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Report for Duty

Posted on Thu Oct 26th, 2023 @ 8:10pm by Commander Gabriel Stewart & Captain Aaron Larson & Lieutenant Commander Mira Napier & Lieutenant Commander Andrew "Drew" Chandler & Lieutenant Commander Kofupp Kagg & Captain Dr. Nairut Noxi & Lieutenant Alula Beru & Lieutenant JG Jenny Goldstein

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Department Stations
Tags: all stations, first flight, reports, Lt. Cmdr Kofupp Kagg , LtJG Jenny Goldstein , Major General Myers Hanson , Captain Aaron Larson , Cmdr Gabriel Stewart , Lt. Cmdr Mira Napier , Lt. Cmdr Andrew "Drew" Chandler ,Lt Dr. Nairut Noxi , Lt Alula Beru , CPO Gemi Gahi

** OOC: This has been updated to include a couple more characters **

Gabriel left the meeting and headed to his post, which was the chair next to the Captain's chair. He asked the duty Ops person to open a ship-wide channel, to which she replied, "Channel open, Commander."

"Attention, all personnel. Please report to your stations and prepare for our inaugural flight." Pausing for a bit, he continued, "Today we venture into a delicate situation in a delicate area. We are to make sure our enemies are living by the treaties. To explore the regions of the area that are contested by foreign factions and determine what can be done to quell the disputes." Pausing once more, he took a slow breath. "All departments, report your status."

Jenny was already at her post: her last ship had, by the very nature of its mission and the length of time the same few people had been incarcerated on the little ship together, become quite casual in its ambience and she was paranoid that this attitude might have permeated into her habits: perhaps she was over compensating, but she was trying to make sure that she was prompt and snappy with her dealings with others. "Science station green, Sir." she reported.

Gabriel turned toward the Science station, nodded, and replied, "Thank you, Lt. Goldstein." He made a note on his PADD.

Chief of Engineering, Lt Alula Beru entered the TL to the Bridge when she heard the all-stations request. ‘Perfect timing!’ she thought. She looped her blond braid up under itself and smoothed down her uniform. Within moments the TL doors whisked silently open and she walked on to the Bridge. Nodding in respect and acknowledgment to her XO as she passed behind his station, Alula took the ENGR station and transferred controls to the Bridge console. This was an exciting moment, one she had been anticipating greatly. They were finally a crew and about to begin their missions. Calling out in confirmation, she said, “Engineering at the ready, Sir!”

Hearing the door to the Bridge swishing open, Gabriel turned to see Lt. Beru enter and take the Engineering station on the bridge. After she transferred control to the bridge, and announced the status, he nodded to her and replied, "Thank you, Lt Beru."

Noxi sighed, but tossed the file she was reading onto her desk, and stood up. She got her blue lab jacket on, and made her way to the Bridge. She never had much to do, but it was always exciting to watch a launch, anyway. She smiled as she settled into an empty Console. "Dr. Nairut Noxi, reporting," the Bajoran said. She'd miss DS9, again, but knew she'd be back "home" someday.

Glancing over toward the ever-swishing door, once again Gabriel looked to see who was entering the Bridge. He was pleasantly surprised to see Dr. Noxi entering. Smiling slightly, he nodded again, and said, "Thank you for reporting to the Bridge, Dr."

"Of course. I still like to watch the launches," she said. "No matter how many I've seen, it's always exciting," she said.

With only a few more departments to report in, Gabriel turned to the Captain and said, in his usual brevity, "A few more departments." Looking down at his PADD in anticipation, he awaited hearing from the remaining departments.

"Very well, number one." replied the captain as he was reading padds handed to him by his aide.

The turbolift door opened, and a young Lieutenant Junior Grade officer stepped out. Getting his bearings, he stepped towards the captain, came to attention, and announced, "Lieutenant Peter Newman, helmsman, reporting for duty." He held out a PADD with his orders on it.

Gabriel watched the Lt walk towards the command area, past himself, and stand at attention next to the Captain.

"Normally, Lieutenant," The captain started, "all transfer orders would be given to my aide, who would then give them to the First Officer, who would approve them, then report to me." Larson took the PADD, looked at it, then handed it to Stewart. "Happy to have you aboard, lieutenant. You may take your station."

Taking the PADD, Gabriel reviewed the Lt.'s information, approved it, forwarded the information to the Captain's aide, then added the information to his on-boarding reports.

Newman moved to the helm console and sat.

Jeez, Jenny had to feel for the guy: a new man called Newman, called out for making a noobie error!

Larson leaned over to Stewart, "Eager, isn't he? Were we that eager when reporting?"

Giving a mock shake of his head, along with a mock frown, Gabriel replied, "Never."

Noxi stifled a giggle. Rookie mistake, but she understood. She never had done that but had seen it a few times in her departments over the years. Young and un-jaded. Must be nice.

Meanwhile, in Stellar Cartography, Ensign Tallia Jenkins walked in, eager to get started. She moved to her console and sat, going over the correct procedures she was expected to do.

Gabriel reviewed the roster, and the reports, and looked at Larson. "Almost ready."

Larson looked at Gabriel. "Who are we missing, commander?" Larsen tapped a button on his armrest. "Attention all hands, this is the captain." He paused. "Prepare to get underway. Captain out."

Mira was giving her last order to a security officer, giving that one confidence. when she quickly finished in the security office. She quickly made a note outside of it on a panel on her location, if she was needed. She glanced as she saw another officer heading for her, thinking to herself, 'Agh, I'm late.' She quickly helped that officer, before she made her way to the bridge. After a little bit longer, she stepped out and quietly took her station at Tactical.

Standing at the ENGR station, Alula received a message from Main Engineering from Ensign Donovan Sharp. She read it and smiled. She had a good team down there. Turning towards her XO, she reported, “Commander, final diagnostics on the cloaking device have been completed. She’s primed and ready to test.”

Gabriel glanced in Lt. Beru's direction, nodded, then looked at Larson. "Nothing major. Civilian Affairs."

CPO Gemi was walking toward the lounge when E heard the announcement over the intercom. E stopped and tapped Eir comm badge, and spoke softly. The embedded UT registered Gemi's voice, then, after E completed speaking, translated Eir language to Standard. "CPO Gemi reporting. Gemi is en-route to the galley. All items are accounted for. Gemi is ready for assignments."

"Tactical Station is all good and ready here." Napier said as she moved with a slight hand of movements on the console.

Nodding toward the Captain, Gabriel said, "All departments ready."

Noxi sat at an empty console-an extra Ops one-and watched the cacophony around her. She was glad that she was superfluous for the time being-it seemed stressful, prepping for a launch. She could just sit there, looking cute, and watch. Alert to any problems, of course, but otherwise relaxed and calm. She did understand why people liked Bridge duties-it was a bit exciting.

Drew exited the turbolift and took up position at the aft section of the bridge out of the way. He was not currently on any watch bill for the ship and most of his duties were to review intelligence reports and develop on site options. He spared a glance at Jenny and gave her a nod and a smile.

The young science officer gave her older lover an awkward smile back, it was kinda weird having him here on the bridge with her.

"Let's get going." Larsen looked at the viewscreen. "Helm, plot a course for the Breen border, warp 5. When we get there, drop to impulse. Science, start to scan the area of the missing probes. Tactical, stand by weapons and shields."

"Scanning" Jenny responded promptly.

The helmsman nodded. "Course and speed laid in, captain."

Larsen stood up. "Punch it!"

The ship took off at warp 5.

"Commander, make sure the cloaking device tech is on the bridge when we get to the border."

Gabriel nodded to Larson, replying in a flat tone, "Sir." Turning toward the front of the ship, he queried, "Helm, what is our ETA?"

"3 hours 27 minutes, sir." Newman responded.

Tapping his comm badge, he announced, "Lt Sehila. Report to the Bridge in 3 hours, 17 minutes."

Sehila replied, "On my way, sir." She left engineering and headed to the bridge.

At the start of Warp, Noxi stood up. "I'll return to Medical, unless you need me," she said, not waiting for the answer. She wasn't. Not yet. She made her way down the corridor and to the Turbolift before heading back to the clinic. Launches themselves were exciting. Listening to each department report in? Not at all.

CPO Gemi Gahi started Eir second review of the meal requirements of the crew, and started preparing meals for those that required them at this time.

Lt. Banaii Gahi reported to the Engineering department and, after reporting to the Engineer on duty, began Vis review of the Transporter and Replicator systems, and any other systems that dealt with Matter/Energy conversions.

LtJg B'Sata Gahi reported to the Medical department, reporting Hirself to Dr. Nairut. After blinking twice to activate the implanted Universal Translator, and speaking quickly, Hir comm badge announced "B'Sata present reporting for work."

Noxi simply nodded. "Great. Please familiarize yourself with the stock room. I just loaded up a bunch of supplies. I'll be in to assist shortly," she said.

Sgt. Koshu Gahi walked into the Marine room, commonly referred to as barracks, and announced Tem as reporting for duty.

Sehila arrived on the bridge and walked to the Cloaking Device panel. She checked it out, ran standard tests and decided the cloak was in excellent working order.

[[ The SIM dialogue is continued in the Underway Post. Please post any further updates in that post]]



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