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Take Off

Posted on Tue Oct 8th, 2024 @ 7:18pm by Captain Dr. Nairut Noxi & Commander Damian Morgan & Lieutenant Commander Mira Napier & Lieutenant Commander Andrew "Drew" Chandler & Lieutenant Commander Joran Maz & Lieutenant Byron Baker & Lieutenant Alex Dalton & Petty Officer 3rd Class Trudy Mitchell

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go...
Location: DS9-Gamma Quadrant
Timeline: MD-1-5

Noxi sat in the Ready Room, with Morgan across from her. She was more casual, and so, she hadn't called a staff meeting. Instead, she'd only called Morgan in to discuss the mission.

"We're headed towards an SOS signal from a previously-unknown planet, Nade 2A8. Class M planet, but Gamma Quadrant, which is why it's unknown. General said it's, by all accounts, at least neutral, if thy even know the Federation exists," she said. "Your basic First Contact situation. I'd like you to lead a team," she told him. "Also, it's time," she said, glancing at the computer, and standing up, grabbing the giant mug of coffee in front of her.

“Of course, Captain. I’d like to keep the contingent small, at least at the outset. If first contact goes smoothly, then we can think about bringing down science, medical, anthropological teams and so on. I recommend Napier, Chandler, and myself,” Morgan said.

"Excellent choice, Commander," she said. "I agree. Start out small, increase resources as necessary."

"Let's tell the others," she said, stepping through the opposite door and onto the Bridge.

"Good morning, everyone. Quick huddle: We're headed to a planet, Nade 2A8 *. We're answering an SOS. It should be a quick, in-and-out First Contact situation. Take your stations, please, and let's get this show on the road. Helm, prepare to undock," she said. She looked towards the docking ring door, where DS9 lay. See ya later, home. She'd be back, she knew.

"Aye captain." He pressed a few buttons requesting undocking permission, and the response came quickly. "Captain. DS9 has given us permission to depart."

"Lt. Baker, prep for incoming villagers, please. Lt. Dalton, send us to full thrust. I'd like to get there before I turn fifty," she said. "Thanks!!" She settled in. Hopefully, this would go as well as General Hunel promised. It was Starfleet, though, so. She didn't hold out much hope. She let out a breath. Her first few minutes were going ok.

Having already been at his station becoming more familiar with both it at the Deliverance Dalton turned at the voice of the Captain. He was a little surprised on how she opted to inform the crew of their new mission and instantly bought them into task. He shrugged his shoulders mutely realising the Captain just simply had a different style to things. "Yes ma'am," he replied neutrally acknowledging her instruction.

"I'll prep sickbay all possible situations, captain." He signaled to Mitchell and when she came over. "First, let's make sure we have as much supplies as we may possible need. Second, we may have to dragoon as many assistants as possible in case we get overwhelmed."

"Baker, I am just forewarning you; we have three days," she said, with a chuckle. "Everyone ready to launch? Assume stations, please," she said, bracing herself.

Tactical stood ready and prepped by Mira. The officer knew what to do on his part. Trying to contain excitement, the officer hoped to make Mira proud. Taking scans and remembering what she said word for word, had the officer trying to contain the excitement and eagerness of this departure.

“Mr. Dalton, notify Ops we’re ready for departure. Lt. Newman, clear all moorings, thrusters at station keeping. One-quarter impulse until we clear the station,” Commander Morgan ordered. “Lay in course for Nade 2A8, warp 7.”

"We've been given the green light," Dalton announced.

From the Big Chair, Noxi could hear the engine begin to fire up. This was really happening!! Exciting.

Drew sat at the Mission Operations Two station along the aft bulkhead and began bringing up what information he could on the planet in question, which wasn't much. Other than a few excursions by the USS Defiant and the rare survey ship, exploration of the Gamma Quadrant had been curtailed since the end of the Dominion War. He started preparing a summary report for Captain Nairut when the staff meeting was called.

As they left the meeting, entered the turbolift, Byron turned to Nurse Mitchell. "We can activate the EMHP if needed."

As per his usual custom, Joran had arrived several minutes early for his duty shift. Not only was he a stickler for formal work station handoff protocol, but the science officer also enjoyed conversing and sharing information with his fellow officers in the department. Captain Nairut had a very informal style about her; that would require a bit of acclimation on his part. If 850 years of existence had taught Maz one thing, it was patience. There would be an away mission upcoming for certain, but Maz found it puzzling as to why he was not assigned to said team if they were going into an unknown situation. He assumed the Captain had her reasons. So instead, he busied himself finding out everything he could about the colony world of Nade 2A8.

The thrusters activated, and Noxi settled in. It was time.

"Helm, set course for the following coordinates: 283 mark 15. That *should* be the edge of the Gamma Quadrant."

"Aye captain. 283 mark 15 laid in." Lt Newman respond. Newman waited for what speed, but he knew that they would have to be at impulse to enter the wormhole.

“Once we get through the wormhole…like a shakedown cruise,”
Morgan grinned at the Captain. “Of course. Excellent idea, Captain. I’ve gone over the inspection and refit reports. We really don’t have any ‘bugs’ to work out. But to see how our crew works together-absolutely. Full impulse for three hours, then warp 7 the rest of the way. Consider it done.”

Noxi nodded. "Excellent," she said. They were on the same page!!

To the rest, she glanced up. "Anyone have a final report?" She asked. "Science, prep to launch the probes; they can follow us until we hit Warp," she said. "I want a full atmospheric workup as we leave this quadrant," she said. The nerves were starting to play in her stomach-there was a new world ahead, and she was excited to see it. Even more? She was going to LEAD it. She just hoped she could do it right.

Drew studied the data scrolling on his screen. He turned to Noxi in the Captain's Chair. "Captain, with your permission, I would like to go to Astrometrics and conduct a few tactical simulations."

Noxi nodded. "Please do; it'll be a good idea to ensure the Labs are in good working order, anyway," she said. "Please report back when you're finished." She watched him go. Tactical sims were a good idea.

Drew nodded to Noxi and secured his console before standing and heading to the turbolift.

"Engineering, bust the doors. Turn n Burn, time to launch this old lady," she instructed. "At three hours' time, take us to full warp. Everyone ready? Do it." She settled back for the undocking process to begin. "Commander, anything you'd like to say?" She asked Morgan.

“Not sure how to top that, to be honest. Just this —-stay alert, everyone. First trip through the wormhole for this ship and crew. Let’s see what we find. Let’s go,” Damian ordered.

Noxi smiled, but shook her head. First time for both of them, apparently.

Baker left the bridge and took the turbolift back to sickbay, to get ready for any possible mass casualities.

The tactical officer was getting a little uncomfortable, 'What would happen if we exit the wormhole. I was only suppose to do the launch. Where is she?' The mind was going with many questions as the officer tried to focus on the task at hand. 'Surely, she's just busy.' The officer was surprised none of them raised a question, just keeping to the duties.

Noxi overheard the Tactical officer. "You'll be ok," she said, quietly. "Today is just a learning day. I won't count it against you," she said. Still, she raised her hand to her Comms badge. =/\=Commander Naiper, please report to the Bridge. =/\= Poor kid, put him out of his misery. Noxi was sometimes glad that Medical wasn't a Bridge position-when she was a junior officer, she'd have probably lost it, too.

Napier was in the mist of a training with a couple of officers from previous adventure to show the mistakes, when she landed hard on her back, "Ow..." She Brushed it off after being helped up, "that's going to be sore and I'm not in the mood to see anyone about it." She nodded to the others, "keep training." She walked slowly out and she passed Mike. "Don't ask". She said as she continued to the bridge. She entered the bridge with a wince at the officer, "go train" she whispered to that one as they left. She took over the console, "Apologizes. I was settling a few things."

Noxi nodded. "No problem, Commander. Take your console, please, and prepare for launch. People, I want to be in the air in ten minutes," she said.

She nodded already at the console, "It's already prepared." She liked that the officer listened to instructions.

"Thank you," Nairut replied. A bit later, they were underway, and Noxi settled back. "Ok, everyone. Call your teams; we need to prepare for a First Contact situation. In the meantime, steady the course," she instructed. Her first orders were done. "Commander, would you like to begin a simulation or should we take it easy on the crew today?" She asked Damian.

“With all due respect to all present, if we need a sim for first contact, then we’re in the wrong line of work. The crew stands ready, Captain,” Commander Morgan proclaimed. He directed his next question to the helm. “Mr. Newman, ETA to Nade?”

"I meant in general, but thank you. I agree, they're boring," she chuckled lightly. "I believe he said eighteen hours, Commander. Late nights in the holodeck with your lady friend affecting your memory?" She asked, under her breath, sipping her coffee. She gave him a look.

Morgan smiled at Nairut. “That’s exactly it. What was your name again?”

Tags: Everyone for final reactions.


After a fairly uneventful journey, Noxi had long abandoned the Bridge for her Ready Room/Office, and was sitting behind the desk, catching up on reading the file that Hunel had given them earlier. The situation SEEMED straightforward. She hoped it would be, but who were they kidding? It was StarFleet. She got the Commander's communication on her COMMS badge.

=/\=Captain to the bridge for docking.=/\=

She sighed, but stood up. It was go time. She straightened her uniform and headed back out, taking a seat. "Ok, everyone. Thank you for a smooth sail. Beta shift, I hope you're rested well. Alpha shift people who have remained-take a break now, because I don't know when you'll get another," she instructed. "Helm, Engineering, ops. Prep the Shuttles for the away team, please. Our location is three clicks from here," she said, glancing at the Astrometric console.

She turned to Morgan. "You and your team will need to dock shortly," she said. "The shuttle trip is about twenty minutes from our orbit," she said. She brought up a map from the Science people, and pointed to a landing area near a body of water-Noxi couldn't tell if it was a lake or river, but it was large. "Their docking ring is here, and you'll be met by a local man, Gavik. He is their version of an ambassador, as far as we can tell," she said. "The SOS signal came from somewhere near the capital, which is a short walk from the landing spot." She looked up. "Good luck," she said.

“Thank you, Captain. We’ll do our best,” the XO said. He scanned the bridge to bring his away team together. “Napier, Maz, Chandler, Doctor, you’re with me.”

The group followed Morgan into the turbolift and he announced his destination to the computer. “Transporter Room three.”

Baker followed the group into the turbolift. First away mission. Exciting. He had his medical kit on him, in case.

Drew grabbed his go kit from the locker he had in his office. He made a quick stop at the armory to draw his phaser pistol before heading to the transporter room. He gave a nod to Damian and Byron as he entered.

Mira had stopped in right after Drew and she grabbed her Phaser and anything else that she felt was needed. Then she headed to the transporter for a first of many, She wasn't sure what to expect of these people. She remembered giving Barton permission to train officers, while she was gone. So they'd be fit for anything needed. She trusted him, because of his history. Though, curious with the rank he selected. She tried to clear her mind as she stepped into the Transporter padd.


(As soon as the others put in their bit, I will post this and start the planetside stuff)


A Mission Post by:

Capt. Dr. Nairut Noxi
Commanding Officer

Commander Damian Morgan
Executive Officer
USS Deliverance

Lieutenant Byron Baker
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Andrew Chandler
USS Deliverance, Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Lieutenant Commander Mira Napier
Chief Security Officer

Lt. Alex Dalton
Chief Engineer

LtJG Dija Zen
Chief FCO


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