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Posted on Sat Oct 28th, 2023 @ 1:39am by Commander Gabriel Stewart & Captain Aaron Larson & Captain Dr. Nairut Noxi & Lieutenant JG B'Sata Gahi Hermoncipi

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Medical Department
Timeline: Getting Underway
Tags: medical, underway, Lt. Dr. Nairut Noxi , Captain Aaron Larson , Cmdr Gabriel Stewart , LtJG B'Sata Gahi

[[ This post documents the activities that occur in the medical department during the Getting Underway thread. ]]

Noxi had made her way down the corridor and to the Turbolift before heading back to the clinic. She watched the computer as she worked. She was just restocking-they had no patients, which she expected. This soon after a launch was generally slow. In a week's time, however, that would be less true. By the sixth-month mark? She'd be busy. Everything looked fine. For now.

LtJg B'Sata Gahi reported to the Medical department, reporting Hirself to Dr. Nairut. After blinking twice to activate the implanted Universal Translator, Sei spoke very quickly, Hir eyes and horns changing colors in synchrony. Momentarily, Hir comm badge announced "B'Sata present reporting for work."

Noxi simply nodded. "Great. Please familiarize yourself with the stock room. I just loaded up a bunch of supplies. I'll be in to assist shortly," she said.

B'Sata replied, "B'Sata will comply." Sei had a good feeling about working with Dr. Nairut. Although Ser official assignment was Morale Officer, Sei had trained to cover any and all basics of the Medical department. Sei headed toward the stock room and started taking an official inventory so Sei could become familiar with every item.

Katherine entered sickbay. She wasn't ill, and she didn't have any patients yet. She wanted to see her office, which was located near main sickbay.

Noxi finished her computer work, and turned to go to the stock room. She saw Dr. Peck enter. "Good morning, Counselor," she said, making her way to the store room. She hoped their working relationship going forward would go better than the first time they'd met.

Peck smiled. "Doctor Noxi. Took a chance to visit my office. Don't have any customers yet, but that might change soon."

Noxi smiled lightly. "It's only the first day," she said. "Give it time. Soon, you'll be so busy, you'll need an assistant," she said, confidently. "Some of your things were delivered via Transport to the Auxiliary Supply Room. Make sure you check those and that they are accurate. I will be in the other supply room, assisting B'Sata, if you need me," she said.

"Will do." When she left, Kate started opening the crates to see what was here and what wasn't. She found her books, which will line her wall. She found pictures of the family. And finally, she found some artwork, pictures and a couple of small statues. When she was satisfied with those fines, she walked to her office, to get a fell for it. Her desk, the couch and chairs she felt were in the wrong place, so she moved the chair out of the way, and went looking for a couple of strong arms to help with the rest.

LtJg B'Sata looked up and saw Dr. Nairut enter the supply room. Sei stepped back from the shelf Sei was inventorying, and said, "B'Sata has will have completed the inventory of this room when Sei has completed this shelf." Turning back to the shelf, Sei made a few more notes on Hir PADD, then closed the inventory list. Sei then handed the PADD to the Dr. "The inventory is completed.'

Noxi nodded. "Thank you, that is excellent work. I was speaking to Dr. Peck," she said. "I will start sorting the hyposprays if you could double-check that the surgical supplies are accounted for. We have only a few days to request supplies before we're too far from DS9 for them to be shuttled," she said.

Noxi looked at her console again in the office. All systems seemed good. Great. She went back to work. "B'Sata Gahi, please sort out the hyposprays by racial origin-i.e., the Orion type, the Human type, etc."

LtJg B'Sata responded to Noxi, " B'Sata acknowledges your request. The hyposprays will be sorted." Sei then sorted the hyposprays properly.


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