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Late Night Meeting

Posted on Sat Sep 21st, 2024 @ 10:52pm by Lieutenant Commander Mira Napier & Lieutenant Byron Baker & Lieutenant Dr. Katherine Peck PhD

1,080 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go...
Timeline: After the event at Quarks

((post as a pre-post mission?))

Mira sat up in her bed, still in her uniform. She paged Dr. Peck, "Any chance that I could see you?" She said softly. She wanted to talk to some one, but at the same time it wasn't a ship problem. She sighed softly as she waited for a reply.

Peck responded, "Shall I come to your quarters or would my officer be acceptable?"

"Which ever room, you prefer doctor." She didn't mind either one as Mira just wanted to calm her mind.

"I'll be right there." Within 2 minutes, the chime rang at Mira's quarters.

Mira was still in her uniform as she walked out of the bedroom, into the main room. "Come in," she said as she gotten herself a cup of tea. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Tea would be fine." Katherine stood waiting. "Your call made it sound important. How can I help?"

Mira gave Katherine a cup of tea as well, "I'm wary. Before I joined... I was observed in a Gym and told to meet someone in Deep space nine, but... I didn't expect it to be an old ex flame that's abrasive..." She looked down a little, "I hope I got rid of him, but I'm wary that he'll try to get me removed some how. Falsify things as he's also as high of a clearance as I am in the security field." She frowned again. "I feel a little helpless and I don't like that."

"I'm sure your record would be enough to prove that you wouldn't do anything to get you removed." said Katherine.

She nodded, "I hope so." She sighed a moment, "The further away from him, the better I'd feel or I should, right?" She pressed her lips warily, wondering if she could be at least half correct.

Katherine thought about what she had been told. "The person sounds like a toxic person, so the better you stay away from him the better."
"May I also suggest that you talk to the captain. I may be speaking as his sister, but you're a member of his crew, and he would do anything to protect you."

Mira nodded, "I am planning to stay as far away as possible." She gave a smile, before adding to the rest of what she was told. "You think it's a good idea? I don't want to bother him with anything outside of this ship."

"If it involves a member of his crew, it won't be a bother and it involves his ship." Kate looked at her.

She politely gave her a nod, "I'll go talk to him. Do you think that you could give a heads up?"

Kate smiled. "I'll be happy to give him a heads up. Would you like me to go with you to see him? I'd be happy to."

Mira smiled in return, "I'd be honored if you could do that please."

"That's my I want to help you."

Mira had gotten up and placed her cup on a table. She turned to Kate, "Let's go." She waited to follow the Counselor to go see the Captain.

Kate stood out and headed for the door. "This is the right move. They walked to the turbolift, entered it when the doors opened, and Kate said, "Captain's ready room." Then the TL moved quickly to the bridge.

Napier stepped out first and she waited until Kat stepped out. Then she followed her to the ready room.

Larsen looked up when his sister and Napier entered his ready room. "And what do we have here?" asked the captain.

Kate sat in one of the chairs in front of the captain's desk. She signaled Napier to sit. "I would like you to listen to what Mira has to say."

"Now I'm curious. Proceed when you're ready, commander." Larsen leaned back in his chair.

Feeling confident from the counselor that this was the right thing to do, Mira took a seat and she began to tell him what she told Kate. She didn't leave anything out about her ex-Joseph Morris. She sighed softly after she finished, including adding that she didn't think that'd be the last.

Larsen sat back, surprised at what he just heard. "Mira." Larsen had used her first name. He never calls his crew by their first name, except his sister. "I'm glad that you felt you were able to confide in Kate. And I'm glad you came to me and told me this story. You have my complete confidence in your ability to do your job, I have no doubt that you are capable. And I would never take this person's word for anything. I will contact command and see that this person is given a discharge and never works in Starfleet again. If you want, I'll have him transferred aboard the Deliverance where I will bust him down to recruit, and make his life a living hell."

Napier shook her head a little bit, "He has connections and from what I know, the section that he's with isn't directly with Starfleet." She sighed, "So, he could use other contacts. I just want it to be aware of what I do know."

Larsen looked up. "Section 31?"

She pursed her lips for a moment before giving a nod. "I believe so." She said, looking down at her hands that she held together tightly. Mira closed her eyes a moment to clear her thoughts.

Larsen stood up and moved to the window.

Katherine watched her brother. She didn't know how Aaron would react.

"Commander Napier." Larsen paused. "If, and only if, this individual," the way he said 'individual' didn't sound polite, "if he tries to smear your name, I will use all my contacts within Starfleet to label him a liar and a fraud." He finally turned around and looked at the both of them. "Will that be satisfactory?"

Katherine let out a breath.

Mira gave a grateful nod, "Thank you." She said politely.

He rose from behind his desk and moved forward. "I was happy to help. The welfare of my crew is important to me. If you have any other issues, my door is always open."

Mira nodded and bid them farewell, leaving to her quarters. She didn't know that there was a change about to happen.

((This was before the Breen Mission - posting as there's nothing more to add or take away from this and I don't have the heart to delete.))


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