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Introduction of the Chief of Security

Posted on Sat Aug 19th, 2023 @ 8:09pm by Captain Aaron Larson & Commander Gabriel Stewart & Lieutenant Commander Mira Napier

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Deliverance

Mira Napier entered the Ship after much of the construction was finished. She knew they had the Security aspect to do and that she was required to meet up with the head of Security as well as the Command team. She looked at her padd as she noted the location of the meeting. She glanced up after she entered the ship and she looked at one of the Panels for direction to where she needed to go. She left that area heading to the turbolift towards her destination.

After a bit, she arrived at the location and she gave a nod to them, "Lieutenant Commander Mira Napier at your service." She glanced to the others in the room.

Larson looked at the new comer as she walked into the room. "Welcome aboard, commander. Glad to have you here."

Stewart studied the Lieutenant for what seemed to be a rather long moment, then, with his usual eloquent brevity, gave an upward nod of approval. "Welcome." He then turned and looked at Larson for a moment, as if to imply his satisfaction with the Lieutenant, and smiled ever so slightly.

Larson leaned forward in his chair. "This is an informal gathering. Once the remainder of our crew arrive, we will do the formal greetings." He sipped from his glass. "Once we leave spacedock, we'll set a course for Deep Space Nine where the rest of our greet are waiting. We'll use the trip as an opportunity to test our weapons, which I guess will make the tactical officer happy, as well as the cloaking device. From DS9, we will head to the Breen border, where a series of probes have gone silent. Our mission is to make sure the Breen are abiding by the treaty." Larson looked around the table. "Any questions?"

"None from here." Napier said, "Though, my first objective was hopefully get all of the security settings corrected to make sure all have the proper access and all that don't have the proper..." She hesitated for a second to find the right words, "Well, that the others don't have access to without Authorization."

Gabriel looked at Larson and replied, "None." The then looked at the Commander as the Captain spoke.

"Commander," looking at Napier, "you are in charge of security. I expect you to get your department up and running as soon as possible."

Gabriel, still looking at Napier, nodded and said "Agreed."

Napier gave a nod to the two, "Hopefully, I won't have any problems with getting everything sorted and fixed." She gave a polite smile. "Am I dismissed?"

After receiving a nod from the two, She laid down their padds of the reports made so far. She just wanted to make sure that she had time to correct or fix anything, before the others arrived. She bid them both a thank you and left the room.


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