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We Take It One Day at a Time

Posted on Wed Nov 20th, 2024 @ 12:05am by Lieutenant JG Elysian "Elly" Clarke & Lieutenant Commander Andrew "Drew" Chandler

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Mission: To Boldly Go...
Location: Drew's Quarters
Timeline: MD-16

Drew was just pulling on his blue polo shirt when the door chime rang. He took a quick look at himself in the mirror. Blue polo shirt, matching colored slacks and black, dressy (yet comfortable) shoes. He stepped out of the sleeping chamber and crossed to the door. He opened. "Sorry for the wait, I was just putting on my...." He stopped short as he looked at the lovely woman at his door.

Elly had arrived just on time. She was dressed casually but nicely, in a sundress and sandals, but wore a denim jacket with it to make it less fussy. She had washed her hair, and clipped her bangs back with a cute clippy. She wore a little makeup and some jewelry. She smiled. "HI!" she said. "It's ok. I am just a minute early," she said. "Can I come in?" She asked. She didn't wait, though, she just let herself inside. "You look great," she said. She smiled. She looked around. She'd been there before, of course, helping Ashley, but it was different today.

Drew resumed breathing after a moment. Though he felt something still stirring inside. "Uh, please sit. Would you like a cup of coffee? It's freshly brewed." He stepped over to the coffee pot and pulled a mug from a cabinet.

Elly laughed. "Sure," she said. Of course it was freshly brewed, that's why they were HERE. "Thank you."

Drew pulled a second mug from the cabinet and poured coffee into both. He glanced at Elly and couldn't help but smile. 'God, she is everything', he thought. "Do you need cream or sugar? If so, any particular flavor on the cream?"

Elly was lost in her own thoughts. She shook her head. "No, I take mine black," she said. "And hot." She blushed a little, but luckily she didn't embarrass herself by adding "like men!" to the end. "Thanks again. So, was Ashley asking you a lot of questions or did she leave you alone? She's funny. I like that," she said. "It'll be fun getting to know her some more," Elly continued. A bit awkward, sure, if something happened with Drew that was more serious than just coffee. "Say, do you need help getting the kitchen set up? I am good at organizing," she said. It was true. She liked order and neatness.

Drew was about to say no, the stove/oven, preparation counter and double sink were already more or less in place. It was just a matter of unpacking them, perform the hookups for power and water and slide the last few inches into place along the wall. He smiled affectionately. "That would be great, but you will to let me repay you. Say a home cooked meal of all your favorite dishes prepared by me." He handed Elly her mug and took a seat next to her on the couch. "I haven't had a chance to talk with Ashley...or Rachel for that matter. I actually wanted to speak with you first."

Elly smiled. "Well, it's actually to repay YOU, but that sounds like a fair trade," she said. She sighed lightly. "Is something wrong?" She asked. She hoped not. Maybe she'd talked in her sleep, and said something weird or embarrassing or professed her love or something. She set the mug down and settled in to listen.

Drew took a long pull on his coffee as he thought about Elly. "I don't want to overwhelm you, but I am falling for you. I'm feeling things that I ... haven't felt in a long time, a very long time. I don't want rush into anything though. I just want ... need to take time to make sure that whatever there is between us is a good thing for both of us and Ashley too. Maybe I'm reading things wrong. It wouldn't be...."

She couldn't help herself. She leaned in and kissed him, silencing him. She kissed him awhile, though she wasn't sure how long it was, and only broke it off when she realized she was holding her breath and would pass out. ", too," she said. Good one, Elly. She tried again, having now caught her breath again. "I think that would be a good idea myself," she said. "That day, down in the lab...I knew then but I didn't dare hope..." she said, then trailed off before she said something that would be very embarrassing. "Anyway. If it's not too weird. We DO work together, kind of, and I tutor Ashley, and all," she said. "Though I get the suspicion that she'd be pleased," Elly said.

Drew gave a wry smile. "Something tells me she has been manipulating both of us. I have to admit. It didn't take much to persuade me to want to spend more time with you though. The first time I saw you I thought you were incredibly beautiful and increasingly so each time thereafter."

Elly laughed. "Yeah, she is," she said. "BUT I think she means it from a good place, and not in a bad way. She loves you and doesn't want you to be alone anymore. I think I would do the same for my father if I were her," she said. Elly had figured it out pretty quickly during the Halloween party, but didn't want to be presumptuous. "And thanks. I thought you were pretty hot, quite frankly, but you DID outrank me, so I wasn't about to say anything and catch some charge," she said. Zero filter again, Elly, she told herself. "But I guess that doesn't really matter now..." she said, with a shrug. She reached over for her coffee. What now?! "So will it work, anyway? I mean...are we going to wait and see if this works before you tell Ashley, or?"

Drew's thoughtful expression lasted for a moment. "I have always been honest with both Ashley and Rachel over the years. Granted this is the first time that either one has successfully played matchmaker, but honestly that's mostly due to you. I like the way you speak your mind. It's a rare thing to find someone who is candid like you are." He paused for a moment. "I don't want to be presumptuous, but would you mind if we spent the day together?"

Elly smiled into her mug. "I don't mind. And I don't really know how to be anything else. I always just...acted like myself. I find it boring when people put on airs or something. Of course, there's a time to be mature and professional, I don't mean THAT, I just mean that I don't like, say, when girls pretend to be dumb, for example. I can't do that. I would get so annoyed with myself," she said. "Anyway. I'll stop talking now. Let's get started," she said, getting up. "Where's your stuff?" She asked. "Also, I don't care if you tell your sister or Ashley. I will probably tell Andy soon," she said. "I tell him everything. Well. MOST things," she said.

"Well, I was figuring we would both talk to them at lunch." Drew gave Elly a warm rm smile. "I originally had lunch plans with them. I think we should...define what our relationship is before we meet up with them. If you feel it's too soon to do so then we could shelve any conversation until later."

Elly smiled. "No, it's fine, I am ok with that," she said. She hated these "what are we?" conversations, though. She was always he one reading FARRRR too much into it too fast. Still. They had just said..."I think we just tell them the truth. That we both like each other, and want to see where this goes," she said. "IF we have to put a label on it, I guess boy/girlfriend for now," she said. "And we can revisit anything more when some more time has passed." And when he came to his senses and inevitably dumped her, like her ex had, when he figured out that most women were classy, and didn't talk too much, and...she made herself stop. "IF that's ok with you," she said.

Drew was not a Counselor, but his years of experience in analysis of intelligence data and reading nonverbal cues. He took Elly's hand in his. "You don't need to worry about me. I'm not going to break your heart. If anything. You'll break mine. That being said." He set down his coffee cup, took hers and placed it down on the coffee table next to his and KISSED her, long, hard and very passionately.

She laughed. "I am not worried," she said. "And I never would. Not on purpose," she said. She closed her eyes during his kiss, feeling her breath catch in her throat. Again. She didn't want to stop but she did pull away long enough to catch her breath. "Especially if you keep doing that," she murmured. She smiled wickedly then. "Where's your boxes?" She asked, stepping away from him. If they were going to eat, they'd need pots and pans and...whatever else.

Drew rose from the couch and gestured to the boxes over by the replicator. "Right there. We pretty much just have to unbox every thing, hook the stove up to the power and the sink to the water source, then just slide things against the wall."

Elly nodded, and opened a box. "Why don't you do that part?" she said. "And I will begin here. Do you have any preference?" She asked, indicating the cupboards. "Otherwise, I will put things away myself," she said. She started carefully removing things. "Are they regular replicator plates, or something fancy?" She asked, making conversation.

Drew cut open the box with the cooking unit and gestured to the cabinet next to the table. "It's my cookware, pots, pans, baking sheets, measuring cups and spoons. I have to replicate the the dinnerware as I go." He gestured around the main living space. "Space is a limiting factor. Especially if I want to get other decorations put up."

She nodded. It wasn't what she'd meant-she wanted to know if he'd gotten them at his wedding, and it was going to be a little awkward for a bit, or what. But she just nodded. "Of course. It IS pretty sparse in here," she said. "But that's generally the case with the unmarried men," she said. "I can help, if you want. Or Ashley and I can." She offered. Of course, it was better to have the girl there for the family things.

Drew paused, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. He finally nodded. "I would appreciate that. I haven't gotten around to unpacking a lot of my personal items and Ashley would love to get my quarters decorated. We could ask her at lunch."

Elly beamed. "I'd love to help!" she said. "Ok, here's the griddle pan," she said, unearthing it from the box. She had arranged the contents carefully on a shelf. "That'll be a good start," she said. "Any luck finding a toaster?" She asked, jokingly. "What WILL you make?" She asked. She stood up more, and crossed back to the table for more coffee, where she'd abandoned it after their earlier kiss. She sipped it. "Ah, cold," she said. She made a face, but then shrugged, and drained it quickly. It was still coffee, after all. "Ok, more of that," she said, crossing back over to Drew's side. "And then some more of this," she said, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him again.

Drew wrapped his arms around Elly and kissed her back. He only broke it off when he realized it was causing a rise in his blood pressure...and other things. "Okay, enough of that for the moment, otherwise it'll be Thanksgiving before we have this kitchen ready." He needed a distraction and evidently, so did she. He poured them both a fresh cup of coffee. "How about we get this done and I promise you a great dinner?"

She laughed. "Fair enough," she said. "But you ALSO owe me a good breakfast! You promised!" She said. She smiled, and then went back to the boxes, unearthing more things. Again, she stacked them carefully in the cabinets.

Drew laughed as well. "You got it." A few minutes later he had everything hooked up and ready to cook, in another twenty minutes he was putting plates on the table and pouring two glasses of orange juice. "Dig in gorgeous."

She finished with the boxes by the time that Drew was done; it wasn't a lot, and besides, she was a hard worker and her brain was constantly going. Not necessarily with the deepest of thoughts, but organization didn't really require that. She had enjoyed the quiet few minutes. It seemed almost...natural. Is this what it would be like in the future? She didn't dare to think that far ahead. A bit later, Drew presented her with a plate. "Thank you, looks good," she said. She settled in at the table. "This is...nice," she said. "I've never had anyone cook breakfast for me before as an adult except when Andy and I went home over breaks at the Academy," she said. Elly wasn't especially experienced in romance, anyway, and even if she had been, the type of men she normally chose were kind of...lame. Except Drew. So far, anyway.

"Well, I can't promise that it can be an every day thing." Drew looked at Elly. She had the most beautiful smile. More to the point, it was a genuine smile. It was a smile he wanted to see more and more of. "I would like to cook for you more often though. If that's okay?"

She nodded. "Of course it can't be everyday; we DO have to work," she said. "And of course, there's away missions and all that," she said. "But I would like it as often as we can," she said. "I don't mind cooking for you, too," she said, quickly. Not that she was much of a cook but she could manage a mean pasta if she put her mind to it.

Drew nodded too. "I would like that." He took a sip of orange juice. "Do you mind telling me about your family. You have mentioned a twin brother. I'd like to learn more.

She nodded. "Both of my parents are teachers. My mother teaches elementary school on the Colony, and my father teaches high school. My father served in the Fleet for a few years as an Enlisted medic," she said. "That's how he met my mother. HER father was in the Fleet, as an officer, and they met via his service. He joined up at seventeen; his life at home had been a bit rough. He doesn't talk about it much, but it wasn't nice. My grandfather drank a lot," she explained. "And my mother is a couple of years younger than my dad. She was fifteen when they met, but seventeen when they started to date. She said that she actually hadn't liked him at all at first; he was directly under my grandfather-he was a Fleet doctor-and she thought he was a bit...well, like me, I guess," she said. It really did explain a lot. "And so it took him a bit to win her over. But he finally did. Then they got married after my dad left the Service to go to school, and then my mom decided she wanted to teach, as well, so she went to school after my oldest brother was born. His name is Eddie," she said. "Edward, junior," she said. "And after that, my sister Katelyn was born. Then me and Andy, and then Tommy, and then our sister Samantha brings up the rear," she said. "Our house was NOISY," she said. She shook her head. There was never enough of anything-though there was no need for money, there WAS need for resources, and with six children, the Clarkes sometimes struggled. "But it was also nice. Never boring. Four of us are in Starfleet. Well, Samantha is at the Academy, but ya know. She wants to go into science, too," she said. "But probably chemistry," Elly said, making a face. "That's the WORST. It's SO boring. I don't know how they do it all day. I'd rather dig around in the dirt with my hands." She shrugged. "So that's me. What about you? Obviously you have Rachel, but anyone else? Your folks still around?" She asked, eating more of her breakfast.

Drew nodded. "My parents are still alive. Still living in the same house Rachel and I grew up in. My dad is a retired police officer and mom is one of the church elders. No other siblings though. I was bullied growing up until middle school when my dad enrolled me in martial arts and had me start a strong regimen of physical training. I lettered in track and cross country and liked gymnastics in high school. I knew I wanted to go into security when I got to the Academy. I wanted to be the one to protect others. I met Kelly in our first year and we dated from year two until graduation. We were married right after graduation and both got assigned to the USS Venture. That's where Ashley was born a year later. We had a lot to juggle serving aboard, but being aboard a Galaxy-class we had a great support system. Kelly taught at Starfleet Academy and I worked at Starfleet Command when our tour aboard the Venture ended. It was a lot easier time, being back on Earth, both of us closer to family, especially with Ashley starting primary school."

Elly smiled. "Gymnastics? Really??" She raised an eyebrow. "Well, that explains a lot, really..." she said. His flair for dramatic clothing, for one. They hadn't yet had sex, so she couldn't determine how...flexible he was, but someday. "But that's interesting!! A couple I served with at my last posting were like that. Married straight out of the academy. Their baby had been born just as I left," she said. "The Drylos. He was Betazoid and I think she was Trill," she said. "I bet it was easier, and probably nice being closer to home. I was born on Copernicus, so Earth is close-ish, but I do miss it," she said. "What was she like?" Elly asked. "Kelly, I mean," she said. She really DID want to know; she was a part of him, and she knew the woman always WOULD be and so she figured she better learn about her.

Drew was quiet for a moment as his mind drifted to Kelly. He took a deep breath and released it with a sigh. "She was...the most beautiful woman to grace my life. Warm and kind. She wouldn't hesitate to help others." He paused and allowed a smile to cross his face. "She knew exactly how to bring out the best in people. She...," he looked at Elly, "...could light up a room with her smile. She was just so full of life."

Elly smiled. "She sounds great. I am sorry you lost her, but you're lucky to have had that while you did," she said. Elly sometimes had moments where she had deep thoughts. "So...that's where Ashley gets it," she said. "Her personality, I mean...a good mix of both of you, but I see of a lot Kelly in her, too, then," she said. "If you don't want to talk about it, it's ok. It's just...she was a part of you, and always will be, and I know that, so." She bit the inside of her cheek.

Drew smiled. He often would get sad when he thought of his late wife, much like he had during lunch with Elly the morning they'd met. Today was different. Elly displayed a genuine empathy for him, but also pointed out the marvelous gift he still had...Ashley...and how much Kelly lived on through Ashley's personality. "Thank you for...reminding me of how blessed I still am. You have a way of shining a light on the good things in life. I...well.... Thank you."

Elly just nodded. "You're welcome. And you are...a lot of people would like to have a relationship like that. I know I would," she said. "And I hope it's with you, but if not...someday." She shrugged. "Anyway. What do you want to do today? We can't just eat all day...."

Drew nodded thoughtfully for a moment. "Ashley told me the two of you and a couple other people are working on converting cargo bay two into an arboretum. Any chance we could check it out?"

"Of course! When it's ready, you can. I am working with Andrake and the Captain. I could use your help, actually!! I'll need some input on more...masculine type of stuff to put in there. Leave four women in charge, and it'll be all pink flowers," she said. "Hopefully by the end of the week. We can have a picnic!!" She said. She had finished her appetizer and looked at Drew. "Can I get you something nonalcoholic from the replicator?" She asked.

Drew laughed at the all pink flowers comment. "Not sure how much help I could provide. The extent of my knowledge on
plants is restricted to what I learned in survival training."

Elly laughed. "Fair enough," she said. "So. What are your plans for today?" She asked. She hoped that a few of his hours would include her but she didn't want to assume. She settled down to finish her breakfast then.

Drew was taking a bite of food. He washed the morsal down with coffee and looked at Elly slightly nervously. "I am free all day. I was wondering if you wanted to spend some time with me. Get to know one another a bit more. What are some of your hobbies, interests and such."

Elly smiled. "Sure," she said. "I'd like that. All I was going to do was work on the Arboretum, but I don't really HAVE to do that; it's mostly done, I'm just picky about details," she said. "Well, you know I like to hike. Would Ashley like that sometime?" She asked. Maybe they could include her on one of their dates if it worked out.

Drew chuckled again. "If WE planned a hike or camping trip and didn't include her, we'd both be in trouble. Rachel is the only one who doesn't like sleeping in a tent."

Elly laughed. "I don't blame her," Elly said. "Let's do that sometime. Maybe when the Arboretum is finished!! We can "camp" there," she said, making quotes in the air with her fingers. "And there's always the holodecks," she said. "Hey. How do you feel about your sister doing the XO?" She asked, leaning in a bit. It was gossipy but Elly didn't care. She wanted to know how it felt-just in case it was ever her sister dating HER XO or something, which, given the amount of siblings she had, wasn't something that was outside the realm of possibility.

Drew thought about the question. "Well, considering she hasn't asked me for dating advice since high school. It's not really my place to say. That being said, if the XO breaks her heart, he's going to find himself in a world of hurt."

Elly laughed. “You sound like my brothers,” she said. “Fair enough,” she said. “Dream destination?” She asked, finishing her food. It was NICE to sit and talk. Drew was easy to talk to, and they shared a similar sense of humor.

"For camping?" Drew shifted his gaze from Elly to the window and gestured with his water glass. "Somewhere out there I suppose. Despite might background in security, special operations, intelligence analysis. I joined Starfleet for probably the same reason you did, to be an explorer, to see...what's out here."

"Sure, camping, or vacation, or just somewhere to GO," she said. "Mine is..well. Anywhere where I can see plants that don't exist on Earth or Copernicus," she said. "For camping, definitely Earth, the plains areas," she said. "It's gorgeous," she said. "And yes...I want to see it all. That's why I took this posting-I heard "Gamma Quadrant" and signed right up," she said. She had a feeling she was the only Botanist in the fleet who had, and hence why she'd gotten her first pick, but hey.

Drew nodded as he listened to Elly. "What about sports? Anything you like to play on the regular?"

Elly nodded. "Volleyball," she said. "I am ok at basketball. But I am generally not too good at sports; I have little hand-eye coordination. Also never give me a phaser for the same reason," she said. But oddly, she was shuttle trained. Who knew how her brain actually worked. "I like to WATCH sports sometimes, though! I like football, and baseball," she said. She had now finished her breakfast, and was getting antsy to either do something or kiss him more. Maybe tonight, she'd finally sleep with him. Even if all they did WAS sleep.

Drew chuckled a smile playing across his face. He couldn't help but imagine Elly playing a rousing game of beach volleyball in a bikini. He knew he needed to distract himself, so he gestured to her plate. "I'll clean up the dishes if you don't mind getting us fresh cups of coffee."

She nodded. "I can do that," she said, crossing the room to the coffee pot, and filling them up. "Thank you," she said. She handed him his cup, and then took hers and settled in on the couch again. "Besides feeding me all day and getting me fat, what do you have in mind?" She asked him. Maybe one of those sports he'd just brought up, or a light show in the holodeck. Laying on the couch, and napping. All of those sounded nice.

He laughed and shook his head. "How about you pick what we do today. Anything you want." He only realized what he said after he said it. 'What if she wants to...,' he thought. He looked at his coffee and picked it up to take a sip. His hands had needed something to do or they would have grabbed her...and might not have let her go.

Elly nodded, and started to think. Elly, being Elly, had missed Drew's intention, and decided that a swim in the pool, and then lunch with Rachel and Ashley, was in order. Besides, he could see her cute swimsuit, and she could check him out without being a creep about it. "How do you feel about swimming?" She asked. "The pool finally opened," she said. Elly used to do all of her PT tests in the pool at the Academy, since they wouldn't let her do them on the treadmill and she hated running. "If that's not good, perhaps a holomovie?" She suggested. Two hours in a dark room with this man?! Yes, please.

Drew didn't realize he gave her body a once over as Elly's bikini clad image popped back into his head. "I'm thinking...the pool. I should get a workout done considering I missed my run with Ashley this morning."

Elly smiled. "OK!!" she said. "Let's do it," she said. "Do you want to invite Ashley?" she asked. "I don't mind!" She said. She didn't. She liked the teenager. "Guess I should swing by my quarters on the way; I'll need to get my swimsuit and stuff," she said. She kept a bag packed for the gym, but today she might spend a minute digging around for her cute bikini instead of her Fleet-issued swimsuit for PT and such. She was cute in that, too, but her bikini was sexier, of course.

Drew was actually thankful for the suggestion that Ashley join them. It would provide him incentive to stay on his most gentlemanly behavior and not succumb to his growing primal desires for this woman and her divine beauty. "Inviting Ashley sounds like a wonderful idea."

Elly beamed. "OK, I will go use the restroom while you call her, and get ready, and then we can set out!" She said. She stood up. The coffee was going through her, and she needed a moment to calm down. She was feeling...something, and needed to clear her head a moment.


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