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Case of Mistaken Identity

Posted on Sat Oct 12th, 2024 @ 6:47pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrew "Drew" Chandler & Ashley Chandler & Rachel Chandler & Lieutenant JG Elysian "Elly" Clarke

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Mission: To Boldly Go...
Location: Ship's Mess

Drew gestured to the mess hall door as they arrived for a short respite from running their individual experiments in the science labs on Deck 3. Starfleet Academy had trained him to be an officer, but his father had trained him to be a gentleman long before that. "After you Miss Clarke."

Today was WEIRD. First, she was left alone in the Labs on her FIRST DAY at work, and now she was having a lunch with a MAN who was not related to her. Since it was not a date, though, she was not going to tell Andy. OH GOD. She'd just realized that her twin brother and this man had the same name. More WEEIIRRD. Still. She simply nodded. "Thank you," she said, stepping into the mess hall. She grabbed a tray. "I generally like the food lines versus the replimats," she said. "But feel free, and we can just meet at that table?" She pointed to one nearby.

Drew grabbed a tray and fell into the line at the buffet with Elly. "Truth be told. I prefer cooked meals to replicator meals myself." He looked at the array of prepared dishes and opted for a few of the Asian dishes; fried rice with soy sauce, pepper steak with chunks of green peppers and onions, a generous spoonful of butter shrimp, and finally two crab rangoon. "I actually had a small kitchenette installed in my quarters back on Deep Space Nine."

“Oh! Nice,” Elly replied. She decided on the pasta for her lunch, plus a roll and some salad. It was healthy but still delicious. “The junior officer quarters don’t have a kitchenette here,” she said. “My brother Andy’s ship does, though,” she said. “BUT he’s on a battleship. The USS Endeavorance,” she said. “He’s an engineer!” She said. “He’s my twin. I’m older by six minutes,” she said.

Drew seemed to have a nostalgic expression across his face. He had enjoyed cooking for his family and passing his culinary expertise onto Ashley. He smiled as the made their way through the buffet line. "My sister is older than me by two minutes. Though technically she claims the birth date one day before me. She was born one minute before midnight while I was born one minute after." He set his tray down, and ever the gentleman he was raised to be, pulled out a chair for Elly.

Elly nodded, as they sat down. "I see," she said. "So you're also a twin!" She said. Weird. "It's weird how many there are of us in the Fleet. I've met five sets so far!" She said. And she hadn't been in that long, all told!! "Do you talk to her often?" She asked. She and Andy spoke at least every other day, if not daily, depending on work schedules. They were close, obviously, to the point that they had even, at one point in their childhood, made up a whole language and world-Twin land. "Andy and I talk regularly," she said.

A beautiful redhead entered the ship's mess and spotted Drew almost immediately having lunch with Elly. She stepped around and approached their table, placing a hand on Drew's shoulder. She glanced at Elly out of curiosity before turning back to Drew. "Surprise Drew."

Drew was indeed surprised to see Rachel standing next to him. He stood up and gave Rachel a hug before gesturing to the chair next to him. Rachel sat down. "I asked the Captain to keep my presence a surprise for you. I hope you don't mind." She turned to the curious expression returning to her face. "I'm Rachel Chandler and who would you be if I may ask."

Elly saw the woman approach. She smiled lightly. "HI! I am Elly Clarke, the Botanist on staff. THIS is Rachel? I thought Rachel was your daughter, not your wife!" She said. Sometimes, she could be a little dumb, though, so he might've said, and she'd missed it. "Why would you need to keep your husband a secret?" she asked Rachel, before picking up her fork. It had gotten a LITTLE awkward suddenly; Elly wasn't interested in Drew romantically or anything-they'd literally just met that morning-but still. It could appear...odd.

Rachel burst out laughing at Elly's comment and looked back and forth between Elly and Drew several times. "No, no, no. While I do love Drew dearly. He is my baby brother, not my husband."

Drew glanced around for a moment, most of the officers and crew went straight back to their meals after a glance from Drew. He turned to Elly. "Rachel has been helping me raise my daughter Ashley while I was stationed at Deep Space Nine. Ever since I returned to duty after losing my wife in the Breen attack on Earth six years ago."

Elly's face lit up with recognition and understanding. "AH! I got it now. My apologies!! I am a twin, too, and we've gotten that before," she said, making a face. "Andy usually tries to play along, but I can't. It's kinda..gross. I love him but not like that!" She shook her head. "I am sorry you lost your wife that must be difficult still," she said, quietly. She didn't do well with Big Feelings, but she really WAS sorry. She had managed to avoid the attacks by taking her cadet cruise during the attacks, but...not everyone had been so lucky. She'd lost friends. "If I can help somehow..." it always sounded so hollow. What could she do?

Drew gave Elly a sad, but grateful smile. He looked at his watch and his half eaten plate. He then glanced at Elly and Rachel. "Well, if you'll excuse me. I have several computer models I have to check the results on and then brief the Captain and First Officer. If you ladies will excuse me." He picked up his plate and took it to a replicator for recycling.

Rachel watched him in silence as he cleaned up after himself and departed. She turned to Elly. "Thank you Miss Clarke."

Elly nodded. "For what?" She asked, her eyes saucer-wide. "I was the one who put my foot in my mouth. I am sorry again!!" She sighed. So embarrassing!!

Rachel smiled. She didn't know Elly at all, but she did know her brother. "My brother is a good judge of character. That being said. He doesn't often socialize outside Ashley or myself unless it is to help someone or responding to someone showing him a kindness. You don't appear to be someone in need of help. So I am guessing it was the latter. So again. Thank you.'

Elly nodded once. “Ah! I see. I showed him around the Labs and helped him get coffee and just get settled there so he could… do whatever he was doing. Something about locating planets close to where we’re headed… I think.
Anyway, it was my pleasure. I am the senior scientist on duty, so. It was kind of my job, anyway. I’d do it for anyone.” She shrugged. “Did you eat yet? Join me…”

Rachel gave a hearty chuckle that turned into a bright smile. "I daresay you just made a great first impression if you showed Drew where to get coffee. I think he considers it one of the essential food groups for a productive day." Rachel glanced around. "I would join you for lunch, but I am actually meeting a couple of people for lunch. Though it appears I am early. You wouldn't mind me just sitting with you until they arrive?"

Elly shrugged. "I don't mind," she said, dipping into more of her pasta. "You can tell me about Drew. Does he often corner botanists in the Labs for no reason?" She joked. "Anyway, coffee IS a necessity on Fleet vessels," she laughed. "I have an old fashioned percolator type I found on Sol once," she said, "And my brother Andy fixed it up for me. He's an Engineer, Starfleet, too," she said, proudly. "It's so WEIRD that there's other twins here," she said. "I am usually the only one," she said.

Rachel pondered Elly's words for a moment before responding. She held a concerned expression. "You say he cornered you in the science labs. I don't understand. Did he say or do something that made you feel uncomfortable?"

Elly shook her head. "No. I was using it as a turn of phrase, sorry," she said. "He was a perfect gentleman," she said. "I just wasn't really expecting it is all; I was the senior staff on duty, and the ONLY staff on duty," she explained. "So that's all!"

Rachel, a relieved expression on her face, nodded. "Sounds more like my brother." She sighed. "I was actually a bit surprised to see him eating lunch with anyone. He...doesn't socialize much outside Ashley and I."

Elly nodded. "I don't blame him. If he's still mourning, that makes sense!" She said. "When I broke up with my boyfriend, I don't think I spoke to anyone for like a week. And they call me Motormouth. Apparently, I can never shut up," she said. "But I am glad I could help him, even for one day," she said. "It is important to have some friends outside of your family to talk to, even your twin," she said. "Andy and I are close, obviously, but he's not a woman, and sometimes I need to talk to other women. OR a different guy who isn't my BROTHER," she said.

Rachel smiled knowingly as she slowly nodded. "I know what you mean. If you ever need a friendly ear you can talk to me if you want." She extended her right hand across the table towards Elly. "Deal?"

Elly smiled. "Sure!!" She said, shaking the other woman's hand. "Deal. And same here, but in reverse!" She said.

Ashley entered the ship's mess and grabbed a chocolate shake from one of the replicators before looking around for her Aunt Rachel. She spotted Rachel sitting at a table with a younger blonde woman and walked over to join them. "Hi Aunt Rachel." She turned to Elly. "Hi there. I'm Ashley Chandler and you are...?"

Elly looked up and smiled. "I am Elly Clarke, the ship's botanist," she said. "I was having lunch with your father and your Aunt interrupted and scared him off," she said. She turned back to Ashley. "You weren't kidding-I didn't realize his kid was a teenager! No wonder he needs the help," she remarked. SHE was hard on her parents as a kid, always bringing boys around and harassing her brothers or fighting with her sisters.

Ashley looked confused for a moment, but her confusion transformed into curiosity as she sat down. She looked at Rachel and then back to the pretty Botanist. "You know my dad?" She took a deep breath. "What do you think about him? Do you like him? He's a really great guy and I have heard a lot of the teachers back on Deep Space Nine say he is really handsome. Do you think he's handsome?"

Rachel looked at her niece with a shocked expression. "That's enough Ashley." She turned to Elly. "I'm sorry. Ashley has a lot to learn about tact...and when to exercise said tact."

Elly shrugged. "It's ok, I am not great at it myself," she said. "I thought he was nice. And I suppose he's handsome, yes," she said. "But I literally met him this morning, and he's a superior officer," she said.

Ashley shrugged. "Fair enough." She decided to change the subject. "You're a scientist. Would you be able to maybe tutor me in biology? I have to do remote learning while aboard the Deliverance." She looked anxious as she added. "If you have time of course."

Elly smiled. "I can help you," she said. "Biology isn't my strongest suit, but I wasn't bad at it," she said. Elly had gotten a B in her biology courses but some that was because she was obssessed with a Trill man at the time. "Botany is adjacent to biology, so I know some stuff. You could also ask the Captain; she was a Doctor first," Elly said. "My boss is a Chemist," she finished.

Rachel looked at her watch. "I think it's time for us to get something to eat. The Executive Officer will be here soon for our tour." She turned to Elly. "It's been a pleasure meeting you Elly."

Ashley nodded. "Me too and thanks for agreeing to tutor me."

Elly just nodded. "You're welcome!! See you ladies later!!" She said, standing up to return her things to the recycler. "Enjoy your tour. The XO? Fancy, You must be someone IMPORTANT," she said, walking off then to return to work.

A Short Trek by
LtJG Elly Clarke
USS Deliverance


LCDR Andrew Chandler
USS Deliverance, Chief Strategic Operations Officer


Rachel Chandler
USS Deliverance, FNS Correspondent


Ashley Chandler
USS Deliverance, Family Member (dependent)


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