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Posted on Mon Sep 16th, 2024 @ 9:25pm by Captain Dr. Nairut Noxi & Lieutenant Byron Baker
Edited on on Tue Sep 17th, 2024 @ 1:36pm

840 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go...
Location: Deep Space 9

The Starship Omega docked at DS9. Among the passengers disembarking was a human male, wearing a Starfleet uniform that had the rank of Lieutenant and a medical insignia on his color.

With his belongings transported to his new ship, the USS Deliverance, his orders were to report to the ship's new commanding officer, but before that, he had time to walk around the stations Promenade.

The station was bustling with people. All kind of people.
He walked into some of the shops just to browse. He got up a few conversations with people. Everyone seemed to be friendly.

He remembered the history to the Station during the war. How Captain Sisko led the brave fight against the JemHadar and the Founders. He also remembered that Captain Sisko disappeared in the wormhole in what the Bajorian people called the Celestial Temple where the 'Prophets' lived. Some people still believe that Sisko will return one day.

Walking on the upper level, he looked down and stopped probably the most beautiful woman he ever saw. She had auburn hair. A great figure, and 3 jewels on the left side of her face. He had to meet her, but by the time he got down the stairs, she had disappeared in the crowd.

He passed a place called "Quarks". He had read about in the briefing. All new recruits were warned about this place, that the owner, Quark, didn't run a fair establishment. But he decided to go in anyway. A female gave him 10 strips of latinum, for being a new customer. The main game seemed to be Dabo. He watched for a few minutes to figure out the game. It was a somewhat simple game based on where the, I guessed you would call them dice, landed. As with all game, the odds favored the house.

Baker split his latinum into four piles. He placed 2 strips down on separate numbers. The wheel of his bets won! He now had 30 strips of latinum! Once you understood the rules, the game was simple, to someone with his IQ.

He kept winning.
Every time he won, the crowd cheered, and the Dabo girls stood closer to him.
15 minutes later, his pile of latinum was large.
By this time, Quark, the manager, walked over offered Baker a free holosuite. He even offered one of girls to share his program.

Baker cashed out, 150 strips of latinum richer. He didn't know how he would spend it, but the offer of the holosuite and one of the Dabo girls seemed like a promising idea.

He noticed some high-ranking Federation officers in the room.

Noxi was there, in Quarks, with some of her girlfriends from Bajor. She was having a good time; Benny was at her brother's house, visiting, on the Planet, so she had taken a night to cut loose before she took over the second most important job of her life-Captain. She was scared, but she was ready. She'd never been one to shy away from challenges.

She got up to get another glass of Springwine. She'd stop after this one-as she crept closer to middle age, drinking too much was both no longer cute and made her feel unwell. She didn't want that. She bumped into someone. "Oh, I am sorry!!" She said.

Baker spilled some of his drink on his uniform, then turned toward the person who bumped into him. He grabbed a towel from the bar and started wiping the remains of his drink off his new uniform tunic. "That's okay, accidents happen...." then he noticed her rank insignia, "captain."

She nodded. "Still, I am sorry," she said. She turned her head, and raised her voice. "HEY, QUARK. Toss me a towel, please," she said. A moment later, a terry-cloth dishtowel sailed through the air. She caught it in one hand. "Here," she said. "I hope this helps. Captain Nairut Noxi. If you need me to let your CO know that I knocked into you and it's my fault your uniform is messy, I don't mind," she said.

He took the towel and cleaned himself the best he could. "I think you are my CO, captain. Lieutenant Bryon Baker, chief medical officer."

Noxi closed her eyes a moment. Of COURSE this would happen to her. "Indeed," she said, "You are. Which makes this even worse," she said. She shook her head. "Anyway. My apologies. Let me buy you a drink for the trouble," she said, raising her hand for Quark's attention.

"No need, captain." Baker looked at her. "I was going to offer you a drink, but looks like I've already 'had one on me'."

She chuckled. "Indeed," she said. "Well. I hope that you don't hold it against me in the future. Can I at least get you a refill?"

Baker shook his head. "I think one is enough, captain."

She nodded. "Alright!! I'll see you around, then!" She continued on her way to the refresher room. She really needed to stop meeting people in this way.


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