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Medical In-processing

Posted on Mon Sep 23rd, 2024 @ 7:53pm by Lieutenant Byron Baker & Lieutenant Commander Andrew "Drew" Chandler & Petty Officer 3rd Class Trudy Mitchell & Ashley Chandler

1,013 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go...
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: TBD

Drew and Ashley Chandler entered the Deliverance's Sickbay and stood in the middle of the room. Ashley looked up at her father with a curious expression. "We had our annual physical exams just a couple months ago. Why do we need to get another one so soon?" Drew looked down into his daughter's curious expression and gave her a reassuring smile. "Starfleet protocols dictate that officers and crew must get mandatory physicals whenever being reassigned to a new command and...most Starfleet doctors want to get their own baseline assessments for all new personnel instead of just reviewing someone elses notes."

Byron walked out of his office when he heard the sickbay doors open. "Welcome. According to my records, you," pointing to Drew, "are Lieutenant Commander Chandler, which makes you," pointing to Ashley. "Ashley Chander. I am Doctor Baker. What can I do for you two?"

Drew wiggled his PADD as he turned to face Byron. "I uploaded are medical records this morning and scheduled a medical in-processing appointment. Didn't want to have you or your nurse chase us down after launch. I was hoping we could get our physicals done if you have the time."

Byron put his hand out to take the PADD. "Nice for a change that someone brings their medical files with them, but, I'm going to have to do a full workup myself. Regulations, I'm sure you understand." Byron winked at Ashley. "Who would like to go first?" He patted one the diagnostic beds.

Drew stepped forward and sat down on the edge of the diagnostic bed. He wanted to prove to Ashley that a Starfleet medical exam was painless and not invasive. "I suppose I should be first as it is an in-processing requirement for me anyway."

Hospital Corpsman Third Class Trudy Mitchell exited the medical supply room to see the doctor with two patients in the Sickbay proper. She stepped up to Byron. "How may I be of assistance Doctor?"

"Yes, nurse. Would you mind taking care of this young lady while I do her father's physical?" Byron asked. He looked at Ashley. "Would that be okay with you, young lady?"

Ashley nodded. She was actually a bit relieved to have her exam be performed by a woman.

Trudy extended a hand to Ashley. "Come along. I can get your cursory exam done in the quarantine room if you prefer a little privacy."

Ashley again nodded as she took Trudy's hand and followed her out of the main Sickbay proper.

Drew turned to Byron. "I must be getting old. I'd swear your Hospital Corpsman looks to be only a year or two older than my daughter."

"Feels like their graduating them younger and younger." He led Drew to an exam table. "If you'll get on the table and lay down please."

Drew lay down on the biobed and relaxed as Byron readied his equipment. "I suppose so. Still. Could just be I am getting old."

As he picked up his scanner, he looked at Drew. "I don't have children, but I guess, speaking from my parent's experience, they grow very quickly and all too soon." Byron activated the biobed scanner and waved his handheld scanner too.

Drew glanced at the door as he took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He remembered holding her for the first time and the first time she stood up and crossed the room to get her favorite stuffed toy. "That they most certainly do."

10 minutes later, Byron kept scanning the commander and looking at the monitor over the bed. "Commander. You are in good health. Could afford to lose 5 pounds. Besides that, everything is fine."

Drew gave a slight chuckle. "I'll cut back on the desserts." He nodded to the door. "Go ahead and check on Ashley if you are done with me."

Byron walked to the closed door of the examination room and knocked. "Nurse Mitchell. Is every thing alright?"

The door opened and Trudy handed a PADD to Byron. "Vitals are all within norms. I ran biometric scans per procedure and uploaded the results to the PADD for your review. Would you like me to return to the supplies inventory or remain?"

"Stand by." Byron activated the PADD and reviewed the readings. "Everything seems fine here. Does the patient want me to see her?"

Trudy turned to Ashley who was now sitting on the biobed, her feet dangling off the side. "Ashley, do you have any questions for Doctor Baker?"

Ashley had been looking at her PADD when Trudy addressed her. She looked up. "Is there anything wrong with my scan results?"

Byron stayed at the door. "Miss Chandler. May I be allowed to enter and speak with you?"

Ashley nodded. She gave Byron a concerned expression. "Of course. Do I...have cause to be concerned about something?"

"Nurse Mitchell is an excellent and talented nurse, but I am the chief medical officer, so everything falls to me to make sure that any patient, in the end, gets the best care. So I will review this PADD that the nurse made a record of." Byron quickly reads the PADD, and with a serious expression, looks at Ashley. "Miss Ashley. The results of your tests show.....that you are in excellent health."

Ashley shook her head and made an annoyed expression before looking back at her PADD. "Could have led with that."

Trudy just giggled and looked at Byron. "Her favorite teen heartthrob just announced his engagement to a costar he is working with on a holovid."

Byron smiled and looked at Ashley. "You're young'll have many crushes in your life. And, if you need to speak to someone about anything, Trudy and I are here to help, okay?"

Ashley gave both Byron and Trudy a small smile and nodded. "Thank you both. May I go see my dad now?"

"He's just outside. he's waiting for you." responded Byron.

Ashley hopped off the biobed and scooted passed Byron and Trudy at the door on her way to see her dad in the Sickbay proper.



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