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Future Talks

Posted on Sat Oct 5th, 2024 @ 7:36pm by Captain Dr. Nairut Noxi & Lieutenant JG Dija Zen

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Mission: To Boldly Go...
Location: Captain’s Ready Room

After Dija settled into her new quarters on the Deliverance, she figured it was time to meet her Captain more and have a conversation about their future together on this ship. She knew that the two species were at each other’s throats and they had bad relationships after the Occupation ended. But Dija was fortunate to not be part of the Occupation. In fact, she and her family were friends with Bajoran refugees who snuck off their home world to escape their Cardassian oppressors. Her parents took them in and kept them safe and away from the Occupation. It wasn’t easy but overall, they kept a total of 88 Bajorans in protective care.

Dija made her way to the Bridge and went to the door of the Ready Room and rang the bell. This was it. She was anxious to speak with her more and to hopefully begin building a friendship between the two.

Vila was sitting in the Ready Room, reading through the final bits of personnel files that had across her desk in the last days before departure. There was always a few stragglers; people reassigned at the last minute. She was keen to learn them all, remember their name, and ranks and so on. Even if she didn't know everything, at least the major details would go a long way.

She raised her head when the chimes rang.

"Enter," she said. She tensed again when the Cardassian appeared, but smiled. "Please, have a seat. Anything from the replicator?" She fought the urge to suggest "like justice" or something equally biting. It wasn't this woman's fault; she wouldn't have been old enough. Still, Noxi was apprehensive. "What brings you to my office today?" She asked, keeping her voice warm. There was no reason not to be. Yet.

Dija walked in and looked at the Bajoran and smiled at her. She takes a seat and looked over at her Captain and interlock her own fingers. “I’ll take a glass of Chardonnay.” She replied. She could tell in the Captain’s voice that she was not pleased for Dija to be in her presence. But it was necessary.

She sighed and looked at Nairut. “I thought we could speak and… get to know each other better. Maybe build a friendship since we are serving together on this ship.”

Vila sighed, but nodded. "We can do that," she said. "Wine, this early?" Noxi raised an eyebrow, but handed the glass over. "I harbor no ill will towards YOU," she said. "You're too young to have been at all involved," she said. "I recognize that. I think it's a good thing...perhaps we can show our people how to move past the wounds..." she trailed off. She was going to need to work hard at it, but she could do it. "I have worked with other Cardassians in the past," she said. "Was your family one of the ones who managed to flee?" She inquired. Starting at a basic understanding would help, for starters.

Dija takes the glass of wine and held it. “Well, it is syntheholic wine in this case.” She giggled and took a sip. “So I won’t fly the ship buzzed. Least with wine… it is a good drunk feeling. I adore Earth wine.”

She sipped her glass as she listened to the Captain speak. She was pleased to hear she wasn’t holding a grudge against her since she was Cardassian. She was also more pleased to hear she worked with others like her so there was no more of concern anymore.

“We did. We fled to Federation space and to an M Class planet to be away from the Occupation. Also… we took in Bajoran refugees. Kept them fed, hydrated and secure from all oppression of the Occupation. Also, my brother… is married to a Bajoran woman and they have a beautiful daughter together. I’m an Aunt of two worlds.”

Noxi smiled. "I see," she said. "I was eight when Cardassia invaded," she said. "I was twelve when we managed to escape....I am glad you didn't have to experience the war, and the aftermath. It's very...difficult," she said. "And I have heard that it was difficult for Cardassians. I want you to know that I understand that not all of you agreed with the actions of the others, and that I know that, and I have forgiven and moved past it," she said. She was ok now. She had done a lot of therapy, and helped in rebuilding Bajor, and both of those things were healing. It was an ongoing battle, but she really was good for the most part in the day-to-day.

Dija smiled with her and nodded. “Yeah. We didn’t agree what we did then. Hence… why we helped you be free. Wish that… I got to know you then and saved you from the Occupation then.” She drank more of her wine and looked on. “I am happy that you have stood strong and got to where you are today.” She was happy that things were going well between the two women and that a future on the ship was looking brighter than ever.

She stood and finished her wine and put the glass in the dispenser and looked at Vila. “Ummm. If you are fine with it, I… would love to have more time like this with you and maybe… we can have dinner together one night.” It was a bit soon to ask the Captain to dinner but Dija felt that after recently, she wanted to continue building the relationship with her. Both on and off duty.

Noxi paused. "I don't know if I would've gone, to be honest," she said. "I knew that my place was to stay on Bajor," she said. "With my family, fighting for freedom," she said. "I did some time in the Militia, too, later," she shared. "Dinner might be nice, but not for a bit; I need to get the crew settled and such before I do that. I've never been a Captain...nor a first officer, even. It's just...a learning curve," she said.

Dija smiled when the Captain accepted her invitation for dinner. She then listened more to her and nodded. “I understand ma’am. We can get settled first.” She stood next to her and looked at her. “I respect you staying for your people. For your home world. And it should be quite interesting for you. For your command.” She looked Noxi in her eyes and was happy with how things were looking up for them.

Noxi nodded. "I hope so. Thank you," she said. "Anything else you'd like to discuss today?" She asked. She was glad it went ok. It could've gone any other way, really.

Dija looked at Nairut and bit her own lip as she wanted to ask other things to her. But those were more personal and even more… intimate. She did find the Captain attractive and thought of the possibility despite her being her superior and Dija being the Captain’s subordinate. But it was always possible and it has been done throughout Starfleet.

“Well there is but… I can save it for our dinner date.” She nodded and smiled. “I wanna say that I am grateful to be on this ship and to be serving alongside you as your pilot.”

Noxi smiled again. "Well, we're glad to have you," she said, ignoring the other part for now. "We can chat more later, my door is always open!" She said. "If you have nothing else, you're free to go!!" She said. "We'll launch tomorrow, so you'll be needed soon. Get some rest, and practice!!" She suggested.


A Short Trek by:

Capt. Dr. Nairut Noxi
Commanding Officer


Lt.JG Dija Zen
Chief Flight Officer


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