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Physical for the captain

Posted on Thu Sep 21st, 2023 @ 12:25pm by Captain Dr. Nairut Noxi & Captain Aaron Larson

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Sickbay

Larson headed to sickbay. The new doctor wanted to do a complete physical for all the crew before they set sail. He walked along the almost empty corridor towards sickbay.

In her office, Dr. Nairut was was writing new notes for the two people she'd seen previously. She was hoping to have every single onboarding physical done by the time they officially launched. The final waves of personnel had finally arrived, and she had eight appointments today. The biggest of which was the Captain. She stood up and made her way to the waiting area, to see if he had arrived.

"Captain Larson? I am ready for you," she said.

Larson wasn't happy that he actually had to wait, but he let it drop. He stood and walked towards the doctor.

"I'll see you in Room 1," she said. "Right this way," she said, leading down a short corridor. Normally, these kinds of exams took place in the open exam area, but for the Captain, exceptions were made. She hoped that he had forgotten her earlier sourness at the Base-she'd been tired and it was out of character for her. Kind of. She was a bit sassy but not usually mad and combative like she'd been.

"Hop on up on the Biobed. You can remain fully dressed," she said, turning on the bed, and extracting a Tricorder from her pocket. "Anything I should know before we begin?" She asked.

"Nothing that isn't already in my file." Laid down on the bed, and waited for the doctor to begin.

She nodded, but turned to face him fully. She began her scan near his head. "So. What do you do to keep fit?" She asked him. A standard battery of questions she'd ask. Some were a bit personal-she'd save those for a bit later. "Physical fitness is important for both heart and mental health," she said. "And keeps the stress low, I've found." She was making small-talk; they were virtually strangers still.

"I try to go to the gym at least 3 times a week, more if I can find the time. I have a 90 workout that includes cardio. I programmed the computer to play chess against me. I have the computer display 4 chess sets, computer playing 2 as white and me playing 2 as white." Larson responded.

Noxi nodded. "Wow, chess, really?!" She said, impressed. "My ex-husband taught me to play, said he learned it while on missions to keep his brain sharp. I hated to tell him he was Botanist," she said, with a laugh. "Alright, everything looks good so far. Open your mouth," she said, turning on the flashlight function on her Tricorder. "Tonsils are intact..." she moved to his ears. "Looks good." She set the tricorder aside. "Lean forward," she said. "I need to lift your shirt in the back, ok?" She said. She placed the stethoscope on his back to listen to his breathing and lung function. "Any questions for me so far?" She asked.

"None." He kept breathing. "I find chess relaxing. To be a good player, you need to be able to think ahead 4-5 moves. It's like being a captain of a starship in a battle, you need to outthink the other captain."

Noxi nodded. "Absolutely. That's what Ben said, as well," she said. "If you ever want to play in person, I will make some time," she said. "Alright, well. I won't keep you too long-you seem in fine health. Let me just get a vial of blood to check your panels, and then you can be on your way," she said. She moved quickly-gone were the old school needles-now, she could use an extracting "gun" of sorts, that drew the blood through the arm with just a small prick and took moments. "Alright. I'll post any results to your personal PADD," she said.

"Thank you." He stepped off of the biobed. "I look forward to getting those results."

She smiled. "I'll get them to you ASAP. Let me see you out," she said, stepping forward. "Thank you for coming by-most CO's need harassing about it." She said. "Anything you need to let me know before we launch?"



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