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Three Blind Mice

Posted on Sun Jul 30th, 2023 @ 9:35am by Lieutenant JG Jenny Goldstein

279 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: DS9: Quark's
Timeline: Pre-arrival of USS Deliverance
Tags: Noxi, Beru

That first day on Deep Space 9, exploring the Promenade of the Cardassian-built space station, there had seemed to be so much to do and see. This place was amazing!!

By the end of the second day, she had thoroughly explored the shops and stalls and bar.

Third Day, she stayed in her room and read up on the technical specs of the ship she was waiting for.

Day 4: Where WAS that ship?!!

By the fifth day, Jenny was bored enough to look up whether any fellow crew-members of the USS Defiant were also waiting at this same boring old space station with her. She struck lucky, a Dr Noxi and a Lt. Beru. OK, they sounded all right from the limited information available to her, before all three of them were mustered on board, when (or if!) this state of the art ship of theirs ever arrived.

She sent the two ladies a message each. Would they care to hook up? She would book the table at Quark's, no pressure, sure they were very busy, etc. etc. Jeez, she felt like a nervous boy inviting a couple of stunning girls on a date or something. It was kind of nerve wracking, in fact: she was anticipating a ridiculously horrible feeling of rejection if they said no... and an equally appalling sensation of terror if they said yes! Wow, talk about putting yourself in a no-win situation, but that's what the boredom of five days on a space station with no friends will do to you.

And so here she was, table for three, Quark's.

They weren't late, of course. They just weren't half an hour early, like she was!


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Comments (1)

By Captain Aaron Larson on Sun Jul 30th, 2023 @ 12:00pm

Excellent post. If you're playing Dabo at Quark's, hope you clean him out. LOL