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Computer Simulations and Chit Chat

Posted on Tue Oct 1st, 2024 @ 2:10pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrew "Drew" Chandler & Lieutenant JG Elysian "Elly" Clarke

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go...
Location: Astrometrics Lab

Drew was reading about the star system the Deliverance was enroute to in the Gamma Quadrant. Long range scans had detected several Jem'Hadar vessels on patrol in the region. He had decided to run a combat simulation in the Astrometrics Lab, just in case the Jem'Hadar proved to be hostile.

Drew entered the Astrometrics Lab and spotted the tall blonde working at the console. He nodded in greeting to the beautiful young woman. "Pardon the intrusion Lieutenant. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind me utilizing the holographic interface to run a few simulations."

Elly was standing at the table, fiddling with some equipment. Specifically, she was trying to re-tune a microscope to her exact specs, but she was struggling with turning the mechanism. Whoever had used it previously was STRONG. She was, but not like that.

Her blonde head popped up as Drew entered, and she snapped to attention, pushing her lab glasses back up her nose. "Hello, sir," she said. "Uh...I don't personally care," she said, "and I am the senior officer on duty," she said. What a scary thought! "So...feel free to! I am using the Botany lab currently. I am trying to see if we can figure out how to have a small arboretum on the Promenade deck," she explained. "Some Bajoran Lilies for the Captain, perhaps some edible plants, too..." she trailed off. "Wait, why a simulation HERE and not on the Holodeck?" She asked, nosily.

Drew gestured to the holographic chamber on the farside of the console. "The visual graphics here are more suitable for the simulations I need to run and the holodeck is currently in use by others at the moment."

Elly nodded. "I see," she said. "That makes sense. Well, the Astrometrics lab is on the way to Botany, if you want the grand tour," she said. "Coffee?" She asked, extending her arm, which was holding an old-fashioned pot. She refilled her mug, and then started on the way.

Drew was pleased to accept a cup of freshly brewed coffee. He then gestured with the mug, after his first sip, for Elly to lead the way for the tour. "I don't recognize you. Are you recently assigned Lieutenant...."

Elly nodded. "Yep! Joined up two days ago; reassigned from DS15," she said. "Apparently, the CSO here put in a request specifically for a Botanist, and I volunteered for personal reasons," she said. "PLUS I wa getting bored with the station. I prefer Ship duty. Much more exciting," she said. It was way more fun to have the occasional skirmish and blow stuff up then just sit on her butt planting flowers all day. Not that she minded that SO much, but the Botany program in the Fleet was underfunded and the redheaded stepkid of the Science department, maybe the only one less used was CetOps, but Elly didn't mind. "Anyway. I had a bad breakup and needed a fresh start. Here's the Astrometrics lab; I haven't met the Astrometrics specialist yet, but I hear they're well trained!" She sipped her coffee and then smiled. "Anyway, if you need any help, just yell, I am going to be across the hall here, in the simulated garden!" She was experimenting with molds today, to see if a newly-discovered species on Bajor had any other practical applications other than being nice to look at-medicinal, or foodstuff, for example. She prattlon. "Just call me Elly, Lieutenant makes me feel like an old lady, I don't know why! Mind if I play some music?" She asked. She liked to have a little noise in the labs when she was alone; it was less creepy.

Drew smiled at the chatty young woman. She was very outgoing, unlike some of the scientists he had met in Starfleet. "I was reassigned recently as well. Former chief strategic operations officer for DS9, now I hold the same billet on Deliverance. Hope you do well in your new assignment here. I'm Lieutenant Commander Andrew Chandler, but my friends call me Drew." He lifted the mug. "Thank you for the coffee. It's greatly appreciated. Have yourself a good rest of your shift. Perhaps I will see you around."

Elly nodded. "You're welcome!" she said, and headed into the Botany room, flipping on the lights as she did. It light up an eerie blue. "Computer, play Elly's Mix," she said, aloud, before putting on her lab coat and glasses. That reminded her!! She stepped back into the Corridor and knocked on the door. "Hey, Commander Andrew? You need to put on lab glasses!! It's the rules!" She handed off a spare pair. "Sorry, not my rules, take it up with my boss or the Captain. She's kinda cool, I hear," she said, and then simply returned to her room.

Drew thanked Elly for the safety glasses as she turned back to the Botany Lab. He donned the glasses and strode over to the console and brought up all the sensor data in the sector. There were three groups of Jem'Hadar vessels in the region, though none in the immediate proximity of their destination. He spent the next hour running intercept scenarios and concluded that the Deliverance would have at least eight hours in orbit before the nearest group would be in a position to cause any problems. Projected course changes should either of the other two groups would be an additional six to seven hours before they could support the nearest group.

Elly was singing along loudly to the music. A part of her was wondering what on earth the Commander was doing. As she placed small seedlings into trays, and spritzed them with water, she bobbed her head. ....When I'm not with you I lose my minddddd....give me a sign. HIT ME BABY ONE MORE TIMMMMEEE. Elly danced into the Corridor, but managed to pull herself together, and carefully, carried a tray of seedlings into the refrigeration room. "Hey, Commander? Need a refill?" She called out.

Drew had just started another batch of simulations with parameters of the Dominion ships holding off an attack until at least two groups could get into position for a coordinated attack on the Deliverance. It would take at least fifteen minutes to run and he was on the last dregs of coffee in his mug. He figured he had time for another cup in the break area. He stepped out into the corridor after setting the simulation to run. He nodded at Elly. "Refill and a short break is just what I need at the moment." He gave Elly a curious look. "You wouldn't happen to be Betazoid would you? Being a mind reader may mean I have to avoid you when conducting classified work."

Elly laughed. "Sadly, I am just human," she said. "It would be COOOLLLL to read minds, though," she said. "But I feel you. At my old posting, we had one Betazed and one Deltan. It was really hard to keep things under wraps, for sure," she said, nodding. She followed him to the break room. "Here's a replicator, but it only does drinks," she said, with a sigh. "We have a general one across the hall in the Chief's office," she said. "And then the perk-o-later," Elly said, pronouncing each syllable with a shortness. She didn't really know what that meant; the contraption was really old school. "I assume you're Human, too?" She said. "You know what? Being Trill would be kind of cool! Having all that knowledge from your little friend!"

Drew walked up to the percolator and poured himself a strong, black and most importantly, real cup of coffee. He leaned back against the counter and took a long sip. "Mmmmm, finest organic suspension ever devised by human kind." He gave a slight chuckle to emphasize his statement. He looked at the younger woman. "So what does Lieutenant Clarke do for fun when not working in the Botany Lab?"

Elly helped herself to a mocha from the replicator; it was time to get some sugar in her system if she were going to have to work all day. "OH. Use the holodeck to bike ride. Um, I like to use the Promenade to people watch. You know, normal things. Listen to music in my quarters. I have a roommate but we have opposite shifts. She's Beta, I am Alpha," obviously. "What about you?"

Drew took another sip of his coffee as he pondered Elly's question. He thought about Ashley and the life on Deep Space Nine the last five years. "Well, I have been raising my daughter. Soccer and Volleyball games, the odd camping trips to Bajor, now I'm not sure. Ashley is actually aboard ship and has been authorized for own quarters. I have perhaps one friend aboard ship outside my family."

Elly nodded, but raised an eyebrow. "A kid?" She asked. Like it was some kind of weird thing. People had kids all the time on starships, El, get it together. "Neat!! Well, if she'd like to learn anything about plants, I'll be more than happy to help her," she said. "I like kids. Want some of my own someday," she said. "But maybe just one or two. I have a lot of siblings, it was good in some ways, but very noisy," she said. "Is Ashley her name? Your daughter, I mean. I had a friend called Ashley when I was a kid, back home on Copernicus," she said. "Who is your friend here?" She asked. "Anyone I know?" She joked. Elly had only arrived a day ago; she didn't know anyone yet except her boss and now Andrew.

Drew smiled as he nodded at Elly's first few questions about Ashley and her comments about growing up with siblings. "I don't really know if you would call us friends yet. Lieutenant Commander Napier is Chief Security Officer. Security and Strategic Operations have a substantial amount of overlay in duties and responsibilities regarding tactical considerations. More of a professional relationship as colleagues than what you might call personal friendship."

Elly nodded. "Ah, got it," she said. "I haven't met her yet," she said. "But yeah, makes sense. Most of friends will probably wind up being scientists," she said. "That's how it goes, I think," she said. Her coffee was nearly gone. "Wanna break into the Chief's office and use the replicator? I could go for another croissant... but if I have any more coffee, my tummy will hurt," she said. "So just water or something for now," she said.

Drew took one last pull of his coffee and reached for Elly's nearly empty mug. "I have a better idea that doesn't involve larceny." He nodded to the wall clock. "It's nearly lunch time. How about we head to the ship's mess and grab a bite?"

Elly nodded. "That would be nice," she said. "I will get my PADD." She left the break room and gathered her things. She returned to the break room after a minute. "I just need to be available, since I am the science officer on duty," she explained. "Let's go!"

They made their way to the corridors and turbolift, then down to the Mess Hall.

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A post by:
LtJG Elysian "Elly" Clarke, NPC


LCDR Andrew Chandler
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Deliverance


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