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Posted on Sun Oct 15th, 2023 @ 8:07pm by Commander Gabriel Stewart & Captain Aaron Larson & Lieutenant JG Jenny Goldstein & Ensign Tallia Jenkins

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Science Department
Timeline: Getting Underway
Tags: deliverance, maiden, science, stellar cartography, Tallia Jenkins, Jenny goldstein,

[[ This post documents the activities that occur in the Science department ]]
[[ This will be updated as necessary to include other characters that enter Science ]]
[[ Includes Chief Science Officer LtJg Goldstein, Jenny; & Stellar Cartographer Ens Tallia Jenkins (NPC)]]

Ensign Jenkins was busy overseeing computer updates for the Stellar Cartographer systems.

The door of Lt JG Goldstein's office swished open and the slightly older, slightly senior, not quite so pretty, somewhat darker and noticeably plumper officer walked over to the ship's cartographer and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hey, Tallia, you've been at that for hours: why don't you take a break? Y'know, we Science Officers are pretty few and far between on this boat, I can't afford to have you burn out on me. I can take over here for a couple hours" she suggested in a friendly way.

Tallia jumped a little when Goldstein tapped her on the shoulder. "Sorry Lieutenant, I lost track of time. I was trying to get the updates on loaded. Didn't realize how much time had passed."

Jenny smiled at the pretty girl with the short blonde hair and the pixie face.

"Well, that the problem with the stars, isn't it, they keep on moving, we keep on moving. Nothing stands still. You've got the job that never ends."Sshe patted the younger woman maternally on the shoulder. "Jeez, listen to me getting all philosophical! Probably been working too long myself!" she chuckled.

"A famous 20th century songster said that we are all stardust, so I guess we have to keep up to date star charts, lieutenant." Tallia responded.


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