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Doc is in

Posted on Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 12:09am by Lieutenant Commander Mira Napier & Lieutenant JG Mike Barton & Lieutenant Byron Baker

787 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go...

Mira entered Sickbay after taking some time to board the ship. She sighed sadly, wondering if she would see Peck or the doctor. Either way, she needed her medical updated. She quietly looked around a moment, before calling out, "Anyone here?" She was very sad, she still kept blaming herself for the Captain's death.

Baker stepped out of the supply closet when he heard someone say something. "I'm Dr. Baker. Is there something I can help you with?"

"I need a medical evaluation, before I start my job on this ship." She said in a statement of a tone. She sighed a moment, "To be fit according to command, for my position after my failure of saving neither the former Captain nor Executive officer."

"Please come in." He led her to one of the exam rooms and closed the door. "Anything said here in confidential. Let's cut to the chase. You feel it is your fault that the captain and the Exec died because of something you did or didn't do?"

"I did what I could and I had to do." She said solemnly. "I just wished it was different and that's all."

"I'm not a therapist or a counselor, when we start thinking about all the different scenarios that may or may not occur, we may find outsides second guessing, and, as a doctor, that could lead to my patient dying." He paused. "You did your job, and someone died. Happens to everyone, even doctors."

She nodded, "We have to accept with what happened and move on."

"Do you feel you still need a medical evaluation." Byron asked.

She sat over on a biobed. "I'm required to have one."

"Lay down, please." When she did lay down, he activated the biobed and it started scanning her. "This shouldn't take long."

She nodded as she minded the doctor.

Baker watched the display monitor as the scanner scanned her. "Brain shows no lesions or tumors." The scanner moved to her face. "No issues with your eyes. your nasal passages are clear, and no cavities in your teeth." It moved to her chest. "Heart and lungs show clear." Stomach was next. "No ulcers present. Kidneys functioning normally. And you still have your appendix." Hips and gentile area. "No arthritis visible in your hips, and uterus is tumor free." Finally, it moved to her legs, ankles and feet. "Bone density is good. Did you break and ankle once?"

"I did," She said

Mike walked in, but stayed out of view.

"I was using one of another chief security's programs to train with and I had the security off... I don't remember who saved me. I had been knocked unconscious." She said.

"Hmm. I'm seeing some arthritis in the joint. Whoever treated you did a bad job. It'd be a simple procedure to take care of." He finished the scan. "Except for your ankle. you're in excellent health."

Mike knew the program, because he created most that many used. He stayed out of sight and quite.

"Thank you." Mira said, "I think the procedure would be well to do, when you're ready."

Mike shook his head out of view, he waited for the doctor.

Baker picked up a bone knitter and waved it over the area. "This will help heal the ankle and dissolve the arthritis. Other then that, you're good to go."

"Thank you." Mira said with a nod.

Mike scurried to the side, out of her view as she walked passed him and out the door. He made a slight cough and he turned to the doctor, "Um, I'm here for a Physical?"

"And you are?" Baker asked.

"Mike Barton." He spoke, "I'm a Security officer."

Baker looked at his PADD. "Very well. Please take a seat on the biobed."

Mike nodded as he took a seat on the bio bed.

"Let me call up your file, lieutenant." After a couple of seconds, "Anything you wish to tell me about that's not in your file?"

"Not that I can think of." He said, not really wanting anything on his file that didn't need to be there.

"You know that as your doctor, I cannot be made to reveal anything you mention to me...not even to the captain." Baker looked at him.

He thought for a moment, but he shook his head, "I'm good. Is my vitals good?"

"Your vitals appear to be in the proper range." He flipped off his scanner. "Unless there is something else, you are free to go."

He thought for a second and he looked to the Doctor, but then he shrugged it off and he left, "Thanks doc."

Byron watched him go, but he knew the patient was hiding something. Time will tell.


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