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Nice To Meet Ya

Posted on Thu Oct 3rd, 2024 @ 3:40pm by Captain Dr. Nairut Noxi & Commander Damian Morgan

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Mission: To Boldly Go...
Location: Deep Space 9

He had arrived two days earlier aboard USS Tioga and this afternoon Commander Damian Morgan was having lunch at Quark’s. The Ferengi’s establishment was the center of social activity on the station and Morgan couldn’t resist a sandwich and a beer.

Damian made himself comfortable at the bar; he was looking forward to meeting his new commanding officer and new assignment as First Officer aboard USS Deliverance. “Can I get another synthale, Quark? And where’s my sandwich? I’ve been waiting almost half an hour.”

“Coming right up, Commander. Now what did you order again?,” asked the Ferengi.

“A BLT on rye,” Morgan said.

“BLT? Wha——?”

Morgan interrupted Quark mid-sentence. “Come on, Quark. Bacon, lettuce, tomato. Surely you’ve spent enough time among us hyoo-mons to know what a BLT is.”

“Of course, I know what it is! Here’s your synthale…. five minutes on that sandwich. I’m surprised you didn’t order a root beer. Isn’t that what all you hyoo-mons drink?”

“Not all of us, my Ferengi friend. Say, I know your reputation as an “information dealer “, so to speak. I’m the new First Officer of Deliverance. What have you heard about Captain Nairut? I know she’s Bajoran, but that’s all I know. I’m meeting her here with General Hunel, supposedly.”

“Well, Commander, all I know is that she’s tall and verrrry attractive. If you get my meaning, Mr. Morgan,” Quark joked as he put the plated sandwich in front of Damian.

“She’s my commanding officer, Quark. Get that through your lobes. That’s it. You know what? Forget I mentioned it,”. Morgan looked at his plate and said, “Looks good, Quark. Thanks. Hope it tastes as good as it looks.”

Noxi was running late-NOT the best look for the CO but she had a good reason. In her mind, anyway. She'd had to see Benny off, onto his shuttle back to HQ and the Academy. His school break was over. One week with her boy wasn't enough, but it was what she got. He'd spent the previous break with his father and his new wife. Noxi had been in an intense fight for her (and everyone else's) life with the Breen then, so she didn't totally mind.

She quickly ran a hand through her brown waves and made her way to Quarks. She was supposed to meet the XO, a man called Damian Morgan. Human. She'd had enough of human men to last her a lifetime. Or two. Still. She WAS glad that they'd paired her with someone who had his record-she was fresh, a greenhorn-at this whole command thing, anyway. Of course, she'd been in the Fleet nearly twenty years now, and at the top of her career. Life was weird.

She entered the Lounge, and made her way to the bar area. She spoke.

"Can I have the fish special, please, Quark?" She sat. She turned to the other man at the bar. "Commander Damian Morgan, if your service jacket is true," she said. She held out her hand for a handshake. "Captain Nairut Noxi." She smiled but turned her head a moment. "Is the General here yet?" She asked. She knew if anyone on this station would know, it would be Quark. "I hope you found your way in ok," she said. "I was on Bajor for a few days, so I am sorry you had to navigate the station alone," she said. She and Benny had taken a few days' excursion to her childhood home. Or what remained of it, anyway. Bajor was still rebuilding-slowly, but steadily.

Morgan returned Nairut’s gesture with a firm handshake. “Captain, an honor and a pleasure. Yes, I am Damian Morgan. Please have a seat. Yes, a slightly draining trip from Starbase 375 I must admit. I’m familiar with DS9; I was here a few years ago. Ever try a Holosuite? They’re very….diverting. I have to say I’m looking forward to working with you. I took the liberty of looking over the crew roster. Impressive group, Captain.”

Noxi nodded. "I have," she said. "Please, sit down while we wait for General Hunel," she said. Where was that man?! It was unlike a Bajoran, particularly one of such stature, to be tardy, so he must have a good reason. She was about to continue to reply to Damian when the Bajoran in question appeared.

"Dolata" came a voice. She smiled, but turned her head. It was General Hunel Urol. She repeated the greeting in their native tongue. "Dolata," she bowed her head quickly. "General. This is Commander Damian Morgan," she said, indicating the man next to her. "Let's move this to a table," she said, picking up her glass.

“Of course, Captain,” Morgan said as he grabbed his own glass of synthale. The three of them settled at a table behind stairs that led to the holosuites upstairs. It was also the furthest from the noise of the Dabo tables.

“I’m glad to finally meet you, General. I appreciate your hospitality. By the way, forgive me for not being fluent in Bajoran, but, ummm ‘dolata’?”

"Hello," Noxi replied. "It's actually a more localized slang. We're from the same region," she explained.

The General was about to respond when Nairut took over. She did that, he'd found. He'd learned a long time ago to not argue with her, Kira...most of the Bajoran women, really, especially his mother. "My apologies, Commander. Seems your Captain is...ready to go," he said, a quiet admonishment in his tone. He saw Noxi smile lightly, but he didn't press it. "We have a few things to discuss, but first...either of you have any questions or complaints so far? ABOUT the ship or assignment, Nairut," he clarified.

“Not at all, General. I’m anxious to get settled on Deliverance. Get the lay of the land. She definitely looks like something special. I’m sure the Captain would agree.”

Noxi made a slight face at the man's clarification. She didn't complain. Often. Only bitched about the Fleet's incessant need to park Cardassians a little too close for comfort sometimes, but she was OK (mostly) with it now. "Nothing from me. Yet. I will probably be calling you often, though," she said. She was not a rash woman, nor particularly stupid. She knew when to ask for help. "My only worry is being able to DO it," she said. "I have studied the Command Track but never expected to USE it," she said. She was a doctor, a carer. It was in her nature to nurture, to help. Not to lead. "Commander, I'll be leaning on you often, I think," she said.

“Nonsense. Don’t underestimate yourself, Captain. Moving from CMO to the center seat is quite an accomplishment. I am more than happy to be your right arm, but please don’t sell yourself short,” Morgan said. He then pointed a finger in her direction. “You did it on your own. Take pride in what you’ve done. The crew supports you.”

“The Commander is correct, Noxi. There’s no one more qualified than you. If the support of the Bajoran government helps the Federation and it is deemed appropriate, then I offer it,” suggested General Hunel.

Noxi nodded. She was a smart woman, she knew that. Tenacious, too. Still, the PTSD and stuff still sometimes hit her with a bit of self-doubt and anxiety. She'd learned many skills over the years that helped, but still. "Ok. You both are right. It's just nerves, I am sure," she said. "And the stress of the last few weeks. Losing the Captain and XO at the same time, plus half the crew is very...daunting, and they really haven't helped us to move on much. I am hoping a new reset in our five-year focus and a new leadership team will help to heal," she said. She'd never been afraid to show her emotions, and her concern for her crew.

"But I appreciate both of you. Let's get down to brass tacks. General, I have gotten word from the Fleet that we're being reassigned, sort of. Our new focus is to explore the Gamma Quadrant. The Deliverance is being refitted for scientific and medical purposes. We have only a tiny cadre of fighters. I's a good thing. A way to heal, but also..a harkening back to our original purpose."

“I wholeheartedly agree with the Captain. Exploration is why we’re out here. Speaking frankly, the fighters you mention….may be overkill. Defense and security are essential but being armed to the teeth distracts from the overall mission,” Morgan sounded confident speaking his mind in front of the General and Captain Nairut.

“Captain, General, we’re ready. Deliverance is ready. I’m excited to get started. To use a pilot’s aphorism, ‘Let’s fly.’ Awaiting your orders, Captain. Most of the crew is aboard and settled in. Just say the word,” Morgan said assuredly.

Noxi shook her head, but nodded after. To have the confidence of a human! She looked to Hunel.

"May the Prophets bless you, Nairut," he said. "Your first mission is a first contact one. I'll forward the details to you, but it's a call that Ops picked up last night. You're the first ship that will leave, so you can answer it. We don't expect any problems; the signal was a help call, not an aggressive one," he said. He placed a file down. "Here's what we have from the Station people so far," he said. "Good luck." He stood up, and motioned to Quark before leaving.

Noxi looked to Morgan. Suddenly, she was simultaneously sick to her stomach, and ravenously hungry. "Quark?" She called out. "Can I have another?" She held up her iced Jumja tea. "And some of the nachos, please. I am in the mood for something terrible for me," she said. Sometimes, she ate junk for comfort. "Well. Looks like we have our orders. I am arranging a meet-and-greet this evening. I'll see you there?" She took the nachos as they appeared, and her Comms went off. =/\= Nairut to Command. Please report in. You can bring your lunch. =/\= She sighed.

"See you later, Damian. It was nice to meet you," she said, loping off for the corridor.


Capt. Nairut Noxi,
Commanding Officer
USS Deliverance
Cdr. Damian Morgan
Executive Officer
USS Deliverance


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Byron Baker on Mon Oct 7th, 2024 @ 12:56pm

Nice post