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Posted on Wed Sep 13th, 2023 @ 8:51pm by Captain Dr. Nairut Noxi & Commander Gabriel Stewart

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Lounge
Timeline: post-Medical, MD03(?)
Tags: Lieutenant Dr. Nairut Noxi, Commander Gabriel Stewart

The hour after Commander Stewart's physical, the tall Bajoran found herself entering the lounge. She was wearing a simple black dress, but that's what made it kind of sexy. It was tight enough in the right spots to highlight her perfect figure, but flared out at the hips into an a-line, for modesty and to hide the thickness that settled in to her behind over the years. Matching black pumps and red lipstick completed the look. Her wavy hair had been brushed out, and hung around her shoulders. She only wore her traditional earring on her right side, and a sparkly necklace. It was understated but she still drew some looks as she stood, looking around for the man. She smiled when she saw him.

Gabriel had arrived 5 minutes early, something that was out of the ordinary for his usual for his normal way of doing things. Then, again, this was not his normal way of doing things. Something about the Dr. had struck him as intriguing, but he could not quite put his finger on what exactly that was.

He had returned to his quarters, showered, and looked in his closet space for something appropriate to wear in a casual setting. He looked through his uniforms, climbing apparel, anything that would say, "This is how I relax." Nothing. Ever since the passing of Gabriella, he had not replaced any worn-out casual clothing. What did he wear when he was dabbling in Art? His uniform. Music? That depended on when and where. On board the ship? His uniform. Of-board? Climbing apparel, Walks? Same as music, Stargazing? Three guesses, and the first two don't count.

He had settled on a fresh, clean uniform.

He was staring out one of the viewports when she entered. Unknowingly, or at least sub-consciously, he was in position to see the reflections of the doorway into lounge. Her silhouette appeared on the window, and, he turned in her direction. He couldn't help but stare, which was not normal. Nothing was normal at this moment. When he saw her smile, Gabriel started to get up out of his chair to hold the other chair for her to sit in, stumbled a little, knocked his drink over, and stopped, frozen mid-step. That dress. The hair. The twinkle in those eyes. There was nothing that he could do except stand there while she walked over.

She spotted him across the room. In a uniform. These Fleet types always were. It had been charming and alluring to her once before. Maybe now, too. She walked the short distance to where he stood. It had been awhile; what was she supposed to do?! She remembered. Smile, Noxi. She smiled. Move your feet, one in front of the other. You've been walking for forty-three years. You can do it. She did it.

"Hello," she said, simply. "How are you?" She settled into the seat. "Thank you. I forgot to order a drink. I'll be right back," she said. She preferred to order her own. She was particular. A bit later, she returned. "Sorry. I am a bit particular about my cocktails," she said.

He had watched her walk across to his table, their table, slowly looking up and down as she neared. He had a half-crooked smile on his face, and would have stood there, staring, until she spoke and broke the spell. He glanced her eyes, smiled a little more, then replied, "I'm OK. He held her chair while she sat down, turned to sit down, then heard her mention that she had not ordered her drink. He quickly returned to her chair and pulled it back as she went for her drink. When she returned, he again held her chair as she sat. Turning to sit back in his chair, his left foot hit the table leg just enough to make the drinks wobble a little.

"She must think I'm a klutz." he thought. What was wrong with him? He had gone on a few dates since his wife passed, but that's all they were, just someone to casually socialize with, maybe have a meal with, but nothing serious. Was this something serious? Would it be something serious/ He shook his head slightly to clear his thoughts, sat down, and tried his best to make small talk.

Glancing down at her glass, he asked, "What are you drinking?"

"Cola, a single shot of Andorian whiskey, and lime. The bartender here never gets it right, so I always have to supervise," she said. She had a weird quirk that the liquor had to go first. "What about you? Sorry for leaving so suddenly. I am just...a little quirky about cocktails. I rarely drink them, so when I do, they have to be perfect." She smiled a little. "How are you?"

Stewart slowly reached for her glass, picked it up, and studied it for a while. While looking at the drink, he replied, "I am doing very well, thank you, especially in the presence of your company." He then swirled the glass slightly, like a fine wine, then gently sniffed it. "Fine bouquet." He then placed the glass back on the table, precisely where it was originally placed, then looked at her. "Something I will have to try." He then picked up his glass, replied "Me?", then said, "I'm having seltzer water. I never drink without having someone to celebrate with." After a slight smile, he rose up from his chair, said "Excuse me while I order me a ... what do you call this drink?"

After a slight pause, Gabriel continued, "Never mind, I will have a quick conversation with the bartender." Walking over to the bar, he had a quick conversation with the bartender, asked for a PADD, made a few quick notes, which he insisted that the bartender review, then returned with an identical drink. "Your drink will be properly prepared from now on."

"I am glad to hear. It's called a--" Oh, ok...she watched him as he did the same thing she had. She smiled when he returned, though, with a drink and PADD, explaining that the bartender would understand her order from now on. She nodded. "Thank you," she said.

Settling back into his chair, Stewart raised his glass toward the good Dr. and said, "To exciting possibilities."

"Exciting possibilities," she said. Indeed. "So. What do you do after hours normally?" She asked.

Gabriel to a few sips of his drink, then took his glass, held it away from his face so he could study it for a moment, then sat it on the table. He then looked at Nairut and replied, "I normally review logs, reports, and ..." looking at the Dr., and, with a slight smile, continued, "medical reports, and compile everything into a report for the Captain." He took another sip of his drink, then, while holding the glass up from the table, said, "After I have finished my 'duties', depending on how much time I have left, I have a light meal, and finish the day with a walk. If I have time, I exercise, then get ready for bed. If I don't have time to exercise, I wake up early enough to do my exercises, the prepare for duty."

He set his drink on the table, looked at it with a furrowed brow, while thinking to himself, "What am I doing? What is this drink doing to me? I haven't talked this much since ... ". A wave of grief overcame him for a moment, long enough to cause him to feel uncomfortable about talking so much, but hopefully briefly enough that no one would notice. Staring out the window for a moment, he turned toward Noxi and asked, "How about you?"

She smiled. "That sounds reasonable. Well, on the rare occasion I get some free time, between my departmental duties, and my mother ones, I like to have a meal not from a replicator. Sometimes I'll read or do yoga. Sometimes a little bit of reflection...I am more spiritual than truly religious, but the Prophets and all play a part in my life, of course. If my son doesn't call me, which is most days, I'll call a friend or sometimes just catch up on sleep. I try to exercise in the early mornings, it sets a good pace for the day. Fridays, I stay late and do duty rosters and assignments for the next week," she said. She sipped the drink. She noticed a strange look cross a face for a moment, but decided not to question it. Now...she'd run out of things to discuss, though. "Um .. did you happen to notice what the special was?" She asked. Safe topic for now.

He looked down at the table for a moment, then looked back at Noxi. "Yes, I did happen to notice what the specials were. One of the specials was on Open-faced roast beef sandwich, mixed vegetables, a side salad, and a slice of lemon meringue pie." Pausing a few seconds for effect, as well as to see her reaction, he continued, hoping to impress the good Dr. "I also noticed another special. Foraiga, Mapa bread, Deka tea, and Larish pie." Smiling slightly, he continued, "I hope that special is satisfactory, my dear … ", he stopped and corrected himself, " … Dr. Noxi."

She smiled. "Ooh, a traditional Bajoran feast. And pronounced properly," she said. "I will have that, definitely," she said. "So...tell me about yourself. I read a little bit in your medical file...I am really sorry for your loss. That must be difficult to manage," she said. She had read the notes from the Counselor, concerned about him following her death, but no mention of anything worrisome. "We don't have to talk about that. Or anything. Sometimes, silence is nice," she said.

He nodded to her, then motioned for a server to come to the table. After the server arrived, Gabriel, speaking in Bajoran, ordered Noxi's meal first, then, reverting back to English, with a slight Scottish burr, he ordered his meal. The server repeated the order back to him, both in Bajoran and Terran, then left to fill the order.

Turning his attention back to Noxi, he replied, "I appreciate your concern. It was devastating, of course, especially since it was so sudden ... and senseless." Cocking his head slightly to the right, he continued, "Well, senseless to me. I have been through counseling, and, occasionally, still seek counseling, but it is quite manageable now." Stopping for a moment to look at Noxi, he thought to himself, "She is easy to talk to." With a slight smile, he said, " After our meal, how about we take advantage of the Holodeck and take a stroll along a sandy beach, just after sunset, where we can sit and watch the stars appear." After a short pause, he said, "That can be quite the spiritual experience. A snack, a blanket to sit on and wrap around us during the slight breeze, and the sound of the ocean."

Noxi nodded. "I bet. Still, that kind of thing can really shape you. I still have a lot of the trauma from the Occupation and such...counseling helps but time helps more, I am afraid. A walk sounds lovely," she said.

Gabriel nodded. "Indeed, time helps. How about we meet at the holodeck in 30 minutes? I will be wearing swimwear ... well, after I replicate some, I will. And I will bring a picnic lunch."

She smiled. "That sounds good," she said. She finished her meal, and then stood. She was wracking her brain-a bikini for tonight? Something more modest?! She would decide.

"Thank you for dinner. I'll see you soon," she said.


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