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Breen Compliance

Posted on Thu Aug 29th, 2024 @ 10:47pm by Captain Dr. Nairut Noxi & Lieutenant Commander Mira Napier & Lieutenant Commander Kofupp Kagg & Lieutenant JG Jenny Goldstein
Edited on on Tue Sep 10th, 2024 @ 12:52pm

2,933 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go...
Location: USS Deliverance Bridge
Timeline: StarDate 202311.01
Tags: Breen Compliance, underway, deliverance, wormhole, departments, Mira Napier, Myers Hanson, Aaron Larson, Gabriel Stewart, Andrew Chandler, Kofupp Kagg, Nairut Noxi, Alula Beru, Jenny Goldstein

The USS Deliverance left DS9 under full Impulse power until it reached entrance to the wormhole, where it triggered the wormhole to open, allowing the ship to enter at warp 5. Lt. Nairut had left the Bridge after the ship left DS9. Lt Sehila arrived on the Bridge immediately after she was notified that her presence would be required on the Bridge prior to their arrival at the Breen border.

=/\=Shipwide: All departments. Test all systems, noting any abnormalities that are the result of interactions with the wormhole.=/\=

=/\=Sir, all systems are online and working as expected in Medical and Counseling=/\= Noxi reported. =/\=I will keep you posted as we get further into the Wormhole. =/\=

=/\= Thank you, Lt. Nairut =/\=

Jenny made sure that she was actually on the Bridge when the Wormhole transition was made, she wouldn't have missed this opportunity for a front seat view, as it were, for the world. Near her, the the Ops station, she heard that Tellarite chauvinist pig Kagg grunt "What the Hell is that!" and she couldn't help turn and look at the main viewscreen: but there was nothing unusual to see there (apart from the wonderful interior of the Wormhole itself of course). Then she realized that the Lt. Commander wasn't staring at the viewscreen, he was staring at a pretty pointy-eared woman who had just entered.

She was a Vulcan, Jenny supposed. She couldn't tell a Vulcan from a Romulan, to be honest. It seemed Commander Kagg could, though, and if he was sore enough about having a Trill-Romulan half breed on board in the person of Lt. Beru, he sure as Hell would be incensed about having a full blown Rommie sharing the bridge!

Mira made sure that her department was doing accurately and that all weapons and such were operational.

"Helm, all stop." Larsen gave the order to his helmsman.

"Helm answering all stop, captain." reported Newman.

Larsen stood up and walked over to Sehila. "Is the cloaking device operational?"

Sehila nodded. "It is operating within normal parameters, captain."

Larsen returned to his chair. "Attention all hands. We will be testing the cloaking device. If there are any issues in your department, contact your department head. Captain out."

"Lieutenant Sehila, activate the cloak."

Jenny watched her readings with even more than the usual high rate of interest and curiosity than she would normally, even at such a new and exciting event: the use of a Romulan Cloaking device, the scourge of Federation Forces for so many decades, centuries even , during the two galactic power blocs' many wars (both hot and cold wars, it might be added)... and now its use on a Federation ship!

It was notable that Lt. Commander Kagg had not been rostered onto the bridge Ops station for this moment and, unpleasant and paranoid though he was, she wondered if that was a mistake: surely, it would be best for him to see for himself that there was nothing harmful in the device itself or its operator. Well... presumably.

The lights on the bridge dimmed. The shields were offline. "Lt. Sehila, status."

"Captain, the cloak is operating with parameters. Power levels are normal. I would say it's a success, sir.

"Good. Uncloak." The lighting on the bridge returned to normal. Shields were working again.

"Helm. Resume course to the Breen homeworld." Larsen tapped a button on his chair. "Captain to engineering. Prepare the replacement probes. Captain out."

When the lights on the Bridge dimmed, they also did so in Medical, and Noxi was quickly on the Comms.

=/\=Experiencing low power in medical, but systems are still stable.=/\= The Bajoran wondered for a moment if she yelled out the airlock that she was Bajoran, if the wormhole would stop acting weird. She giggled at the idea, but returned to her tasks. The Sickbay was nearly to where she liked it to be, and that made her happy. She liked organization.

Cmdr. Gabriel Stewart tapped his comm badge, =/\=Medical=/\= "Acknowledged"=/\=. He then noted this is his pending status report.

The helmsman responded. "On course for the Breen system, captain, ETA 21 minutes."

Gabriel noted the immediate response from Engineering, and updated his current log with that information. Being proactive as he was, he sent out a ship wide announcement with his usual brevity:

=/\=Shipwide: All departments. Status Report.=/\=

Jenny had expected the experience of travelling through the wormhole, and the importance of monitoring the effects of using the cloaking device on the ship and its environment, to take up the whole of her attention at this point and, indeed, the interior of this strange distortion in space was a beautiful and spectacular sight to behold.

However, at the back of her mind was a nagging doubt, and fear weighed heavily in the pit of her stomach about travelling to the Breen border: this faceless enemy that all in the Federation had learned to treat with distrust and caution. To use a well worn phrase, she had a bad feeling about this.


The helmsman, Peter Newman reports, "Captain, approaching Breen border."

Larsen nodded. "Drop to half impulse. Lt Sehila, activate the cloak."

"Yes captain." Sehila do so. The lights on the bridge dimmed. "Cloak has been activated and is operating normally, captain."

"Thank you, lieutenant. Number one, take us to yellow alert." said the captain.

Gabriel responded immediately, "Aye, sir!", and activated the Yellow Alert:

Condition Yellow

When the Yellow alert klaxon sounded, Nairut Noxi looked up.

"B'Sata, I will see what that's about. Please continue...whatever it is you're working on," she said. She tapped her Comms badge.

=/\=Medical to Bridge. Yellow Alert protocols are activated, but what is going on? Do I need to report to the bridge?=/\=

Larsen responded to the doctor's hail. "Not at this time, doctor. Captain out."

=/\=Alright, sir, keep me posted.=/\= She turned back around to finish some work.

LtJg B'Sata Gahi had been reviewing the medical logs of the Discovery's personnel, both staff and civilians, specifically the records that pertained to personal, psychological, and emotional situations and anomalies, in the event Sei needed to plan any activities to assist a crew member that is having problems,

Lt. Peck heard the alert sound. She knew that if her brother needed her, in her capacity as ship's counselor, he would contact her.

Mira did her part when the yellow alert sounded. She was on the ready, in case they needed the weapons to fire, as she punched in more buttons on her console to let known if there'd be any hostilities. She was hoping with the cloak, that it'd not be that.

=/\= All hands, this is the captain. We are holding, under cloak, just outside Breen space. We have deployed replacement probes to monitor if the Breen are complying with the Treaty. Our orders are to remain here for any indication that the Breen have broken said Treaty. Captain out. =/\= "I want all scanners on passive mode only and directed towards the planet. I want to be informed of any indications of active warp signatures." He looked at his bridge crew. "Carry on." He looked at his first officer. "Number one, you have the bridge." He rose and headed towards his ready room.

"Sir." was Gabriel's usual short reply. He waited until Larson was near the ready room, then moved toward the command chair. "Continue." was his next utterance, as he sat down and reviewed the status reports.

Noxi kept an eye on the scanners in the room as her team worked. She kept calm-so that everyone else would, too. Right now, there was no reason to panic, anyway.

Mira glanced as the Captain went into the ready room. She gave a slight nod to the others as she looked more so at her console, than the main screen. She didn't want to miss anything.

2 hours go by. No sign that the Breen even noticed that the sensor buoys had been replaced. But then suddenly, a distress call is picked up by Comms.

The SOS signal came through, and Noxi looked up at the intercom. "All hands, be alert, but continue with your tasks," she said. They had moved on to seeing patients, as usual, but had a lull in the action. At those times, Noxi didn't monitor what her staff did-she didn't care, really, just so long as they were "on" and ready to go when it was necessary. She tapped her Comms.

=/\=Medical on standby =/\= She reported.

"This is the freighter SS Horizon, out of DS9. We are under attack by unknown ship. Any Federation ship please respond." The message kept repeating as if it was automated.

[[Background: The Horizon is a Class 2 freighter, crew of 30, minimum shielding and weapons, maximum speed warp 4. The freighter is 1 hour from the Deliverance at warp 5. ]]

Gabriel tapped his comm badge. "Captain Larson. We have a distress situation." Before the Captain could respond, Gabriel called out, "Send a reply. Deliverance responding." "Prepare passive probes to continue monitoring." "Set a course for their location. Thrusters only." "Monitor for additional comms." "When we are out of range of the Breen, Red Alert." Sitting on the edge of the chair, Gabriel was ready to vacate the chair when Larson was near, with an update of everything that he had commanded so far, leaving the actual command to initiate any, some, or all of his commands, or however the Captain deemed necessary.

"Sir." was his last "sentence" as Larson approached.

"Update, commander?" Larson didn't sit, just kept standing.

Gabriel stood, and responded in his usual cryptic manner. "Sir, we replied, responding. Deployed passive probes. Course set, thrusters. Red alert pending." He then moved toward the XO's chair and sat. "Captain."

Noxi knew what was happening. "Lt. B'Sata, let's begin to prepare for an all-hands situation. Please set up as many bio beds in the auxiliary room as you can. I will start out here with the nurse," she said. She moved to a cabinet, pulling out some supplies, and got to work.

Lt. B'Sata responded, "B'Sata beds room", which the UT translated to "B'Sata (will put the) beds (in the auxiliary) room,"the parenthetic words supplied by the UT to flesh out the cryptic .Chix'alk language.

Noxi nodded. "Thank you," she said to Em, with a smile. "Ask the nurse to assist you if you need it."

"Set a course for the freighter, warp 5. Go to red alert. Ready all weapons." Larson sat in his chair.


Red Alert

notice was activated throughout the ship.

The helmsman Newman, responded. "Course laid in at warp 5, captain."

"Let's go." was the Captain's response. "The probes will record any ship approaching and if I'm right, we'll have the evidence the Breen have violated the treaty."

The man sounded as if he actively hoped the strange race of aliens had done so. She was the opposite, if they got into dangerous situation, well, there was someone on the ship she cared deeply about, and would hate to see anything happen to. The Science Officer concentrated on the probe readings but some disconnected part of her mind wondered where E was and what E was doing.

Gemi's duties during a heightened situation did not differ much from that of a normal situation, but with Em having the responsibility of a Novnavigo, E was more attentive to the activities surrounding Em. E was also in telepathic contact with Eir family members,

Banaii Gahi was in the Engineering department, monitoring all of the Matter/Energy Systems systems Ve was responsible for, and awaiting any orders that may be given to Ver by Lt Beru.

In the Marine department, Sgt. Koshu Gahi was at standby.

The ship jumped to warp.

Yeoman Blair Stevens had been recording everything that was happening on her tricorder.

Lieutenant Sehila was standing by the cloaking device station, monitoring the condition of the cloak.

In Stellar Cartography, Ensign Jenkins was cataloguing all the planetary systems that they had been passing.

On the hanger deck, Patterson and Davis stood near their ships, ready to launch if needed.

Lieutenant Peck, the ships counselor, arrived on the bridge. Though not a Betazoid, even she could feel the tension on board the ship.

Larson noticed the people arrive on the bridge.

Gabriel was mentally taking note of all the activity going on around him, while at the same time keeping a sharp eye on the viewscreen and his status screen on his chair.

Newman looked up. "Approaching the area in 2 minutes, sir."

At that announcement, Gabriel quickly review his status screen, then focused on the main screen.

Noxi stepped out of the Medbay and made her way to the Bridge. Generally, Red Alerts meant that the Bridge would take the biggest impact. She carried her medical kit with her, but was hoping she wouldn't have to use it. She appeared a moment later. "Sirs, I am here, ready," she said, taking a console.

Gabriel had been focusing on the main screen and had not noticed Noxi entering the Bridge, which caused him to jump slightly when she announced her presence. He quickly glanced in her direction, nodded and smiled, and, after a longer than normal pause, reluctantly returned his focus on the main screen.

She smiled back, but returned to her console screen. She was looking for anything that might be helpful, though, admittedly, bridge duties weren't in her wheelhouse. She also wanted to be present incase the Captain became incapacitated first.

"Helm," said the captain, "Drop out of warp!" The viewscreen cleared and they could see an unidentified ship attacking the freighter. "Open a channel!"

Seeing the unidentified ship, Gabriel called out, "Tactical, weapons ready. Sehila, at ready. Helm, standby for attack pattern Delta 2."

Noxi braced herself, in case of impact. This was the fun part of being a Starfleet officer.

"Channel open." replied the Comm officer.

Larson stood up from his chair. "Unidentified ship. This is the USS Deliverance. Cease your attack immediately and identify yourself. This is your only warning."

"No reply, captain." reported the comm officer.

Noticing the ship's engines being powered up, Gabriel called out to the Operations officer. "Ship's capabilities. Warp? Maneuverability?"

Noxi glanced around. It was getting serious. She tapped her Comms and quietly told her staff to prepare for casualties, just in case.

Gemi heard Noxi's communication, tapped Eir comm badge, and responded, with the UT translation of, "Gemi is preparing."

==/\==Thank you. Nairut off. ==/\== She returned her gaze to the console. She had a feeling in her stomach, one she sometimes got when she thought things might be off. The humans called it a "gut feeling." She preferred "Bajoran intuition."

"Their warp engines are offline. They can only maneuver with impulse." the Ops officer responded.

"Lock a tractor beam on that ship. Prepare to transport the crew into the brig." He looked at Stewart. "Report to the brig, commander. Make sure the transporter operator makes sure they aren't armed."

Gabriel nodded toward Larson while responding, "Captain.", then rose from his chair and left the Bridge to make his way to the brig.

Mira followed Gabriel after another tactical officer had taken over her spot. She wanted to be there as well to protect the commander and crew as it was her job.

Gabriel paused at the turbolift, nodded to LtCdr Napier as he allowed her to enter before he did, then uttered the command "Transporter 1." He stood quietly as they traveled to the transporter room.

When they arrived in the transporter room, the transporter operator was standing by. "Their being held in the transporter buffer. No weapons detected, but the computer has detected an unknown chemical agent imbedded in their mouths. They register as humanoid, sir."

Gabriel nodded to the transporter chief, then commented, "Isolate the agent, but keep it in the buffer, in case it is necessary for their survival. If it is, we can place them back in the buffer, and re-integrate it into their bodies." He turned to Napier for confirmation.

[[OOC: Is there any ill effect from the agent being removed from the transported crew?]]

Dr. Nairut tapped a foot quietly against the floor. She hated this-the wait for the THING to happen. "Captain, I'll return to Sickbay, prep for casualties," she said. The lack of comms was concerning. Noxi had been around long enough to recognize when things were headed South, and this was one of those times.

"Understood, doctor." Larson looked at the PADD that one of the bridge handed him. =/\= Larson to Stewart. Update please. =/\=

=/\= Stewart to Larson. We have the crew fully transported. They had an unknown substance embedded in their mouths, which we isolated during the transport. We are holding off on taking them to the brig until we can determine if this will affect their bodies in any way. =/\=

=/\= I'm on my way. =/\= Larson stood up and walked to the Turbo Lift and took it to the brig. When he entered, he saw......Breen!

Gabriel turned toward the door as Larson entered. "We have them in holding for the moment. It is taking quiet a bit of power to keep them in stasis like this." He paused for a moment, then added, "We are still not sure what the substance is. There is no correlation in the computer database.:

Larson looked at the prisoners. He turned to Gabriel. "This doesn't make sense. Why would they destroy the sensors an attack shipping? They violate the treaty and it could lead to war."

((what to do with this now? - Mira ))
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