perfect sense that it would be low since you can not accommodate a symbiont." Noxi said matter of factly, but w/ a compassionate understanding and tapped her PADD, adding a prescription to Alula’s medical file. She also made a specific treatment note of the patient’s lack of marsupial pouch, which in Trills, could be used to deliver medicine swiftly and more directly. Anything her and her medical team gave Alula had to be administered via hypospray. She then looked at her and smiled, "This won't be a problem. I can synthesize a hypo which you can take weekly, if you'd like?"

Alula nodded and swung herself up into a seated position on the biobed. "That would be perfect, Doc, thank you.”

Noxi smiled. "Sounds good. Unless you have anything else for me, you're free to go," she said. "I can feel comfortable clearing you for duty," she said.

“Well…” Alula said hesitantly, “Uhhh, Doc, are you at all familiar w/ Terran felines, specifically domestic house pets? I have 2 cats and would feel better knowing that if one should get sick, you’d be willing to treat him?” And then added, hoping it would help, “They are both very sweet friendly boys.”

Noxi blinked a moment. "I know a little bit, yes. I can always do some research, as well, and work with science. I don’t imagine they're too much different from any other mammal, though," she said, reassuringly. She was a bit skeptical. She was a human doctor, not a veterinarian. However, she did just see the Chix'alk man and he was sort of like a Terran animal, right?!

Alula hopped down from the biobed and let out a happy sigh of relief, “Thank you, Doc! It means a lot to me. Whatever you need fixed or upgraded here in Sickbay, will be first on my list!”

Alula left the medical bay and headed to Main Engineering. It was time to meet her warp core!


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