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Launch minus 36 hours and counting.

Posted on Sun Jul 30th, 2023 @ 11:59am by Captain Aaron Larson & Lieutenant Dr. Katherine Peck PhD & Lieutenant Samuel Patterson & Petty Officer 1st Class Blair Stevens

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Various

Larson had spent most of the last 2 days going from section to section, gauging if the section was ready to get underway.

Stevens followed the captain, her padd ready to take down any notes or suggestions the captain had.

The two of them were headed to the hanger bay when they were approached by a lieutenant.

"Lieutenant Patterson reporting for duty, captain." Samuel Patterson stood at attention in front of his new boss.

"At ease, lieutenant. Welcome aboard." Larson held out his hand, which the new pilot shook eagerly.

"Happy to be here, sir." Patterson looked at the cute yeoman behind the captain.

"Lieutenant Samuel Patterson, this is my new Yeoman, Blair Stevens. Yeoman, this is Lieutenant Samuel Patterson, one of our fighter pilots."

Stevens just said, "Hello." while her adverted her eyes. "Happy to make your acquaintance, Yeoman." Was Patterson's response.

"Captain," Patterson continued, "I wanted to say thank you for approving my transfer. I'm looking forward to it."

"I needed a pilot, and you needed a job. I'm sure you'll fit in here comfortably."

Samuel winked at Blair and said to the captain, "I'm sure I will."

"We need to keep moving, captain." Stevens said to the captain.

"You heard the boss. See you at the briefing." Larson and Stevens continued their inspection.

They went from department to department. The ship was short staffed at the moment, but Larson was able to talk with many of the assistants in each department.



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