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Awkward part 2

Posted on Sun Sep 29th, 2024 @ 7:55pm by Lieutenant Commander Mira Napier & Lieutenant JG Mike Barton

806 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: To Boldly Go...
Location: Security Office

Mira looked up to see such a relaxed Security officer. She glanced for a moment, putting most of her padds away. "May I help you?" He seemed older than her, surely he wouldn't want to work under her. He could have... 'oh, no'... She thought quietly as she tried not to let her clumsy get the best of her. She wanted to face palm, even after such a statement.

He gave a smirky smile as he handed her a padd, "I believe... I can help you"


She looked so embarrassed she tried to hide it with a distraction to a padd. As she bit her lip, she replied, "You've had a good long career. Why here?" She glanced to him, and she glanced back to her padd.

He leaned forward, "I can't choose where I want to apply?"

She gulped, "You can, but..."

"What's the but for? I don't understand you."

She saw his confused look, "Wouldn't it be awkward to work under someone younger than you?"

"it wouldn't for me." He said confidently.

She sighed, "It would for me. I know you'll ask why. You've been so inspirational, creating programs that others, like myself use." She was honest with this as she continued, "Being in the Star Fleet command's Security, it's self. A dream for anyone."

"Not mine" He quipped.

She was surprised, 'Not his?' "May I ask, what are your goals or dreams, even here?"

He shifted finally a little uncomfortably, "I don't just share this with anyone, not my family, not my friends. Anyone. I am a private person, when it comes to my life. This you should know."

She nodded solemnly. She did know that as no one knew if he had a wife, a child. or anything much at all about him. Just the pure basics. Now that he was here, she had so many questions. She pressed her lips, before she asked her next question, "So, how do you keep your private and family life separate from work?" She stood for some reason and straightened her uniform.

"That is for me to know, and you to never..." he hesitated, "what are my duties, Commander??"

"Like everyone else, you patrol." She said not elaborating, knowing that she was dealing with someone smarter than herself.

"Patrol" he huffed as he noticed her before him with her hand out. He raised an eyebrow.

"It's called a greeting." She said as a matter of fact tone.

He took her hand into his, such soft hands, such... his mind began to wonder, but he stopped himself as he was trained to do and focus on the needs. He knew she needed him, needed the training experience that he obtained. He saw the videos of her failed trainings in his programs. He knew what she was doing wrong.

Mira studied him a moment, before shaking his hand, "Welcome aboard, Lieutenant Barton." She said with a smile, "I will consult with you, give you suggestions, but it will be up to you as to what and where to do best in security for you are more experienced and trained than I am."

He shook his head, "You know this ship more than I do."

She gave a polite smile, "Not as well as I want. I'm still trying to get use to the programs and the holodeck and how that works." She felt him get close.

"I could help you with that." He sensed her uncomfortableness and realized he hadn't let go of her hand. He planted a kiss on her forehead, "I wouldn't let anything hurt you."

"You don't even know me." She said quietly, "I think it'd be better for you to leave now." Feeling him let go of her hand and knowing that he hadn't realized that he crossed a line with her.

"Alright." He shrugged. "Suite yourself." He left the room with an airy attitude again , like he knew what he was doing.

She growled slightly after he left, "Argh." She grabbed her completed evaluation padds to turn into the Command team. Except for his, which she doesn't know how to fill out. Her un-comfortability was that she wasn't even sure how to answer any of it. She stopped for a moment, looking at his. "I'm not in the right mind to fill that out yet."

Mira was flushed and frustrated, She never had anyone do that to her. She never felt so ... She calmed down, "What's the matter with me?" She wanted to see Noxi for her doctor opinion, not as a Captain. She frowned, not quite sure. She didn't want to go running to her new friend Drew. She sighed as she left. She'll have to take over the Tactical, while they're in warp through the Wormhole, maybe that will clear her mind. Seeing others, but him.


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