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Drinks and Dancing

Posted on Mon Sep 30th, 2024 @ 2:51pm by Rachel Chandler & Commander Damian Morgan

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go...
Location: Holosuites
Timeline: After Onboarding

Rachel was enjoying her time in the holosuite with Damian. He had proven to be quite adept at dancing to the musical numbers Vic Fontaine and his backup band had been playing for the last hour. Vic had noticed Rachel's growing attraction to Damian and had purposely started performing slower musical numbers over the last half hour, giving Rachel the occasional wink while Damian's back was turned away from the stage.

Rachel, had quite enjoyed the slower songs and the feeling of being held closer and closer as the songs were performed. She was currently simply swaying to the music as her hands rested on Damian's chest and looking into his eyes. She could tell from his smile that he seemed to enjoy the dancing as well. "Penny for your thoughts?"

“Mmmm…well, I overheard Quark talk about this program, but experiencing it here and now with you….it’s remarkable. You think we can meet him? Vic, I mean? This time period…the music. A bygone era. I’ve always loved it since I was a kid. You look amazing, by the way. And you smell good, too. I hope it’s not presumptuous of me to say,” Damian said.

Rachel nodded with a smile on her face. "Of course. I think you will find him quite an interesting character." She gestured about the room. "Unlike the other holographic characters you see. He is fully self aware that he is a hologram." She wrapped her arms around Damian and lay her head against his chest. "For now. Let's just enjoy the dance and perhaps a glass of champagne after Vic's set is over with."

Damian continued to move in step with Rachel as the conversation flowed. He took the liberty of stroking her hair as they danced. “A self-aware hologram? That’s definitely a new one to me! Certainly cuts down on the irrelevant small talk. Champagne, too? An unexpected bonus, for sure. You’re full of surprises Miss Chandler.”

Rachel couldn't help but slightly rub her hands on Damian's chest. He had, in her opinion, a rather defined muscular build. Yet, he also could tell he was a very gentle man as he stroked her hair. She couldn't help but feel tingly in his embrace. She took a deep breath and pulled her face away from his chest to look into his eyes. She suddenly rose up on tippy toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The music died as she pulled away. She glanced at the stage and back to Damian, her hand slid down to take his. "Come on. I'll introduce you to Vic."

Damian looked at Rachel softly as she took his hand. He nodded and let her lead him to the stage where Fontaine sorted through the musical arrangement notes for the the next set. Morgan couldn’t help himself and approached the holographic singer first.

“Mr. Fontaine! Great set! It’s so nice to meet you. I’m Damian Morgan and this is Rachel Chandler. I wanted to see you before we embark on our next assignment.”

Vic extended his right hand towards with a friendly smile on his face and gave a firm handshake. "Thank you Mister Morgan. Glad you enjoyed the music." Vic turned to Rachel and gave her a brief hug. "Rachel, always a pleasure."

Rachel returned the hug and gestured with her free hand to Damian. "We were going to get some champagne. Would you care to join us?"

"Would if I could dollface, but I am meeting Nog in the casino." Vic turned to Damian. "Pleasure to meet you sir. Looking forward to meeting you again on your next visit." He bade the couple a farewell and departed.

“See ya, Vic. And take care and thanks!” Damian waved to Vic and turned back to Rachel. “How long have you been coming here? You guys seem to know each other.”

Just then, Morgan pulled Rachel to a quiet corner of the lounge.
“Hold on…. before you answer,”. Damian leaned in to her. “Tonight has been wonderful. Thank you. I was going to wait until later, but you’ve been so sweet and kind, open and fun to talk to. I couldn’t resist.”

Damian touched her face with both hands, caressing her cheeks. He lowered his lips to hers, meeting in a slow and passionate kiss. He could tell she was as hungry for him as he was for her.

Rachel felt a tingly sensation that emanated from her lips to spread throughout her body all the way to her toes. She was hungry for more and the kiss only fueled the burning passion she felt growing inside her. She kissed him back deeply and passionately. She finally realized they were still in a holosuite and reluctantly pulled back. "Wow, I think we should either put on the breaks or find someplace else to continue this."

“Oh, boy….you’re so beautiful. As much as I want you…and I do want you….this is our first date, if you want to call this a date. I don’t want to rush into things. I would love to spend the night with you. The way you smell, the way you taste. Drives me crazy. Maybe we can just dial it back a bit. Anticipation can be exciting. And I do want to see you again. Maybe a more intimate setting. My quarters. Dinner and then….dessert. I can cook, you know. My sisters Syd and Kat would give me a hard time and make fun of me for trying new things. But come to dinner. You won’t regret it.”

Rachel had mixed feelings for what Damian said. She, in the end was grateful. She wanted him just as much as he wanted her, probably more so. She finally spoke after a long pause. "How give me a tour of the ship for our second date, ending in the officers lounge. I will cook for you if we decide to have a third date or you cook dinner and I will bring the dessert. What do you say to that?"

Damian admired Rachel’s delicate features as he thought for a beat. He traced the outline of her face and chin with his thumb. “I say it sounds like a plan. Come on, let’s get out of here. I’ll walk to your quarters. We launch tomorrow morning and I need to make a good impression. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Rachel chuckled with a nod of her head. "True." She ran her fingers across his chest and sighed in disappointment. "I did promise the Captain I would return you in good condition." She looked up into Damian's face with a smile and eyebrow raise as she added. "This time."

Damian laughed right along with her. “That’s good. I remember you saying that. I’ll… um…. be prepared next time, Miss Chandler.”

TAG Rachel

Damian kissed her again, this time more gently. “Now what part of the habitat ring did you end up in?”

Rachel slid her hand down Damian's arm to take his hand in hers. "Family quarters in the Beta section of the habitat ring. Shall we?"

“I think I’m around the corner. Section Beta 18, if I recall.” Damian took her hand that was offered and interlaced his fingers with his. Her skin was warm, smooth, and soft to the touch. He could get used to this.

A few minutes later, they arrived at her door. “Well, here we are,” Damian said as he looked deep into her eyes. “You know I’ve never seen that color before. It’s extraordinary. Just like you. I look forward to our next encounter, pretty lady.”

Rachel looked up into Damian's eyes again as she took a deep breath. She held it and placed an index finger on his lips as she went up on tippy toes to kiss him one last time on the cheek. She didn't dare kiss him on the lips or allow him to kiss her as she knew her resolve would melt and she would follow him to his quarters. Her free hand keyed in the door code and she stepped back through the door way. She had an expression of longing on his face as the door slid shut and she locked it. She turned and leaned against the door before releasing her breath in a long sigh.

Damian watched Rachel turn, enter her quarters and saw the door close behind. He had an urge to override the lock, rush in and wrap his arms around her. ‘Slow it down, Morgan. The best is yet to come.’ He thought of the song as he smiled and made his back to his cabin.

Drew looked up from the PADD he was reading. "Have a good time?"

Rachel gave Drew a startled look for a moment. She regained her composure and smiled weakly. "Yes. As a matter of fact I did." 'Not as good as I REALLY WANTED', she thought. "If you'll excuse me. I need a shower and my pillow. Don't stay up to late."


Commander Damian Morgan
Executive Officer
USS Deliverance

Rachel Chandler
Investigate Journalist
Federation News Service


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